《Oh darn it! I fell into an anime world》Chapter 6



I looked through my babies photos. Oh sweet heart. Where have you gone. I can't keep going without you. I cried and fell to the ground.

Police POV

I looked threw the papers of the girls. Where have they gone. There DNA can't be detected, no tracks are found, no one has seen them, where could have they gone.

Nayani POV

We started falling. We screamed and started spinning around. "WHERE THE HELL ARE WE GOING". Caxandra asked. "I DONT FUCKING KNOW". I yelled and we kept screaming. Then a saw clouds. I screamed and fell on the ground. I groaned and stood up. "Ow. That's going to take forever on getting used to". I said and stood up. I looked around. "Guys". I said. Then someone fell on me. "OW. WHAT THE FUCK". I yelled. "SORRY". A boys voice said. I looked up, confused. I stood up and looked at the person. He looked at me, confused. "What". He asked. I screamed and grabbed a stick. "Who the fuck are you". I asked, getting scared. "Hey. It's me. Caxandra". He said. I gasped. "Caxandra". I asked. Then Diana and Ana fell on the ground. I started laughing at Caxandra. "Who the fuck is that". Ana asked. I laughed and fell on the floor. "It's me. Caxandra". She said. "What the f-". Diana said and covered her mouth. "What. What's wrong". Caxandra asked, walking to a mirror. She froze for a second and then screamed. "WHAT THE FUUUUCCKKK". She said. I laughed. "Ha. Hahahahaha". I laughed out. "THIS IS BULLSHIT". She yelled or should I say he. "I didn't think you can switch genders". Diana said. I laughed. "Me neither. Hahaha". I said. "SHUT THE FUCK UP NAYANI". Caxandra said. I giggled and hugged her/him but she/he pushed me. "Don't touch me fucking bitch". She/he said. I sighed. "Alright I'm sorry". I said. "Hey guys. Which anime are we in now". Ana asked. I looked around. There was a building that looked like a collage university. We walked to the entrance which made Diana and Ana and Caxandra and me gasp. "Oh my fucking god". We said in union son. "WERE IN OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB". We yelled and stared at the hot guys. I giggled. "The only fucking anime that Caxandra ever watches". I said. "That's true". She said. I breathed. "This was my first fucking anime". Diana said. I hummed. Then I gasped and looked down. "Guys..were part of the school. We still need to find the bad guy here". I said. We stood up and walked inside. I breathed and looked around. "It's bigger than the show". I said in a gasp. "Wooooowww. This is for fucking rich people shit". Caxandra said. I laughed. I looked and saw the couch where the call the guy to please us. I gasped. "Ooooo. Can I sit on the couch. Pppplllleeeeaaassseee. Can I. Can i. Can I". I asked. Caxandra grabbed me and kept walking. "Hell no". She said and kept walking while dragging me, wondering how she could do it. Then tamaki appeared in our faces. "Well hello ladies. Welcome to ouran high school. Are you new here". He asked. Our jaws were dropped. "I...can't..move..". Ana said. "It's alright. Let me help you". He said and kissed her cheek. She squealed and fell to the ground, blood coming out of her nose. I didn't think you could do that. "So. Where are you ladies coming from". He asked. I grinned and moved up. "Alabama sir". I said in a cowboy voice. "Oh my freakin god". Diana whispered. I tried not to laugh. "Well ms. Alabama. Will show you everything around this school". He said and turned around. "Follow me please". He said. I dragged Ana and followed him.


(Time skip)

I gasped for air and fell on the ground. This felt like ya taking a freakin mile around the track.


I took a gasp and kept running. "Nayani. Come on. Your almost there". The P.E teacher yelled. I gasped. I'm gonna did. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna fucking die. Finally I made it. I gasped and walked over to Diana who was already done. I gasped. "How..are you...already...done". I asked. She breathed. "Don't know". She said. Then I saw Caxandra finish. I started controlling my breathing.

..god I hate exercise...


I stood up and gasped. "God I hate exercise". I said and caught up with the rest. "And here is the math class" he said. I hummed. "Now. Your rooms will be at 5th floor on the right". He said. I gasped. "There's more freakin stairs". I asked. He grinned. "There shier is. I hope we can meet again soon". He said and winked at me. "Good luck girls". He said and spinned away. I growled. "I will punch his pretty face back to his stupid host club for making me to all this stupid exercise". I growled. Ana gasped. "Nayani! Don't say that! He's a god". She said. "No! Zeus is a god. Not fucking Tamaki. Leader of the stupid host club". I said. "Uh...Guys". Caxandra said. We looked at her. She was looking in her pants for some reason. "Is this how a penis looks like". She asked. I groaned. "Eww". I said and walked to the stairs but then we heard a girl scream. "AHHHH". She screamed. We all ran down stairs and saw a man in a mask. "Someone help us"! She yelled. I gasped. I grabbed a bat and hit the guy. He gasped and fell on the floor and...disappear. I gasped. "WE DID IT. WE FINALLY GOT THE BAD GUY". I cheered. "NOOO". Diana and Ana yelled and cried. I sighed. "Oh Shut up. You'll see them in the show again". I said and we started disappearing. "but I wanted to talk to him now". Ana said and we disappeared.


Unknown POV

I was writing in my papers until someone came in. I looked up and saw one of the men. "What is it". I asked. He cleared his throat and showed a picture...of a girl. I looked up at him, weird. "She's back...your daughter. He whispered. I gasped and looked at the photo.

..Nayani has come home...

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