《Disappearance》Chapter 7


I woke up early to go home and take a bath and also get Marlowe some clothes so that I can bring her home.

I'm back at the hospital signing her out while she gets dressed.

"We do have groups for mothers who loss their child in child birth maybe she would like to go and talk with other mothers who've experienced it". The nurse said as I handed the clipboard back to her.

"Where and what time does the groups get together". I ask and she starts writing on a piece of paper.

"There's a center downtown and they meet up at 2:00 every Tuesday and Thursday for about an hour and a half". She said and I nodded taking the paper she was holding out to me.

"Thank you". I said reading the address.

"No problem". She said before walking out.

Marlowe still wasn't out of the bathroom yet and she been in there for like 20 minutes. Walking over to the door I press my ear against it and I could hear the water running but I could also hear crying.

"Baby open the door". I said knocking on it.

Hearing it unlock I walk in and she's on the floor with her knees to her chest.

"It's okay baby". I said taking a seat by her on the floor.

"I don't want to go home without her". She said as I rubbed her back.

"I don't either but she's in a good place watching over us you think she would want to see you crying". I ask and she shook her head no.

"You're strong and you can overcome this now let's go". I said helping her up.

Walking out of the bathroom I grab the bags and follow out of the room behind her. Taking the elevator we make it to the first floor in no time and walk out of the building.


Tossing the bags in the back seat I go over and help her in the car before getting in myself. Starting it up I back out and pull off.

Pulling into the parking lot I cut the car off and grab the bags before helping Marlowe out.

Walking into the apartment building we walk down the hall till we reach our door. Unlocking it we walk in and I drop the bags by the door.

"It's so quiet without her". She whispered and I tried to pull her into a hug but she walked away.

Following behind her we come to a stop in front of Haisley's shut room door that had fairies and butterflies on it. She reached out and touched the door before walking away to our room.

Taking her shoes off she gets in bed and throws the cover over her head. Taking my shoes off I get in beside her.

Waking up I feel the side of the bed and Marlowe wasn't there.

"Marlowe". I call out getting out the bed.

"Marlowe". I said looking in the bathroom.

Walking out of the room I start to make my way to the living room when I pass by Haisley's room and her door was opened.

Backing up I look inside and see Marlowe on the floor talking to herself rocking back and forth.

"I didn't kill her". She said to herself pulling at her hair.

"Yes you did you irresponsible bitch". She said to herself with a smirk on her face.

"I didn't...I didn't". She mumbled hitting herself.

"Hey hey hey stop". I said rushing over to her grabbing her arms.

"They're saying I killed her". She said as I stood her up.

"Come with me let's take a nap". I said closing the door and taking her to our room.


"She...I had her...where is she". She said looking around.

"Lay down with me". I said pulling her into my chest as I laid back.

"Where is she". She kept mumbling.

She finally fell asleep a few minutes ago after asking where is she for the last two hours.

Sliding from under her I make my way out of the room and close the door. Walking down the hall I stop in front of Haisley's room.

Holding the knob I take a deep breath before going in.

Walking over I run my hand along the crib rail before going over to the dresser by the rocking chair that held her ultrasound.

Picking it up I take a seat in the chair and just stare at the picture.

"I had so much planned for us babygirl it's like this shit ain't even real". I said talking to the picture and I saw a tear drop hit it.

"I was changing for you I was gone be the best father to you". I said sniffling as I ran my hand down my face.

I lay my head back and close my eyes holding the picture to my chest.

We would have been inseparable...

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