《Oh darn it! I fell into an anime world》Chapter 17


Kozuke POV

We made it to the world of fairy tail. I sighed, looking around. I smiled, feeling her near. I sighed in relief and smiled, about to walk until I felt someone near. I looked around. I took out my bow n arrow and shot the person but I missed. I gasped, seeing my idiots brothers. "You dumbasses. I could've killed you". I said. They sighed, coming towards us. "You could've sensed us you idiot". Ryusaki said. I rolled my eyes, putting my arrow away. "Why are you guys here". I asked. They sighed. "We're here for Nayani". Katsu said. I sighed, rolling my eyes. "Go back home. I'm only here for Nayani. No one else". I said. Katsu growled, grabbing my collar and glaring at me. "LISTEN YOU ASS. WE LOVE HER AS MUCH AS YOU DO AND IF YOU EVEN SO DARE KEEP HER AWAY FROM US SO HELP ME I WILL MAKE TOUR LIFE MISERABLE". He said. I glared at him. "..that took guts". I whispered. He glared at me. He sighed, pushing him off me. "Fine...but if you try to make a move on her you're dead". I said and walked with them to find Nayani. I sighed, feeling her near.

Nayani POV

I snored, cuddling up to my babies until Caxandra threw a pillow at me. "Wake up assholes". She said. I groaned, pulling the covers over me and my babies. "Wake me up until it's time for my funeral". I said. She used her magic to float me up. I sighed. "Okay. Okay. I'm up. I'm up". I said. The she dropped my to the floor. I groaned, rubbing my ass. My children got up and yawned, but still kept sleeping. I started getting change and sighed. "Alright. So. We go in. Join. Go on a mission and defeat a guy so we can move on to the next anime". I said. They nodded in approval. I sighed, holding my children up to my shoulder. They made a noise held on to me. We left the motel and looked around. I sighed, feeling something..strange. I looked around but saw nothing. I shook it off and kept walking. Ana groaned. "I want something to eat". She said, whining. "Well we got no damn money so we can't get anything to eat". She said. Then..I felt something weird again so I looked around, curious. Then I saw a stranger come over to us so I grabbed his arms and twisted him. He gasped, falling in the ground. I was about to blast him but He pinned me t the ground. "Don't hurt me. I'm not gonna hurt you". He said, to my confusion. My friends, gasped, coming over to us. "What the hell". Caxandra said. We got up. He pulled his hood off with his friends. I stared at them. They looked..familiar. "Who the hell are you guys". Caxandra asked. The dude with the white hair sighed. "Were part of the games. Were here to help you guys out with the anime". He said, to my surprise. "SO you know about the anime games". Diana asked. They nodded. "Were here to help you get threw this". The red hair guy said. I crossed my arms, staring at them. "What makes us wanna trust you". Caxandra askedHe said. The dude with black hair sighed. "If we were gonna hurt you we would of done it now". He said. I stared at them. "There something abut them that makes me wanna trust them. "I don't believe it". Caxandra said, thinking. I shrugged. "I trust them". I said, to there shock. "What". They asked. I smiled. "They might know more about anime than we do". I said. They smiled at me. Caxandra cleared her throat. "Nayani. A word". She said, walking somewhere. She glared at me. "What the hell is wrong with you". She said. I sighed. "We can't just randomly bring these guys in our gang. I know they say there part of the games but we can't just let them in". She said. I sighed, looking at the men. "I know but..I feel like..like I know them..and that I should trust them". I said. She sighed. "Listen. We can't trust anyone here. Let's say good bye and keep trying to find the fairy tail guild". She said. I sighed, forgetting about my dragons. "...fine". I said, picking up my children. We walked back. Right when Caxandra was going to tell them to leave I jumped in and grinned. "Welcome to the family". I said and cheered. Caxandra looked at me, shocked. They cheered. I giggled, shaking there hands. "I'm nayani. And these are my friends Caxandra, Diana and Ana". I said. Diana and Ana smiled at them while Caxandra glared at him. I smiled at them. "So. What are your guys name". I asked. The red head grinned at me. "My names Kozuke and these are my brothers Katsu and Ryusaki". He said. I grinned and looked at there bodies. "Wow. You guys are pretty hot. Have any girl friends". I asked. Caxandra cleared her throat, glaring at me. I rolled my eyes. "Sorry. Sorry". I said and grinned at them. "So. If you guys are here to help us then can you help us find the fairy tail guild. Our plan is to join it, go on a mission and move on to the next anime". I said. Katsu looked confused. "Umm..fairy tail an hour away". He said. Ana looked around. "Then what the hell is this place". She asked. I groaned grabbing my kids. "Let's start walking". I said. We groaned, following the guys to the fairy tail guild.


