《Oh darn it! I fell into an anime world》Chapter 16


Ryusaki POV

I went in my castle and sighed, putting my things down. I went to the kitchen and grabbed some water and dranked it. Once I finished I sighed, staring at the table. I haven't found her, it's been years now and yet she's still gone. It's probably not in the anime world any more. I stared at her picture. I picked it up and stared at her. I sighed and rubbed my hair. Then a solider came in and started talking to the other solider next to him. "Have you heard about King Kozuke. They said they found his "true love" back in the universe". They said to my shock. Nayani. "Oh that Nayani girl that he was always cling to. I heard she was raised in another world of boring humans. Nothing really special there". They said. I grabbed one of there collars and glared at him. "Where is she". I asked. They looked at me, shocked. "He said she was going to the fairy tail anime next". He said, to my shock. "She's in the games". I whispered. I rushed to my things and picked it up and rushed to the fairy tail world.

Katsu POV

I was in my room, on my bed, sitting on the bed and staring at a picture of Nayani. I sniffled, wiping my tears away until Ryusaki came in. "Hey. Dead ass. Come on. We're leaving". He said. I stared at him, confused since he knows I never want to be disturbed. "Don't you see I'm trying to be lonely here". I asked. He threw a bag over to me. "Kozuke found Nayani. She's in the anime games. Her next stop is fairy tail and we need to go get her before Kozuke does". He said to my shocked. She..she's back. After all these years. I immediately grabbed my bag and rushed out of the room with him. She's finally back..after all these years...


Nayani POV

We were falling once again. I read a random book I randomly had and flipped the page while reading. "ARE YOU FUCKING READING RIGHT NOW". Caxandra asked. I hummed, flipping the page. Once we made it to this world I landed on my feet surprisingly and sighed. Caxandra, Diana, and Ana groaned. I threw the book to the side and looked around. "..wait..where are we". I whispered, looking down at myself and gasped. Oh..my fucking god. "...CAXANDRA". I yelled. She groaned. "What". She asked, getting up. I held my huge breast. "We're in fucking fairy tail. Look how big these are". I said, letting go of them making them jiggle. They gasped. "What the hell are those". She asked. I giggled, shaking them around. Caxandra stopped me. "Don't do that you dumbass". She said. I sighed, seeing there chest really flat. I laughed. "Shut up", Ana yelled. I giggled, cracking my knuckles. "Alright. If we're in the fairy tail anime then maybe we have special abilities". I said. Ana sighed, looking at Diana. "I don't know Umm Fire dragon slayer secret art blast". Ana said and blasted Diana across the field. We gasped. "Holy shit. Diana. Are you okay". Ana asked. Diana groaned. "why is it always me". She said, getting up. She sighed. "Okay. Umm. Water dragon slayer secret art blast". She said, blasting a tree. We gasped and cheered as if we were geeks because I mean we were. "Okay. Okay. Caxandra. Your turn". I said. She looked confused as hell. I sighed. "Try gravity". I said. She used it on a rock, making it fall on the ground. We cheered, so excited that we have magical powers. "Alright Nayani. Your turn". She said. I giggled. "Alright. Dark dragon slayer secret art BLAST". I said but...nothing happened. Then..something tugged on my pants. I looked down and saw these cute little 5 dragons. They grinned at me while raising there tail. I gasped and grinned. "Aww. Aren't you the cutest things in the world". I said. One of them jumped up and down while the others grinned at me cutely. Caxandra laughed. "Nayani. I don't think you have a magic power". She said. I looked at her, shocked. "Wha-". I asked. "You know how in game of thrones Daenerys is the mother of dragons...I think that's what you are". Diana said. I whined. "Then I don't have a super power". I asked. Ana grinned. "You probably do and still need to try to figure it out". She said. I groaned. "But I wanna know it now". I said. The dragons rubbed there head against me. I giggled, hugging them. "Well you guys are cute". I said. They made cute noises and rubbed there heads against my chin and cheeks. I giggled. Caxandra laughed. "Your weak as fuck". She said. Me and my dragons glared at her. "Dracarys". I said, making them blow fire at her. She groaned, burned everywhere. I smiled in approval and petted my babies. "Good dragons". I said. They grinned at me. I giggled. "Alright so what do we do first". Diana said. I looked around. "Are we in a guild". Ana asked. I checked for any markings on my skin. "...no". I said, still checking. My dragons looked with me. Caxandra sighed. "Then are we gonna have to find our own damn guild". Caxandra asked. I sighed. "I think so. In order to move to the next level we need to find a guild to be in". I said. Ana gasped, jumping up and down. "We should join fairy tail". She said. I sighed. "Ya but I still don't know what my power is". I said. "You have dragons on your side. If you teach them then your special". Diana said. I sighed, about to leave until something came out of my hands. I gasped, seeing it blast a tree that disappeared into sparkles. We all froze. "...what kind of power is that". Caxandra asked. I held my babies close to my chest. "That I'm not shier but that is some crazy power". I whispered, still holding my babies. Then we left to the guild. I sighed, hiding my kids in my cape and kept walking.


(Time skip)

We couldn't find this stupid guild so we were staying at a motel. I sighed, cuddling up to my babies. I rubbed there heads, staring at the ground.

...will I ever see my mom ever again...

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