《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter- 26 Why you're smiling?


Rithu's POV

I was smiling from ear to ear and I can't control that, my thoughts were only about Vikram and what he did to me in the morning.

Then I started to clean the house and after finishing that I washed my clothes. Finishing all my work I sat on the couch and opened my WhatsApp.

I looked at Vikram's profile pic I was surprised because he kept our wedding photo as profile picture then I started to smile again, I scrolled down and I noticed Raghav and Riya were keeping the same picture, I furrowed my eyebrows these two are making me think suspicious about them, I thought and whether they are......... no that can't be I assure myself and closed my phone.

Then I went out to buy some veggies and fruits with Shakthi, Shakthi is a very good friend her husband was working in an MNC. They were a sweet couple and I am glad that she is very nice and friendly.

"Rithu are you free tomorrow", she asked me.

"Yeah, I am always free", I said.

"Will you come with me to the temple tomorrow", she asked me.

"Sure I will come", I said.

"Ok be ready at 4.00pm", she said.

I nodded, tomorrow is Saturday probably Vikram will be in the house and I have to ask his permission, I thought.

After buying the groceries we went to the house and I looked the time as was 3.00 pm then I watched the news for some time.

Then I started to get ready, so I opened the cupboard and I don't know what to wear, I always confused about this, after thinking for more than fifteen minutes I decided to wear a green color saree it was simple and neat.

Then I put some makeup and I got ready. I went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of coffee and sat on the couch.

Suddenly I heard the doorbell I know it was Vikram so I went and opened the door he was having a package in his hands and looked at me from head to toe.

"You're ready", he asked me.

Hmm I nodded, he then entered the house and placed the package on the table.

"What is this", I asked him.

"Oh, that's the gift I bought for them", he said.


"What did you buy", I asked him smilingly.

"It's just a pair of the wristwatch for them", he said and went into the room.

Then I picked the purse and my mobile phone. I went to the kitchen and had some water.

Then Vikram came after getting ready, he changed his dress he was wearing his blue shirt and black pant, whenever he wears this costume I can't control myself and keep on looking at him.

He looked at me, "why you're smiling", he asked me.

Wait! What? am I smiling looking at him god why I am not controlling my feelings?

"It's nothing I just thought about something so... I smiled", I convinced him.

Oh, he raised his eyebrows, "yeah I am saying the truth", I said again.

Oh, he said again and came close to me, I gulped my saliva and looked at him.

He fetches the water bottle in my hand and he drank the water.

I sighed silently why he's doing this to me, I thought.

"Come we have to go", he said and walked and I followed him.

After thirty minutes of the drive, we reached the place, the decorations are very good, their relatives invited us and I smiled and accepted their welcome. We went to see the bride and groom they were standing on the stage and giving poses for the photos.

Vikram and I went to the stage they smiled seeing us and we congratulated them. They were so good for each other, we gave the gift and left to eat the dinner.

"It was a nice dinner", I said to Vikram while driving.

"Yeah", he said, "they looked good", I said.

Hmm, he hummed without seeing me.

"When your work is going to complete", I asked him.

"In a month, almost everything is over now and I am planning on taking the next project", he said.

Oh, I said and looked outside. When we entered our house I thought to change my clothes so I picked my pajamas and went to the other room.

"Where are you going", he asked me and he was sitting on the bed.

"To change", I said.

"Wait come here", he said and I went near him.

He took his phone and pulled my shoulder closer to him and I looked at him and thought what he's going to do now.


"Let's take a picture, so now smile", he said and smiled

I smiled and we took a selfie and then Vikram took a picture of me.

After taking a few pictures I went to change and when I came out Vikram was watching TV. Then I joined him we watched music channels they played full of romantic songs. I noticed that he's watching the song intently.

Then Vikram went inside and started to do his work and I took his phone and looked at the pictures, Vikram was so good while smiling and I copied the pictures on my phone. After watching TV I felt sleepy so I went inside and laid on the bed and looked at Vikram he is busy in writing something, then slowly sleep engulfed me.

I felt brightness over my face I slowly opened my eyes the sun rays were coming from the window then I shifted my gaze towards the other side, my eyes widened in shock to see Vikram, he is just a few inches away from my face I can feel his breathing and his right arm was around my waist. How can this be......

I don't know what to do if I wake him up then it awkward for us so I pulled his arm away from me but he tightened his grip even more.

I just laid in the bed and looked at him I thought what if I put my arm around him, so I Slowly raised my hand and touched his cheek with my forefinger then his hair but he's not showing any kind of disturbed expression so I placed my hand on his hair and smiled seeing him.

I enjoying what I doing but suddenly Vikram opened his eyes and looked at me intently. We both were looking at each other for a minute, I don't even breath for a minute.

Then I pulled away from him and went into the restroom, what I did why it is always ending like this god.......please save me from this awkwardness I can't bear this anymore, I thought and bite my lower lip.

After finishing my work I opened the door slowly I did a big sigh because Vikram was not there.

Then I came out of my room and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. Vikram was not there he would have gone for jogging, I thought.

After having my coffee I called mom and talked to her about preparing Pongal because today is a Saraswathi Pooja. After asking that I went to the bathroom and took a shower and put a salwar.

When I came out Vikram was sitting on the couch and reading the newspaper. He looked at me I smiled at him like a stupid, but he didn't smile back and again started to read the newspaper.

"Today I am going to temple with Shakthi", I said.

"Ok", he said looking at the newspaper.

"Can I go in the evening", I asked him.

"Okay, but come quickly", he said.

"Thank you", I said and went to the kitchen and started preparing the Pongal.

After having that the day went, as usual, Vikram is busy in working and I prepared lunch.

When it was 3.00 pm Shakthi called me and asked me to get ready, so I got ready I felt uneasy to put makeup in front of Vikram and added to this he is intently watching my every action.

After getting ready I looked at Vikram,

"I am going", I said.

Hmm, he nodded by looking at his laptop.

"Bye", I said and left.

Shakthi is waiting with Priya in front of her house and I smiled at them and kissed Priya's cheeks.

After walking for fifteen minutes we reached the temple, It was nice the temple is filled with the floral smell, we bought Jasmine flowers for the God.

I prayed to god to bless Vikram with success and good health and I prayed for everyone to be happy also for a long life.

Then we sat in a place and ate our prasadam. I looked at Priya she was cute, running here and there and Shakthi smiled looking at her, I thought how nice being a mother, looking them speaking, playing and seeing them growing, at this time I missing my mom...

"Amma", Priya said and came near Shakthi, she placed her in her lap.

"How nice if my child calls me Amma", I thought and smiled......

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