《Her and I (Kyouka Jirou x Fem Reader)》Chapter Ten


"All the classes are keeping their same dorms as last year, except for the incoming first year classes, who will be moving into the graduated third year's dorms," Jirou explained as we approached class 2A's UA Alliance dorm building, "because we're staying in the same dorm we don't really have to 'move in' like you do, but since the majority of us brought home some belongings from our rooms we'll be unpacking some boxes as well." She paused and balanced her own box of belongings on her knee while she readjusted her grip beneath it. "Still if you need help moving your stuff in, fee free to ask me or anyone else around," Jirou tilted her head with a scowl, "Well not anyone."

I could tell that Jirou's 'anyone' was directed at a few people in particular, which caused me to wonder if there was anyone in class that she doesn't like or something. Shota had already warned me about a short student with purple hair, but he'd also said that the whole class was full of trouble makers.

I glanced to the side at Jirou, "You're not a trouble maker, though." I whispered beneath my breath. She cocked her head at me,

"Did you say something?"

I shook my head as if to rid it of worries. I'm sure everyone in the class would be perfectly nice, I shouldn't judge people before I even meet them. I decided to change the subject,

"So you've already lived in the dorms for a year?" I asked, adjusting my bag higher up on my shoulder as it's straps were starting to dig into my skin a little.

"Ah well not a full year actually. UA only started using dorms about half way into our first year after we got into a lot of trouble with villains. Actually more like after Midoriya and Bakugo got into a lot of trouble with villains, the rest of us practically just watched as they fought and monologued- hmph!" Jirou lurched forward as someone bumped into her from behind. I quickly moved to steady the box in her hands before it fell.

"Ah I'm so sorry Jirou, I didn't mean to, I just lost my footing! That was so unmanly of me." The red haired culprit jumped in front of us and bowed profusely in apology.

"Yeah yeah whatever just watch where you're going next time Kirishima." Jirou said. The boy named Kirishima halted his bows and scratched the back of his neck, grinning nervously and revealing sharp, shark like fangs,

"Anyway, I overheard a little and I don't think I've ever heard you talk this much, Jirou."

"Yeah, well, I have better company this time." Jirou teased, causing the sharp toothed boy to turn to me, acknowledging my presence with a huge, warm smile.

"Hi there, I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" He introduced himself politely, radiating kindness. I couldn't help but smile too, his easy grin was almost as infectious as Jirou's laugh, "I believe Mr. Aizawa did email our parents that we'd have a new student. That wouldn't happen to be you would it?"

I nodded and decided it would be the polite thing to introduce myself as well, "You can call me (y/n). It's uh- it's very nice to meet you um- may I call you Kiri?" I asked without thinking, afraid of mispronouncing his whole name but not thinking until too late that he might not appreciate the nickname.


"Aw yeah! I've never had a nickname before, besides Shitty Hair, but this is totally better!" He pumped his fist and grinned. I smiled in return, curious about the nickname 'Shitty Hair', but afraid to ask.

"Haha, I don't know what you're talking about Kirishima, I've always admired Bakugo's nickname game," Jirou laughed before resuming her walk to the doors of 2A's Heights Alliance dorms. I quickened my face to keep up with her and with a little chuckled Kirishima joined us.

"So, (y/n), where are you from?" Kirishima asked.

"Oh. Um. Not too far." I replied softly. Kirishima mouthed an 'oh' and didn't press any further, probably deterred by the vague answer. I felt a little guilty, he was just trying to be kind, but I didn't really feel like recounting much about my past to someone I'd just met.

Instead of asking anything else Kirishima ran up ahead to open the doors for me and Jirou. We came up on the entrance not long after him and Jirou muttered with sarcasm something about 'the great lost art of chivalry' before genuinely thanking him and passing through into the building.

"Thank you Kiri." I said, following Jirou's lead and then passing by him.

"No problem." He followed us inside, the doors shutting automatically behind him.

As soon as we were all inside we were greeted by a tall dark haired girl with impeccable posture,

"Kirishima! Jirou! It's so nice to see you! And you must be (y/n), welcome to UA." She approached me and shook my hand politely after hugging Jirou. Then she gestured to a plate atop a coffee table overflowing with sweets. "I brought some treats from home and Satou assisted me in baking some more once we got here as a sort of welcome back gift to all our classmates." She explained. I gaped at the display, never before had I seen so many sweets together like that. It looked delicious, but I was wary of taking any, afraid for some reason that they weren't meant to be eaten.

Jirou, apparently, wasn't afraid however because she smiled and went right up to grab a cookie, stuffing it in her mouth. "Thank Momo, this is totally cool of you! But it's only nine in the morning, how long have you been here? I mean this must've taken hours."

"Ah I arrived around six. I wanted to get a jumpstart on reorganizing my room and doing some light cleaning. Oh and (y/n) you may help yourself, unless of course you don't have much of a sweet tooth, not everyone does." She said, bringing me back to reality and causing me to notice that I'd kind of just been standing there staring at the spread.

"Oh, it's not that! I've just never seen this much uh- variety before? Thank you though, I-I'd love to try one." I said the last part a little quietly. Jirou presented me with two muffins, one that appeared to be chocolate and the other blueberry. Apparently I took to long deciding because Kirishima just reached over and handed me a chocolate blueberry.


