《Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader)》Chapter Seventeen


"So, that's day one done and over with. How's it feel?" Kyouka asked. She'd walked me back to my dorm after dinner, which though it wasn't difficult, as my room was only two doors away from hers, I still found sweet.

"First day of ever going to school, huh.. I'd say that it was nice." I smiled, to which Kyouka raised an eyebrow.

"Even after almost drowning?" She questioned, unbelieving.

"Eheh.. yeah?"

"Okay then." She chuckled. I shifted in place in my doorway and looked into my dorm before deciding to conclude our conversation there.

"Maybe it's time we head to sleep, then."

"Uh huh, well I wouldn't be surprised if you can't sleep now that you know you have to go back to school with all of us losers in the morning, so if you want company I'm usually awake." She teased, though I could tell that she was at least somewhat serious.

"Goodnight, Kyouka."

"Goodnight, (y/n)." She bid.

I turned and walked into my room, but before I could close the door behind me Kyouka stopped it with a hand, "Before I go, though, I do want to say," She blushed and looked away, "It was really cool talking to you like that in Recovery Girl's office today. Despite the.. circumstances that put you there. And I know that I might have hinted that I want to know more about you and your quirk, past, or relationship with Eri, but I didn't mean to pressure you. I don't need to know any of that to know that you're a person that I like spending time with, so.. don't worry about it, k?"

I stood frozen for a moment. This feeling.. of having my feelings respected like that. I'd never felt it before. Not on that level at least. In the LOV I felt like a weapon in a cage, and with Chisaki it was a similar feeling. Neither brought about much respect. Or understanding.

"Thanks." I said, letting my sincerity bleed into the simple word as much as I could possibly.

"'Course." She then turned and left for her room, and I stepped back into mine. This time, when I closed the door behind me there was no hand there stopping it, and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by this. Almost as if I wished she was always there to stop me when I said goodbye.

I chuckled to myself. Maybe I never really did want to say goodbye to her.

From that night on, the rest of the week went by pretty fast. (y/n) got more comfortable at school little by little, as well as more comfortable with our classmates. Some more than others she seemed to grow a bit closer to, but that didn't bother me much, as she still spent nearly every moment she could by my side. Not that that was that important to me or anything..

For reasons I had yet to be enlightened of, people seemed to keep from intruding when the two of us were together, anyway. Most people, that is.


"Hi, Denki." (y/n) smiled politely next to me, a skill that seemed to escape myself whenever Kaminari entered the scene, so I commended her silently. He, however, frowned a little at her politeness, and I had to hold in a small laugh.


Kaminari had persistently begged (y/n) over the past few days to call him by his first name. He'd told me that it was because whenever he saw her call me Kyouka she blushed and got a little flustered, which of course he found adorable. Unfortunately for him, once she'd finally agreed to start calling him Denki, she was nothing but casual about it and didn't lose any of her somewhat-guarded composure.

"Totally unfair." He muttered under his breath, sending me a small glare to which I grinned and shrugged in response.

"You know," I started. "You'd better tone down the Kaminari tomorrow. We'll actually be representing UA and rising heroes, and not ever is as used to whatever this," I gestured to him as a whole. "Is." Today was Thursday, meaning that tomorrow would be the first day of this whole 'community service' thing that UA was using in hopes to make our class a little less- how to put it nicely- self centered?

"'Tone down the Kaminari' she says. You know, I can't just stop being amazing like that, right (y/n)?" Kaminari quoted me dejectedly, then looked to (y/n) for validation, who had been observing the conversation silently and flinched upon hearing her name.

"U-uhm sure."

"See, she thinks I'm cool!" He exclaimed.

"She just pities you." I laughed, and then after deciding that I'd indulged him enough shoved him forward as we reached the door to our classroom and told him to bug off and go sit down. He pouted, but obliged, as he wasn't getting much from (y/n) in terms of conversation anyway, which was clearly his objective. Either that, or just to annoy me, as per usual.

"I don't pity him."

"Huh?" I looked over to see (y/n) frowning after Kaminari had left. "hmm." I hummed to myself, remembering another thing I'd learned recently about this mystery of a girl. She didn't seem to be too keen on the idea of pity. Maybe she had been pitied by many in the past? It was hard to tell, but whatever it was, I didn't want to see her frown, so I cleared up my mistake. "I know, I was just messing with him."

She nodded.

"Alright, so to re-state what we talked about Monday, tomorrow will be your first day of community service. There's a paper up on the blackboard listing each group's activity, the time you'll be expected to report to class, and the faculty member who'll be keeping a watch over you. I trust you all remember which group you belong to. If not, you can always come ask me and I will remind you," Shota laughed dryly and receded into his sleeping bag. "Just kidding, figure it out yourselves."

That seemed to be the end of his speech, so I waited until other people started getting out of their seats. Once they did, I stood up as well and walked over to the blackboard to see what was planned for group E.

The information was scrawled in Shota's messy handwriting, and looked as though it had been rushed, but I still managed to make out the words. After all, I did have a little practice, having read both the grocery lists he'd left on the fridge when I'd lived with him and Eri, and the note he'd left in my dorm when I'd first moved into the dorms. The latter had looked a little neater, I noticed, almost as if he'd spent more time on it. Or put more care into it.


