《Brahms Heelshire x Y/N》16


Once another flash of light filled the sky making me jump and come back to reality, it also made me realise the man took Brahms with him when he left, what am I supposed to say to the Heelshires when they come back from they're vacation?? That a man from the woods took Brahms and left me standing they're?? They would never believe me, shock came over me and made me sprint back to the house, thinking maybe Brahms was there.

Searching every room and ending at his to find everything empty, no doll to be found, I could already see the sad and dissapointing eyes of the Heelshires looking at me telling me how I could've lost they're son so easily to some stranger in the woods. I hit the wall with my back before slowly sliding down grabbing my knees and holding on to them crying in them, cursing myself for being so stupid.

At some point I got feeling of exhaustion hitting me like a brick wall, so slowly closing my eyes I didn't notice the man standing in the doorway watching me. As I was sleeping the man picked me up bringing me to my room, and placing me down in my bed "Everything will be alright, my lovely Y/N, nothing will happen that will make you leave me. You're mine and only mine." Kissing my head before leaving me.

*In my dream*

Standing in a white dress in a field with all kinds of different flowers surrounding me, I look up to feel the sun on my face, making me smile, looking back down I see a tree, a willow tree, but instead of the normal green color it was instead a pink color, I made my way to the tree seeing the blossoms making it a beautifull baby pink, the wind swaying the long strings making some of the blossoms come lose and blow away with the wind, I wish I could stay here in this peacefull field, there is no pain here or sadness, there was nothing here. My fantasy was cut short when I heard footsteps behind me, making me turn around to see a young boy looking at me, it wasn't any boy, it was Brahms, the young version of him, the same as he looked like as in the portrait, he looked at me with a expressionless face "Why did you let him take me?" His voice.. It was sad "I didn't want him to take you.. I.. I was just in shock I didn't know what to do!" "Well in the end he took me away from you, you promised to look after me, have I been a bad boy?" I wanted to say something back, but as I opend my mouth, Brahms instantly set on fire, giving me the most blood curdling scream i've ever heard in my life.


I wanted to do something but I was already back in reality, sweating and breathing loudly, I placed a hand on my forehead I felt it burning, did..did I catch a fever from being in the rain last night? I am still wearing the same clothes, but i'm not on the floor in Brahms his room, no, i'm in my own room in my bed. I sat up trying to stand up before dizziness took me by surprise making me instantly sit back down on my bed, taking a couple big breaths before trying again, this time being prepared I fell up agaist the wall using it as any sort of support making my way to the dresser to grab some simple clothes, continuing to make my way to the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom I placed my clothes down on the sink and turned on the bath, looking at myself in the mirror to see bags under my eyes and sweat all over my face, looking like shit, the feeling of having it warm was replaced of it being stone cold in a blink of an eye. I closed the door of the bathroom before taking of my clothes and stepping inside the bathtub, sinking in the warmth of the water, my muscles relaxing and the feeling of being sick was gone for just that moment, closing my eyes made the dizziness go away.

Once the water was starting to become cold I opend my eyes and stood up, draining the water in the tub, grabbing a towel and drying myself, putting on my clothes and looking into the mirror, feeling and looking much better, I was still wobbly but I could still manage to move around without using the walls as support.

Making my way downstairs took some time, but once I was I enterd the kitchen to see the pasta I left on the stove was still there, I really wasn't in the mood of making something so I went with the pasta, as the pasta was already mostly finished it didn't take long for me to be sitting at the table, I didn't notice I also had placed a second plate infront of me with food on it, thats when I remembered "Brahms." Standing up not caring about the headache that it made me have, I rushed up the staires to his room, opening his door to find him laying in his bed like nothing happend, Walking to his bed and sitting on it I picked him up and placed him on my lap facing me "But how? You weren't here last night when I checked." This all made me more confused then I already was and the headache wasn't helping me at all.


I changed him into some clothes trying to just go on with the routine we had going on for the last week, going back downstairs and going back to the kitchen to continue eating my food that was already turning cold, having Brahms infront of me gave me a kind of closure, it was starting to become normal for me to have him sit infront of me, he didn't do anything of course but just having his presence here, it felt good.

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