《Disappearance》Chapter 5


I've been having contractions all morning so Jahreem decided to take off work to stay with me.

"Baby you alright you want some soup". He asked and I nodded my head.

"Can you carry me to the living room". I ask and he nods his head before picking me up bridal style.

"Damn". He said and I hit his chest softly as we laughed.

"You weak as hell". I said causing us both to laugh.

"Stop playing with me". I said as he placed me on the couch.

"After you eat this soup I'm gone go get your shoes and the baby bag". He said grabbing the remote from by the tv and handing it to me.

"Okay". I said rubbing my stomach.

"I can't believe my baby girl about to be here". He said walking back to me with the soup.

"I know and she's ready to come out". I said as he sat on the couch and started rubbing my stomach.

We were now in the car on our way to the hospital. The ride was silent and the only thing that could be heard is the music.

Jahreem reaches over rubbing my stomach as I laid back into my seat.

"I packed her this outfit it's gone make you jealous". He said causing me to look over at him.

"It better not have no stupid shit on it". I said causing him to laugh.

"It ain't stupid bro". He said smiling looking from me to the road.

"Just get me to the hospital". I said closing my eyes.

Checking in they gave us a room and said the doctor would be in after he got done with a patient.

"I can't believe your water broke yesterday night like how is that shit possible". Jahreem said with a confused look on his face.


"Babe I'm in a lot of pain right now so can you please be quiet". I say holding his hand as he sat by the bed.

"Yeah my bad". He said before looking over at the tv.

"Doctor we have a baby that was just dropped off in critical condition". One of the nurses said making their way into my office.

"Alright I'll be on my way". I said covering the end of the phone.

He nodded before walking out.

"Why can't I just have one baby it's not fair". My wife said crying on the other end of the phone.

"We can keep trying". I said rubbing my forehead with a sigh.

"You're around babies all the time why can't you just get me one". She said before going silent.

"I-I can't do that". I said shaking my head.

"Don't you love me, Don't you want to raise a child and experience being a father". She asked and I nodded my head.

"Then get a baby for us are there any being born today". She asked as I looked through my papers.

"We have a few here now". I said and I can hear movement in the background.

"I'm coming up there to choose the perfect baby". She said before hanging up.

I know what we're doing is wrong but we've had five failed pregnancies and she deserves to be happy.

Standing up from my chair I make my way out of the office and to the nicu.

"Which baby is it". I ask looking at all the babies.

"This one right here sir she came in barely able to breath with multiple healing fracture wounds to the femur,septum, and fibula we hooked her up to an oxygen make but it isn't much help". A nurse said looking over at me from the child.


" Get her 5 mg of Albuterol every two hours and I'll come back and check on her". I said signing off on a paper.

"Sir your wife is here". Another nurse said causing me to turn around and see my wife Gayle.

"Let's go to the healthy babies". She asked looking around.

Taking her hand I lead her to the newborn room. She let's go of my hand and started looking at the babies and no one questioned it because she volunteers in the nursery a lot.

"Do you see one you like". I ask as she walked to each bed looking at them.

"Just let me stay and hold a few". She said and I nodded.

"I have to go there's a patient waiting for me". I said before walking out.

Knocking on the door I walk into the room.

"Hello I'm here to see how far along you're dilated". I said washing my hands and putting on gloves before sitting in front of her and lifting the cover.

Checking her she was already 10 cm dilated.

"Let's get started". I said putting my mask on.

I held Marlowes hand the whole time as she pushed. When the baby was finally out this rope looking thing was around her neck and she wasn't crying and Marlowe started to panic causing me to panic.

"Why isn't she crying". She asked with tears in her eyes watching as the nurse passed her off to another and they took her out of the room.

"This happens and the babies end up just fine majority of the time". The doctor said as we nodded.

He washed his hands and left the room.

"She gone be okay". I said and she shook her head.

I lean down kissing Marlowe trying to sooth her as she continued to cry.

Walking in I see my wife holding a baby with a huge smile on her face.

"I found the one". She said and I walked over seeing the baby I just delivered.

"Look put her down and go wait downstairs at the back doors". I said looking around and she nodded putting the baby down and walking away.

I run my hands down my face when someone taps my shoulder.

"Dr. Louis the baby brought in has passed away". One of the nurses said.

"Time of death". I ask looking through the paperwork on the clipboard she held.

"12:05 pm". She said and I nod signing off on it.

"I'll go and get her prepared to be moved". She said but I stopped her before she left.

"No, no I'll handle it". I said and she nodded.

Deeply sighing I get myself together and walk back to the room.

Standing outside of the door with my hand on the handle I say a quick prayer.

God forgive me...

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