(Time skip)

I gasped, falling on the ground, my kids trying to hold me up. I groaned. "Are we almost there". I asked. Ryusaki grinned, holding me up. "Yup". He said. I gasped, seeing the building. I Cheered. "Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Guys. We're actually here". I cheered out. I ran inside, the guys behind me. I saw people getting drunk and people fighting eachother. I giggled, jumping up and down. "I'm so excited". I said. Caxandra sighed. "Nayani. Calm the hell down". She said. I glared at her. "Don't tell me to calm down women". I said. She glared at me while crossing her arms. "Excuse me". She asked. I looked away. "Nothing ma'am". I said. Kozuke chuckled, hugging my waist from behind. "Isn't this great. We're gonna be in the same guild together". He said, excitedly. I giggled. Caxandra then came in between us and glared at him. Right when she was about to say something makarov came towards us. "Shall we help you guys with anything". He asked. I grinned, about to say something until Ryusaki came and hugged me for some reason. Diana walked forward. "We're here to join the guild because we have special magic powers". She said. Caxandra smirked at me. "Well..some of us". She said. I glared at her. "Dracarys". I said, making my children blow fire at her. She froze, all burned up. I giggled, high fiving my little children. They Grinned, making noises and moving around. Katsu for some reason pushed Ryusaki away and hugged me to my confusion. makarov smiled at me. "So I see your the mother of dragons". He said. I smiled. "Yes. I teach them everything". I said, ignoring the fact that the guys were wrestling each other. He chuckled. "I see. But you do have magic powers". He said. I nodded. "Yes but I don't really use it often. Mostly my children would fight for me..they can get a little to carried away". I said. They grinned, rubbing there face against mine. I giggled, doing the same. makarov smiled. "Such a wonderful mother. Well. First. We all must test you in order to join the guild". He said. I groaned, looking st the girls. I can't even use my powers. I can't even control it. Everyone walked outside. I was fighting Lucy while Caxandra was fighting Ezra. Diana was fighting juvia and Ana was fighting mirajane. Kozuke was fighting gajeel while Ryusaki was fighting natsu and Katsu was fighting grey. My children got ready, growling. "Ready..go". makarov said. My children roared, flying towards Lucy. She summoned her spirits. I smirked. "Dracarys". I yelled, making them blow fire at them. It did nothing so they tried making them drop to the ground but it prevented them. I smirked. They took in a deep breath and blew at them, making them disappear. I cheered. Lucy grinned. "How about this". She said, summoning Aquarius. She glared at me. I smirked. "Water vs fire huh". I asked, looking up at one of them. They smirked, flying over to her and making her turn into ice, to Lucy shock. I smirked, high giving my baby. "Good girl". I said. She made a noise and rubbed her face against me. I giggled. I didn't notice but everyone was done so they were looking at us. Lucy smirked. "Alright then sweet heart". She said, appearing Gemini. She started doing her stupid urano spell when all those planets come around when she was at the grand magic games. I smiled, seeing my children, come fly over to me and start glowing, seeing everything turn galaxy dark to everyone's surprise. To my surprise I smiled at her. "Nice try". I whispered. My dragons roared, seeing ourselves glow and make her pass out. I gasped, falling in the ground, a little tired. The guys ran over to me and helped me up. I sighed, catching myself and grinned at them. "Did we make it in". I asked. Kozuke grinned. "Yes we did". He said. I laughed a bit. "Awesome". I said and past out and dreamed about dragons.

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