《Brahms Heelshire x Y/N》19


I've been running around the house screaming and thinking about what I just read in the letter.

First thing is that the Heelshire's just killed themselves after leaving me here with a doll and a house to take care of.

Second i'm supossed to take care and love they're son who is clearly already dead and replaced by a doll, who is quite creepy to say the least

and third but not least they gave me al the inheritance they had and just gave it to me, the nanny and old friend who though this would be a one time thing and not a thing that would be something for the rest of my life.

Not hearing something from them was suspicious but hearing that they died was a shocker and something I did not expect at all from them, they showed so much love to they're son, why kill yourself and leave him to me? I'm not the best with kids but that doesn't really matter since the kid in this whole thing is a doll, but still I have to follow the rules or weird shit happens, leaving seems like a no go since I have no car and to get one I have to call a cab but the wifi is real great out here, so it all just adds up to me being stuck here in this house who is now mine and a doll who I have to take care for and love..

Still sitting at the dinning table I hear the old grandpa clock upstairs going off meaning its now 12pm, ready to go make lunch.

I decided on a simple egg and toast combo, since i'm not really in the mood in making anything else and the fact I still have to keep up the nanny thing infront of a doll, so thats great.


I think knowing what happend to the Heelshire's and why they didn't return made me feel at peace, I didn't have to worry about when they would be back and what they would think of the place and how I left it, i'm still shocked don't get me wrong but I just feel better knowing this, not sure about Brahms but he seems to be taking it like a champ, when I lost my parents I broke down crying like a 6 year old in the store not getting what they want and just having a full on mental breakdown over it.

Knowing what happend to Brahms it feels different looking at him now, the sadness is in his eyes, and knowing that a 8 year old boy went through all of that makes it even more sad.

When I was 8, I was worrying about homework and how I would do on the test I had to do for my parents to inherit the business later, I wasn't thinking about playing with friends, of course sometimes I wonderd how it would be to have a friend you could talk to and play with, but that never happend so as time went on I never though about having friends that much anymore, my work was all that I and my parents though about.

Now that I think about it what am I going to do for work, I can't leave the business for to long, I have to go back and go to meetings and do much more, I can't stay in England I have to go back to New Orleans, but who will take care of the house, who will take care of Brahms if i'm not here?

Malcom maybe? No he is more scared of Brahms then I am so he won't do.. But who then I don't know anyone who can do this other then me, seeming I know Brahms better now then anyone else here.


What to do, what to do, what if I take Brahms with me to New Orleans and get a maid to take care of him? Yeah that will work!! But what about the house, I can't leave the house unsupervised, word will spread that the Heelshire's have died and buyers will come lurking for the house or worse people will try to break in and see glimpses of it or worse steal things while i'm safe in New Orleans with Brahms.. So leaving the house is also a no go... Ugh what can I do!?

Hours passed and the sun was slowly setting on the manor, winter was nearing the manor and it was surely going to be a cold one, it would be 1 more week before the first snow is supposed to fall meaning that I should have a plan on what i'm going to do with the manor and Brahms, since I may not get to leave when the snow is going to block everything off.

I've done all the things from the list today, I tried hurrying it a little bit to think more about what I was going to do and I still had some work to do, Brahms did not like it at all, the bangs on the walls made sure of that, I don't think i've ever heard so many in 1 day before.

I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop doing some work having placed Brahms in the music room upstairs with the music on full blast, but when I went to the kitchen to grab some water and I didn't hear any music I immediately grabbed a knife and slowly made my way upstairs, walking to the library, peaking my head inside I see Brahms sitting on the couch looking at the wall, following his gaze it fell upon something I didn't think I would see again...

That man from that night standing they're, with that mask resembling Brahms his porcelain face.

What the hell is he doing here?!

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