《Dark Past: Abuse- Anakin & Ahsoka》Epilogue


3rd Person POV:

"Rex, guard the door. Make sure nobody sees." Anakin ordered. They were trying to 'fix' Kina up on the detention level.

"Yes, sir." He agreed. Anakin sauntered nonchalantly into the Detention Centre, looking for a cell numbered #45349, which belonged to Kina. As he walked along the rows and rows of cells, he spotted the blonde-haired girl trying to beat up a flabbergasted Near-Duros, who looked similar to Cad Bane, but with green skin.

"That's no way to treat a prisoner, girl." He snarled icily. Immediately, the former youngling dropped the terrified Duros, who scampered into the corner. Anakin forcibly divided the cell into two halves again, then set all the screen on Opaque Mode. The walls turned into a solid matte white.

"Hello." He laughed, cracking his knuckles. "How are you?"

He landed the first punch.

Meanwhile, back at the doorway, a young Togruta with a blue cast approached the Captain. He noticed that Anakin, Obi-Wan, and most of the 501st had already signed it, and felt a bit annoyed that he hadn't yet.

"Hey, Rex!" Ahsoka greeted cheerfully. She had healed significantly in the Healing Centre. He was standing, on guard, next to the detention centre. "See Anakin?"

"Erm..." Rex scratched his head. He tried to find an excuse for where his General was, because he knew she wouldn't be happy if she figured out. "I-in the m-mess hall, sir?" He stammered.

She narrowed her eyes. "Really? Because I just checked there." She chuckled. "Try harder."

Kriff! Rex cursed, unable to find another excuse. "He's... on the detention level , sir."

Ahsoka scrunched up her face disdainfully. "Why would he be there?" She asked, mystified.

"Eee..." The clone was trying to stall as long as possible. "He's...well... talking to Kina."


"Uh- you sure he's just talking to her?" She inquired concernedly, despite the spark of mischief in her eyes.

Just then, the door to the centre opened, and out popped a merry-looking Anakin.

"Master." Ahsoka sighed, but she sounded happy. "Did you do anything to Kina?"

"We-ell," He grinned, flexing his robotic arm, "I 'fixed' her up a bit. Nothing much, I only gave her a few bruises. Besides, my trusty friend here was making sure nobody would come in." He smiled gratefully at Rex, who laughed back.

She rolled her eyes. "Let's go spar. Race ya!" She yelled.

"Oh no, you don't!" He hollered, laughing.

Anakin caught up to her just as she was about to enter the training area. "You are NOT training in your current condition." He ordered authoritatively.

"Yes I am!" She protested. "Let me go, pleeeeeeeaaaase?" She gave him puppy eyes.

"Fine," He sighed, defeated. "But don't turn the obstacle course's intensity metre higher than 'Easy', okay?"

She rushed off excitedly.

This was going to be a long road to recovery, but with support, Anakin knew she would be fine.

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