"Move out of the way extras." Bakugo grumbled, shoving Kaminari to the side to get in next to me and read. I blinked, surprised by his rough actions, but a little less so after spending a week getting to know him, then went back to reading.

make note: do NOT wear your uniforms, wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty, you'll be given UA vests upon arrival

jobs/time/faculty, I guess:

Group A- trash pickup by highway/leaving @ 7:00 a.m./Cementoss

Group B- retirement home/leaving @ 7:15 a.m./Midnight

Group C- soup kitchen/leaving @ 7:30 a.m./Allmight

Group D- construction site/leaving @ 7:45 a.m./Aizawa

Group E- hospital/leaving @ 8:00 a.m./Mic

Beside me Uraraka frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. She turned to me and put on a smile.

"Nothing!" She grinned. "I was just sorta hoping we'd get construction work for.. personal reasons."

"Oh, okay." I wondered what she meant by that, but she'd already left to go back to her seat, so I didn't get the chance to ask. I looked back to the sheet.

Mic, huh. I didn't quite remember which teacher that was, as I still wasn't totally solid with everyone's names yet.

Hmm. Isn't that Shota's friend.. the one I met at the mall with Eri? And the English teacher. He's loud..

"So we're volunteering at a hospital, what kind of work is involved in that?" Kirishima wondered aloud.

"Kiri." I called to get his attention. He turned and looked around until his gaze fixed on me.

"Yeah, what's up (y/n)?"

"I've seen hospital volunteers at work before. I think they usually run errands for nurses and other things like that."

"Hm? Oh, thanks dude." He smiled at me, then looked away with a contemplative look as if thinking 'how does she know that?'. I cringed. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything?

Kyouka came up next to me with the same look, then wiped it off her face as she began to speak.

"So, Mineta in a retirement home. How do you think that'll turn out?" She joked. Or at least, I assumed it was a joke, my lack of empath skills didn't mix well with Kyouka's overall emotionless expressions. Meaning, it was difficult for me to tell when she was being serious or sarcastic, so my approach to the issue was to always assume the latter.

"Who knows. Poor old people."

She laughed. And I noticed.. that every day it seemed to me a little more beautiful..

"Hello! Are you guys ready to rock this!" Uraraka cheered as she walked into the classroom Friday morning, only to notice it was only me in there. I sat on my desk to the side, swinging my legs, only looking up when she walked in.

"Hello, Uraraka." I greeted. She wore a blue tank top and grey shorts. I looked down at my own outfit to compare, already a little self conscious. I hadn't been exactly sure what to wear when I was getting dressed this morning, so I'd ended up in just cargo pants and an oversized (f/c) t-shirt.

"Heya!" She hopped onto Kirishima's desk next to me and began swinging her legs in time with mine. I smiled at the little act.

"Why'd you want to work at the construction site?" I decided to ask. Her eyes widened a little and she tapped her index finger against her chin.

"My parents work in the industry, I was hoping to use it to prove to them that I could help out!" She grinned. I mouthed an 'oh' in understanding, then noticed our legs had begun to swing out of sync and frowned as I fixed it. She laughed and reached over to ruffle my hair,

"You're an interesting one, (y/n)."

"Hello." Me and Uraraka looked over to the source of the soft voice to see Satou standing by the door in a t-shirt and jeans.

"Hi, Satou." I waved. He waved back and then walked over to sit down on the other side of the classroom before Uraraka engaged him in our conversation and he moved to sit by us.

Kirishima and Kyouka, the last of group E, filtered in not long after. They were dressed in similar casual attire as the rest of us, Kirishima in a hoodie and worn jeans, and Kyouka in a yellow 'deep dope' tank top with a black jacket over and black pants.

"Hey y'all."


After everyone greeted each other we dove back into a conversation while we waiting for Mic. Though it hadn't been made clear on the sheet Shota'd posted, we determined as we talked that since our group started the latest, we'd also be going to latest into the afternoon.

"Is it all day? I don't really want to get back after dark-"

"HEY HEY HEYYYYYY HOW'S IT HANGING HOMIES!!" Present Mic yelled as he entered the classroom. I flinched and covered my ears.

"Alliteration at it's best." Kyouka muttered after the effects of his scream had subsided.

"Alliterwhat?" I questioned.

"Y'know, like Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore?" Kirishima clarified, somehow bringing about zero clarity.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers?" Uraraka jumped in.


"You never learned about that in school?" Satou asked.

"Well.." If this is what everyone else has been learning in school for the last fifteen years, maybe I haven't missed much after all.

"LOOK FORWARD TO EXTRA TUTORING, (y/n)!!" Mic sang, still attempting to make his presence acknowledged.

"Great.. so are we going to continue harping on (y/n)'s lack of intelligence, or are we going to go?" Kyouka asked.

"Just call me stupid," I pouted. "You don't have to make it sound fancy."

Kyouka smiled and patted me on the head, then turned to Mic for an answer.

"Yeah, yeah, we can go." He whined, frowning at our lack of enthusiasm.

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