《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter-24 I am suspicious


My mom and dad came next morning and I am preparing myself to leave, mom gave me a saree that she bought for me when she went for a shopping a month before so I decided to wear that.

After having my breakfast I said bye to my parents and grandma. And went to Riya's house. I greeted Riya's parents and went to see Riya.

I noticed She was in the bathroom I sat on her bed then her mobile suddenly started to ring I took her phone and I was shocked because Raghav was calling her, what's happening here.

Then Riya came and snatched the phone immediately from my hands and cut the call.

My doubt is clear there something between these two I thought.

"Why he's calling you?" I asked.

"That... Rithu...he.....was..., he asked about you," she said.

"What did he ask about me? then he would have called me why he's calling you, I asked.

Because you and brother in law are going to have lunch in Raghav's house, so he asked me when you're leaving here.

I was confused why he's asking this to riya because I never saw these two as friends when they exchanged their mobile numbers and Riya didn't say anything about this and also they didn't talk with each other in front of me how can this be, I thought.

Riya you're hiding something from me please tell the truth before I could find, I said.

I am not hiding anything so don't think yourself as a CID and stop asking me questions, she said annoyingly.

Ok, I am leaving, I said and stood up.

What you're leaving, please stay for a day Rithu it's just two days we had fun, she said.

No riya I have to go, Vikram is here I have to be with him, I said.

Oh, you're missing him, she said and giggled.

Yeah, I am missing my husband, I said.

Pumpkin you have changed a lot, my brother in law has charms, she said.

Ok leave the topic, I am leaving in two days I will come back after a month with Vikram because he will be free to give me a hug and I am leaving.

Without a second she hugged me.


By the way, your costume is nice today my brother in law not going to take his eyes off you.

Stupid, I said and smiled.

Then I waved goodbye to everyone.

My dad was waiting for me in the car then he drove me to Vikram's house and left.

When I entered Lakshmi aunty smiled at me and looked me from head to toe.

You're looking good in this saree Rithu, she said.

Thanks, aunty.

Where's uncle, I asked.

He and Vikram went out for some business, she said.

And Rithu today afternoon you're going to have lunch in Raghav's house, she said I already know that yesterday Vikram said that to me while leaving and I don't know how Rithu knows about this.

Ok, aunty, I said And my mind was thinking only about Vikram and when he's going to come.

Then I went to my room to put a charge on my phone, and then sat on the bed I was thinking about Lakshmi aunty, she is really a great person with kind heart.

Then I turned my head, Vikram was standing there with his hands in pocket and looking at me.

I smiled seeing him and he just gave a small smile, I expected more from you Vikram.

When did you come, he asked me.

Twenty minutes ago, I said.

Then he looked at me for a few seconds and left the room. Then I followed him and went down.

I think you should go Vikram it's already twelve, Lakshmi aunty said.

Hmm, ok, mom.

Then he looked at me and I nodded my head to leave.

Vikram and I went in his car, Raghav house was just a few streets away from his house.

We didn't speak anything, when we reached there Raghav parents welcomed us and I greeted them.

I noticed Raghav he smiled at me and said hi. Then we sat on the couch. Raghav's house was big but not that big compared to Vikram's house.

I looked around then I saw a wall full of family photos I went there and looked, there are photos full of Raghav's parents and Vikram's parents and Raghav's childhood photos. In that I saw a picture of Raghav and Vikram in karate uniform Vikram maybe be 17 or 18, I thought. Vikram was still good looking in that picture he must be really popular among girls because he's so handsome, I thought.


Then Raghav's mom came near me,

Vikram and Raghav went to karate class they were really good in that especially Raghav, they were black belt holders, she said proudly.

I smiled and looked at Vikram he was seeing me and he immediately shifted his gaze to the other side when I noticed.

Then she asked me to have lunch and we had great lunch Raghav's parents asked several things about me and Raghav was just like Vikram silent and serious, why these two boys are like this, I thought who is going to marry this Raghav god She's also going to get irritated like me.

The afternoon went nice Raghav's parents were so good just like Vikram's parents. But in this Vikram keep on avoiding me he didn't talk that much.

Then Vikram decided to leave, we touched their legs and got blessings from them.

After coming home we went to our room, I noticed Lakshmi aunty was taking a nap and Rajesh uncle was not there in the house.

When you're leaving, I initiated the conversation.

9.00 pm, he said and sat on the bed.

You're going to come after two days right, he asked me.

Yes, I nodded sadly.

Then I decided to change my saree so I opened the cupboard and took my pajamas.

You're going to change, he asked me suddenly.

Yes, I said confusingly.

"Don't change," he said.

"Why?" I asked him.

Don't change this saree until I am leaving, he said in an ordered tone.

I don't know what to say I want to ask him why but I felt not to argue with him, So I went near him and sat beside him.

You're looking beautiful in this so don't change, he said suddenly.

I looked at him shockingly, what? Vikram You're saying this OMG. Then He looked at me, my cheeks started to burn I can't control my smile, I stood up and immediately went inside the bathroom.

I smiled looking at myself in the mirror and after controlling everything I came out and Vikram was not in the room then I noticed he was in the living room and watching TV.

Then the rest of the evening went fast and I prepared coffee everyone and after some time, Vikram started to pack his things and I feel sad about that.

After finishing his dinner he and Rajesh uncle left to the airport, before leaving Vikram just said bye and I said happy journey to him, to that he just smiled and left me.

I went to my room there was a picture of Vikram in the wall I touched his smiling face.

Don't you like me Vikram, I asked the picture. He just smiled. Then I laid in the bed and slept.

The next day went nicely Lakshmi aunty talked about several things, and I thought it would be nice if we all stay together but Vikram can't leave his business he loves his work than anything in his Life.

She also said that Rajesh uncle told several times to Vikram to take his place but he was not ready for this.

But I know why he's doing this because he's feeling guilty for occupying Raghav's position so he's not taking the business.

Thinking about Vikram I don't know what to say, he's complicated but a good person with a great mind, I can't read him and I don't know what he's thinking about me and the plans for rest of our life. I want more from him but he's not going to take any step in our relationship and it was always me. What if this continues forever, I never saw him the way I look at him but certain times he looked at me differently, he kissed me in the cheeks and we hugged but not anything in love, I thought.

The days went nice, it was really good spending time with aunty and uncle.

Then it's time for me to leave I am going in an evening flyte so that Vikram can pick me after his work. I messaged him when I get on the plane, I don't talk with Vikram on the phone often I was shy to call him. I only message him if I had anything to say.

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