《Oh darn it! I fell into an anime world》Chapter 12


Unknown POV

Me and my men traveled to the world of black butler. I looked around. God. Why did people fantasize about this anime more than my anime. Please. This anime is only about a demon man protecting a boy until there contract is fulfilled. I've heard the demon and me look a like for some reason and to my confusion because I mean..I'm the hottest man they'll ever see. One of my annoying friends, Souji, chuckled, getting on my back and stared rubbing my head. "Hey. Hijikata San. You excited to see your girl". He asked. I growled, getting him off me. "Souji. Off". I growled out. He sighed. I glared at the ground.

...I was nervous seeing my little girl. What if she didn't like me...what if she hates me because her whole life was all a lie...like Chizuru. What if she also hates me because I'm a pain in the ass or not as hot. Hell. She probably won't even know what anime character I am and which anime I belong in.

"Aww. Hijikata. Don't be so down. I know deep down she'll love you. I can feel it". He said. I rolled my eyes. I looked around for any mysterious girl. "Vice commander". Saito said. I hummed, looking at him. "What is it saito". I asked. He gave me a paper. "Apparently she's changing her name, trying to hide her own self". He said. I looked at it and had a confused look. "Kim kardashian. Why such a name". I asked. He breathed, rubbing his head. "Apparently up in her universe that person is really famous as they say". He said. I hummed, staring at the photo. "Where was she last seen". I asked, looking around, seeing a lot of people stare at us as if we were aliens. "She was last seen in the phantomhive manor". He said. I hummed walking to the mansion as they call it. I walked inside. "HELLO". I yelled. I pointed to my comrades where to search. They started searching. "Master. We have visitors". A girl said with red hair and glasses. I glared at her. "May I know your name". She asked, blushing madly. I just walked past her, up the stairs, walking to Ciel room until..this man stopped me. "I believe my masters are in his chambers right now". He said. I stared at him closely. Now I see...he did look like me. Sebastian...interesting. I was about to keep walking but he grabbed my arm. "I believe I said he was in his chambers". He said. I took my katana out and pointed it at him. "I don't care if your a demon...you haven't met the demon vice commander...now..let go of my arm..and no one will get hurt". I whispered. Souji, Heisuke, saito, Harada, shinpachi and sannan came, pointing there swords at him. He smirked. "Well played...but I believe it's not enough". He said, stabbing Heisuke. He smirked, seeing his wound heel. Sebastian stares at the wound, confused. "Impossible". He said. Heisuke chuckled. "Anything possible you bastard". He said. I rushed to Ciel room, seeing him sleep. I walked up to him, pulling the covers off him. "You. Get up". I yelled. He sat up, shocked. "What on earth". He said in his stupid British accent. I showed him the picture of my baby. "Where is this girl". I asked. He gasped. "Kim kardashian...umm..last when I saw her was at the ball..one of her friends hurt my magician and they suddenly disappeared". He said. I gasped. "Sent to another anime". I said. "Damn it". Shinpachi said. "Sannan. Calculate the next anime". I said. "Already on it". He said. Ciel stood up. "What's going on". He asked. I sighed, looking at him. "Kim Kardashian is my daughter...and her name isn't that..it's Nayani Yukimura". I said. Sannan slammed his hand on the desk. I looked at him. "Ouran high school host club". He said. I nodded. "Alright everyone. Go. Go. Go". I said and they ran out. "Wait. What's going on. I want answers now". He said. I sighed, looking at him. "My daughters traveling threw different worlds of anime's". I said, running out.


(Time skip)

Nayani POV

I woke up, seeing a ceiling. I sighed, rubbing my head. "What Time is it". I whispered to Caxandra but then I heard a mans chuckle. "It's 8 in the morning". he said. I sighed. "Thank you". I said and then froze. Who...the hell..was that. I sat up fast and looked at the person. OMG. IT WAS RUKY MUKAMI. The one o love the most. I squealed. "Omg. ITS YOU. ITS ACTUALLY YOU". I said, jumping on him and kissing his cheek. I gasped, looking at his book. "Ooo. What cha reading. Please be twilight". I said, looking at the book. "Oh. I knew it". I said, cuddling with him. "Looks like she's awake". I heard. I looked up and saw...YUMA/EDGAR. I squealed, jumping up and down and wrapping my legs around his waist. I giggled. "Your so much taller in person". I said, looking at his face. I gasped. "And so much man muscle. Look at that". I said, squeezing his arms. "Wow. They feel like the gods themselves". I said and squealed. "You sound happy". I heard. I looked down and saw my beautiful Azusa. I gasped. "AWWW. Azusa. Your so pretty". I said, about to cry. I jumped off of Yuma and hugged Azusa. "Awww. I love you so much. You know that and that I will do anything to make you happy". I said. He hugged me back. "I don't know why your saying this but I love the hug". He said. I giggled. "Awww. You can give me a hug all you want sweetie". I said. The. Someone came downstairs. "Can I get a hug". Someone asked. I turned around and saw...Kou...I snorted. "Ew no. You already have enough hugs from your lame fans weirdo". I said, still hugging Azusa. "I don't know why I'm thinking this but...can I marry you". Yuma asked. I giggled, grinning at him. "Of course not...unless of you want me too". I said, smirking at him. He grinned. "No. No. No ones gonna get married". Ruki said. I sighed. "I know. I know. I was just kidding". I said, getting up. "So. I'm here because I'm eve and I'm supposed to choose my Adam so I'll think about it. Can I go into my room now". I asked. They just blinked. "Umm..ya..how did you know that". Ruki asked. I grinned, walking over to him. "Books". I said, lying. I just watch the anime. I kissed his cheek, and skipped to the stairs. "Tootles". I said, walking up to my room. I sighed, stopped and staring at the ground. How the hell am I gonna get back to my friends..we can't be apart...this just gotten a lot harder.


Elfin POV

I giggled, jumping up and down. "Things has gotten a little spicer. Wonder how Kozuke will think about Nayani having sex with Shu sakamaki and Reiji sakamaki. Hehehehehe".

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