《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter-22 I hate you


I opened my eyes and looked around to find myself in a beautiful garden. I was confused then I realized someone's presence behind me so I turned to see, Vikram was standing there and smiling at me. I went near him before I could reach he vanished and I looked around to find him. He was standing under a tree, he slid his one hand into his pocket and other signaling me to come. And eventually, my legs were pushed near him.

"Vikram," I said.

He smiled and came close to me when I was about to touch him he again disappeared.

I looked around and I can't find him anywhere this time.

Rejected, lost, disappointed me started crying, "Why you're doing this Vikram, I miss you," I said while crying. Then I realized someone touching my head and it was Vikram he immediately pulled me into his embrace, he hugged me tightly.

"I am not going anywhere Rithu because...." before he could complete his sentence.

"Rithu... Rithu.... wake up," someone woke me up from my beautiful dream, I opened my eyes to see it was my mom.

"What mom?" I annoyed.

"It's already 8.00am get up," my mom said.

"But I am so tired," I said and I can feel that I am having a fever.

"Wait," she said and touched my forehead. "Rithu you're having a fever," she said and went outside.

I again continued my sleep then my dad came into my room and checked me. He asked me to get ready for visiting doctor but I said I am ok.

Then my mom came with tablets after having that I slept again.

When I again opened my eyes I saw the clock it was past 2.00pm, I went to the restroom and finished off my morning chores.

I was really tired and I noticed that my temperature is not getting down and again I laid on the bed, my mom came into my room with the Rice porridge, she touched my forehead again.

"Rithu your temperature is not getting down we should visit the doctor," she suggested.

"No mom I am alright," I said and had the food.


Then again I laid but sleep is not coming to me. I searched for my mobile and found there are no calls from Vikram, I was sad to find that, here I am missing him terribly but he didn't have a single thought about me upsets me even more. Then mom said that Lakshmi aunty called and she told about my fever.

"But mom why you said that she must be worried," I said.

"Yeah she's worried and she coming here," mom informed.

"Mom why....." I don't know what to say I just sat on the bed.

After sometime Lakshmi aunty came to my house, she touched my forehead and asked me to get ready but I replied that I am ok but she strictly told me to do that.

Then me, Lakshmi aunty, mom, dad all went to the hospital. The doctor prescribed some medicine and put an injection. I thought I was creating a scene it was just a fever it will cure automatically, but I realized that they're so caring and worried about me. I felt like I am really lucky to have them in my life.

Lakshmi aunty asked me to take enough rest and to come home after two days. I thought she's so nice and I am really thankful to God for giving me a friendly mother in law.

I went home and taking the tablets I slept again. But I thought did Vikram know about my fever. I was little shy to ask that to my mom so I left that thought and slept again.

Next morning my fever is all gone and I felt refreshed, I took a bath and I put my clothes, while I am changing Riya entered inside.

"How many times I have told Rithu, you have to close the door while changing pumpkin," she said.

"Ok ok, I know I have forgotten," I said, today I gave up.

"Riya are you free today," I asked.

"Yeah, I am free. Hey, it's Saturday," she said.

"How about we go outside and have some enjoyment," I asked.

"Super get ready," she said with full enthusiasm.

I got ready and said bye to my mom.


We went to the temple where Vikram and I got married I thought about that time and smiled. I prayed to god to make Vikram happy with a good health and prayed for everyone. After spending some time in the temple I felt really good.

Riya then drove me the cosmetic shop and she brought several things and I just looked around the shop.

Then we went to a café and had a cappuccino, she talked about her college life and she also informed me that my parents and Riya parents are going for a marriage tomorrow so they won't be there for a couple of days and only Riya, grandma and I are going to stay together for tomorrow.

I was happy it would be nice to stay with my grandma. I am really going to enjoy because Riya is with me but a part of my heart was kept thinking about Vikram. A single call from him could calm my heart but I know he is not going to do that I thought.

Riya phone suddenly started to ring her face turned little shocked to see the phone screen, seeing that number. She looked at me then she quickly got up and went outside like everything is normal, she was talking to someone her face was blushing while talking and later she came inside.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"It's just my friend," she said nervously and I can clearly understand that it's not the truth.

"You're lying say the truth who is that," I asked again.

"I am not lying it's just my friend ok we have to go," she said and changed the topic but I am suspicious that she's hiding something from me.

Next day mom and dad were busy in packing the things they are not going to be here for a day. Mom informed me that grandma will come in the evening and will accompany me and Riya. They left after sometime.

Now Riya and I were just in the home we locked the door and turned on our home theater we played the karaoke for several songs and we started to sing, dance and we lost our energy by laughing continuously and I forgot about the thoughts of Vikram or whatever that's bothering me.

Later we prepared lunch after having our food Riya went to her house to get some movies and I was sitting that time my grandma came I am so happy to see her then Riya came with movies.

We first watched 27 dress it was so good then Riya suggested a horror movie the boy I was so scared after watching that but Riya was not like me, in fact, she always watches horror movies.

I noticed the time was past 7.00 pm so I went to my grandma she was in the kitchen preparing dinner. After it is done Riya, grandma and I sat on the couch with our food, grandma told some random things and we laughed at her jokes hearing that we finished our dinner.

Then Riya told about her experience in her internship and she made fun of her professor and I can't control my laughter. So I laughed like there is no tomorrow, in that second I just forgot that I am married and I assume like I am still in this house as a small girl.

Then Riya and grandma stopped their laughter and stared at the door and I turned my head to look what they are staring at, my eyes widened in shock and surprise.

It was Vikram standing in front of me and Raghav was with him. I don't know what to do. I stood up abruptly, Raghav smiled at me and said Hi by lightly waving his hand and I did back. But Vikram he was just staring at me from head to toe, then grandma thankfully cleared this awkwardness she called Vikram and Raghav inside. I and Riya moved away and they occupied our seats on the couch.

I was just wearing knee-length shorts and a T-shirt and Riya was in her pajamas. I not even tied my hair properly, I looked like a total mess and adding to that I was just laughing continuously when he arrived.

Oh god, what he would think about me and why he is here?

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