《Oh darn it! I fell into an anime world》Chapter 21



I was sitting at my dinner table, my hand covering my mouth and staring at the table. I can't believe what I did. I sighed, wiping my tears away and sniffled, looking at a picture of Nayani. What did I do you to make you run away. It's almost a year now and still nothing. I cried, laying my head on the table. "After 10 months they still hadn't found these four girls". The news said, making me look at it. "No sightings or evidence has been found of the missing girls. Where have they gone. Where did they go. It's like they disappeared in a snap like magic. If anyone has found these missing girls please report it to the authorities. I'm diamond and this is your nbc news". I screamed, throwing a cup at the tv, making it crack. I cried, falling to the floor. They think they can just put anything on tv just like that. I kept crying, whining.

Daniel POV

I sighed, typing something into my computer until these FBI men came in. "Daniel Luke. My name is John cap. I'll be taking the investigation of the missing girls". he said, to my confusion. "But we were strictly ordered to do it on our own". I said. He placed a paper that showed permission from the government that he could. "Well the government said I can". He said. I breathed nervously, seeing him walk past me and already started investigating on where nayani is. I stared at him. Where did this girl go.

Nayani POV

I groaned, waking up, seeing a blur. Once it was clear I saw everyone staring at me. I groaned. "Nayani. You all right". Diana asked. I groaned. "What the fuck happened". I asked, holding my head, feeling Kozuke cuddle up to me. "Doctor said it was probably from using too much magic". He said. I hummed to sit up but feeling more pain so I was about to fall but Katsu caught. "Nayani. You need to calm down". Caxandra said. I groaned, standing up and sitting back down. I sighed, taking deep breathes. "Careful. You'll get yourself hurt". I heard an old lady said. I looked up and saw her come in with these things. "You really past out huh". She asked, feeling Kozuke rub my back. "Ya...I guess". I whispered. She laid out some chocolate for me. "Magic healing chocolate will help you". She said. I grabbed it, taking a bite out of it and was surprised it was pretty good and not nasty and sour. Kozuke felt my head. I closed my eyes, feeling pretty light. "Awww. Baby you look like your catching a fever". He said, feeling my cheeks. I hummed, stilling chewing the chocolate. The lady sighed, looking at her clipboard. "I suggest you skip one day of the games. Hey well". She said. I looked at her, confused. "One day". I asked. She nodded. I sighed, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "Alright". I whispered. "And make shier you get some food in your system. It'll help you". She said. I hummed and kept eating the chocolate. She then took out a basket full of sweets and cheery blossoms, to my confusion. "Someone wanted me to give you this". She said. I looked at the basket. I grabbed the card and read what it said. All it said was get well soon. I sighed, staring at it confused. The lady then left, making me sigh. "I'm sorry guys. I really didn't know what was gonna happen". I said. Ana sighed. "It's fine. It happens". She said. "Well not in our world you fucking dumbass". Caxandra said. I sighed, resting my head on Kozuke while wrapping my legs around him and cuddling with him. He kissed my head, cuddling with me back. "Ew. Lovely dovey". She said, making me roll my eyes. I gasped, sitting up. "Wait. There's like four more competitions we have to compete". I said, about to get off from the bed but felt like I was going to throw up. They gasped. "NO NO NO NO NO". They said. I groaned, going back to cuddling with Kozuke. "Just rest okay. You should keep eating that chocolate that the doctor gave you". Caxandra said. I smiled, nodding. "Alright". I said, going back to sleep. They all left except Kozuke. I sighed, not wanting him to leave and let him stay by my side. I went into a deep slumber, not thinking about anything else.


(Time skip)

I yawned, waking up, feeling better. I looked up and saw Kozuke sleeping. I smiled, staring at him. I moved some piece of hair out of his face. I sighed until..I had a vision.


I was a baby girl, playing around in the grass until I saw the really young Kozuke run up to me. He was probably like 5 or something like that. I giggled, holding my arms out to him. He laughed, hugging me and kissing my cheek.I laughed, hugging his face with my arms. "I love you Nayani".


My eyes went wide. I cupped his cheeks. Why do I feel like we know each other. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I stared at him and smiled back. "Good morning". I whispered. He cupped my cheek. "Morning". He whispered. I smiled, staring at him. His eyes..his red gorgeous eyes..am I..maybe i'm..could I be. In love. His face went close to mines. I grinned a bit, smashing my lips against his. Fora while it was a slow passionate kiss but then it started growing hot. I moaned, going on his lap and deepening the kiss. He deepened it harder, not missing a spot. I moaned, ripping his shirt off while he ripped my pants off. I slammed him to the wall and bit his lip but not hard. "Stop being greedy love. That's my job". He said. I laughed, falling on the bed. He started sucking on my neck while playing with my women hood, making me moan. "Yes. Yes that's it baby. Hit that spot". I moaned out. He groaned, pumping even harder.

Caxandra POV

I looked to the side, confused. "You heard that". I asked Diana. She looked at me, confused. "Heard what". She asked. I sighed. "Thought I heard something". I said and went back to watching the games.

Nayani POV

I gasped, going on top of him and already thrusting in him. I moaned, arching my back while he held my hips, helping me smash into him. I moaned, thrusting with hard speed. He groaned, enjoying my powerful hits. "YES. THAT'S IT. HARDER. HARDER BABY". he yelled. I bit my lip. "I'M GONNA FUCK YOU SO HARD YOUR GONNA MAKE ME UNCONSCIOUS". I yelled. He growled, holding my waist. "Oh baby I will make you unconscious". He said, pushing in deeper, making me scream out a moan.


Caxandra POV

I looked at the door, shocked. "DID YOU NOT HERE THAT". I yelled, almost standing up. Diana looked at me, confused. "HEAR WHAT". She asked. "Caxandra you need to chill". Ana said. I growled, looking back at the arena.

Nayani POV

I clenched the blankets, feeling Kozuke thrust into my ass. I moaned, each time he pumped into me, which was a bunch of times. I moaned, feeling him grab my pussy. I giggled, biting my lip and moaning more. "You bad boy". I moaned out. He laughed, sitting me up. I gasped, holding his cheek and making out with him.

Caxandra POV

I sighed, getting up. "Imma get water". I said and left. I sighed, passing where Nayani was sleeping at until..I heard moaning. I stopped, walking back and put my ear threw the window. "UGH. KOZUKE BABY. RIGHT THERE. HIT THAT SPOT BABY". Nayani yelled. I gasped, opening the door immediately. I gasped, almost fainting at the sight. Kozuke was on top of Nayani, already banging her. "NAYANI". I yelled. They stopped immediately and looking at me. I looked around the room, shocked. It looked like a bear came in here and mess the whole place up. What kind of sex were they doing. Nayani giggled bit, grinning nervously at me. "..yoga lessons". She asked, nervously. Kozuke chuckled, grinning nervously. I growled, feeling fire appear behind me. "GET OFF OF HER RIGHT NOW".

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