《Disappearance》Chapter 6


Pushing the door open I walk in with a sad look on my face as they looked over at me.

"How is she". The young man asked with a look of concern holding the girls hand.

"I'm sorry we did all we can". I said before the young girl started to cry.

"Please man not my baby girl". He said shaking his head and his eyes started to tear up.

"Can we see her". The young girl asked looking over at me.

"Y-yes but only for a few minutes". I said walking out of the room.

Making my way to the Nicu I grab the deceased baby that was brought in that looked a little similar to theirs.

Wrapping it in a blanket I carried it to their room and open the door. Once their eyes laid on the baby in my hands they cried harder.

Walking over I place the baby in her arms and backed away.

"Alright I have to take her". I said walking over and the young man kissed the little girls head before trying to hand her to the young women but she shook her head no.

Walking over I take the baby away and walk out. I see a nurse headed to where they handled the deceased.

"Would you mind taking her to get processed". I said stopping him and he nodded taking the baby from me.

Making my way to the nursery I look around to see if anybody was around before picking up the baby and making my way to the stairs.

After making it down the last few steps I push the door open and my wife looks over before making her way over to me taking the baby.

"Go home and I'll be there after my shift". I said and she nodded kissing me before making her way to the car.


Watching as she strapped the baby into the car seat she gets inside the car starting it up and pulling off.

Going back inside the building I go up the stairs to my floor and I continue my shift as if nothing happened.

"Dr.Louis we need you in room 310". A nurse said walking up to me and I follow behind her.

Hopefully this takes my mind off of what I had just done.

I felt like with every breathe it was getting harder to breath I just don't understand what went wrong I did everything right.

"Calm down breath". Jahreem said rubbing my hand.

"I don't know what I did wrong I'm so sorry Jahreem". I said crying turning my head away from him.

"Baby it's not your fault okay maybe it wasn't our time". He said kissing my forehead and moving hair out of my face.

"She looked so peaceful". I said staring at the blank tv.

"I know and we can try again some day okay". He said but I shook my head.

"I don't want to". I said before looking over towards the door that opened.

"Hello I just came to let you know that you'll be released tomorrow after we keep an eye out for you tonight". She said but I didn't say anything.

"Thank you". Jahreem said and she nodded her head walking out of the room.

"She would have had a beautiful name". I said looking at the ceiling.

"And we can still name her what was the name you chose". He asked pulling his chair closer to the bed.

"Haisley Sky Mitchell". I said with a small smile on my face.

"It's beautiful just like her she would love that name". He said placing a kiss on my lips.

"Get some rest I'll be over there". He said pointing to the couch.

"Can you lay with me". I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah". He said nodding before getting in beside me and pulling me into him.

"I love you and I thank you for giving me a daughter". He said rubbing my arm causing me to smile.

"I love you too". I said closing my eyes with a sigh listening to his heartbeat.

He makes me feel safe...

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