"Mhmmph." He acknowledged, mouth full of a chocolate one.

"Alright we should get to unpacking, you're on my floor right?" Jirou asked. I hummed and reached into my bag to pull out the room assignment paper.

"It says floor three. The room next to someone by the name of Hagakure."


"Cool, let's head up then. Thanks again for the food, Yaomomo."

"Of course! If either of you need assistance, please ask!"

I nodded gratefully and followed Jirou to the elevator. She waited for me to get inside and then pressed the button for floor three. As we went up I repeated the names in my head. Kiri, Yaomomo, Kiri, Yaomomo. I didn't have a particularly good short term memory and I didn't want to mess anyone's names up.

The elevator dinged and we stepped out in front of two halls.

"All the girls rooms are on the right," Jirou clarified and began walking that way, "Yours should be the second to last room- yeah, here we are."

"Thank you Jirou." I smiled lightly. Her face turned a little red and she hesitated momentarily before responding,

"No need to thank me. I'm going to go put my stuff away and then I'll be back. My room's actually just down the hall if you need me."


"Oh and," She looked down bashfully at her twiddling fingers, blushing as if embarrassed, "I know school starts tomorrow and all so you might want to go to sleep early, but if you want.. we could hang out in my room after dinner and I could show you some of my music stuff. I just thought you seemed a little interested in it before and all so you don't have to, I don't really ask people to hang out in my room usually, I just um," She trailed off. Just for a moment I felt my heart flutter, it seemed like just asking this meant a lot to her.

"I'll come over! If music's something you're passionate about, I want to know all about it!" I assured her. She looked up and her eyes widened,


I nodded. I wanted to take her hands in mine to calm her down, or to emphasize my point, but the idea of touching other people still made me a little nervous. So instead I just smiled. She returned the smile, and then after a few moments headed down the hall to her room.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to my own dorm room.

As soon as I was inside I let out a little sigh, suddenly very glad I'd be with Jirou in her room tonight. The dorm wasn't exactly big, but I realized for the first time that I'd be staying in it alone. What a rollercoaster my life was. At my parents house stuck in my room, alone. With the Shie Hassaikai kept in a closet-like space, with Eri. With the LOV in a room, alone. With Shota sleeping in a bedroom, with Eri. And now alone. Again.

At least this time the door would never be locked. I'd made sure of that. And there'd be someone just next door, another down the hall.

So.. alone? Only if I told myself I was.

I sighed and dropped my box down on the floor, taking a look around.

The room was adorned plainly with basic wood paneled flooring and simple blue curtains. A decently sized bed with a comforter the same color as the curtains was pressed to one side up against the right wall, and a wood dresser and desk with a swivel chair up against the left. In one corner though was a pile of things that seemed a little out of place. I approached the pile with curiosity, leaving my small bag of belongings on the floor.

A rolled up (f/c) rug balanced on a small soft looking (f/c) couch accompanied by a set of black blackout curtains and a stack of notebooks. On top of the collection of items was a note. I picked it up and read it curiously.

I've always found these rooms far too plain, it's not much but here's a few extra things to make it a little less so. Also some notebooks you'll need for school, there are pens and pencils in the top desk drawer. Oh and I know you've been trying to hide it, but it's pretty clear you find it hard to sleep in the room at my place, probably because the window lets in a lot of moonlight, hence the blackout curtains. See you tmwr kid, good luck- Shota

I smiled, my heart warmed by such a sweet gesture from a man typically trying to appear so cold. His façade hadn't been hard to see through for me, but I still hadn't expected something as boldly caring as this. No one had ever done for me anything as kind as even one of the multitude of help and gestures he'd offered in such a short period of knowing me.

I may have actually had a father at some point, but I supposed Shota was much closer to fulfilling the actual role. Not that I'd ever tell him that though, I figured he wasn't ready for the kind of responsibility that he would assume came with that knowledge. Besides, now that he was my teacher he'd probably be doing his best to treat me more like all of his other students.

I folded and put the few clothes that I'd brought away in the dresser drawers, made my bed with the cozy blanket and pillow I'd packed, rolled out the (f/patter) rug, and placed the notebooks on the desk. All that was left was moving the couch, which I'd determined was more of a two person job, and putting up the blackout curtains, which I was just barely too short to accomplish. I'd also need to put my toothbrush and toothpaste in the baths, but I wasn't sure where they were just yet.

I sat on the floor and contemplated going down to ask Yaomomo for help. She'd know her way around, seemed strong, and was pretty tall as well. I was about to get up and go downstairs to ask her when suddenly I heard a voice in front of me.


"Eep!" I exclaimed, both surprised by the intruder and a little terrified at first of the fact that they had no face.. or body.

"I'm Hagakure! My dorms right next to yours! I'm already settled in and as soon as I heard that you were already here I decided to come get a look at the new classmate, finally another girl!" The floating clothing exclaimed. She pumped her fist in the air with enthusiasm, I, um, I think.. based on the movement of her sleeve at least.

"Oh, It's nice to meet you Hagakure. I'm (y/n)."

She began talking, but I only half listened, already returning to repeating names in my head. Kiri, Yaomomo, Hagakure. Kiri, Yaomomo, Hagakure. I'd only met three new people so far and it was already exhausting. Jirou'd said that their class had twenty people. This was going to be a tiring day.

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