《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter - 7 The Phone call


I am still in my study holidays it's been a week since the engagement is over, and there's just two more weeks are there for my wedding in the coming week I am having my written exam so I am studying now.

In the evening Riya came home I was wondering why she was here, she was studying her bachelor's degree and she also very good in her studies and she's two years younger than me.

"Hey pumpkin what do you doing?" Riya asked.

"Can't you see I am studying you idiot".

"Ok ok, I am staying here today with you", Riya said.

'What! why?" I asked her.

Dad and mom are going for a function and they won't be here for couple of days.

"Ok but don't disturb me I want to study ok", I said.

"Hmm sure", she said.

Then she went to see my mom, l was wondering what's gonna happen because she always make things that ruin my day and also I had several embarrassing situations because of her. So today I have to be very careful.

It's time 9.30pm Riya and I finished our dinner and went to our room. Then I took my book and started to study.

"Hey pumpkin!"

"What?" I asked annoyingly.

"Have you talked with him?"

"With who?" I asked her looking at my book.

"Your husband girl".

I turned over and looked at her glaringly. "No and don't disturb me I want to study, if you keep on disturbing me then I will fail in my exam and you're the one responsible for that".

"You pumpkin you're always studying and studying what's gonna happen after all you're going to marry him. So just try to do things interesting before marriage".

"I closed my book and looked at her and said, ok tell me something interesting that I can do?


"Good decision, now only you proved me as my cousin", she said smilingly.

"Do you know his number?"

"No I don't have his number", I replied.

"Then I think uncle will definitely have his number so go and get his number", she said.

I was shocked and said, "No no I won't do that".

"Ok then I will go and get his number", she said and went outside then I followed her my dad was sitting and watching TV in the living room. I just standing in corner of my door and watching her, she went to my dad and asked his phone, he asked why? "I have to Call my dad uncle" she replied and bought the phone into my room.

'God how can you do that", I asked.

"You have to learn more from me dear", she replied.

Then she searched for Vikram's number at last she founded then riya took my phone and copied his number in my phone, during this my heart was beating fastly and I am nervous what I am going to do is right or wrong I don't know.

Riya then went to give the phone to my dad he's not even noticed anything suspicious and busy in watching TV.

It's time 10.00pm Riya asked me to Call him.

"No Riya he must've slept so we should not disturb him", I said.

"Hey he's not a child to sleep at 10 o clock so don't say anything and call him".

"But Riya I can't, you know that I am shy type please don't make me to do this".

She looked and without a second she dialed the number and kept the phone near my ear.

Hey Riya why you're doing this to me, I screamed.....

It was ringing, I said chokingly.

She signalled me to talk.


Then suddenly Vikram said "hello".

I don't know what to speak then he again said "hello who's this".

Then I said "hello I am rithu speaking".

"Oh rithu hi" he said.

Oh god his voice was so manly and sexy, I thought to myself😂

"Hi, how are you?"

"I am fine you?" He asked me.

"Yeah I am also fine, am I disturbed you", I asked him.

"To be honest I was busy it's ok do you want to talk with me?" he asked me in a firm tone.

"No no there's nothing continue your work and sorry for disturbing you", I said.

"No don't say sorry to me it's fine", he said firmly.

"Ok then bye", I said.

"Hmm bye", He said and the call ended.

I dropped the phone from my ear and looked at Riya," it's so awkward and this all because of you idiot".... I said by keeping my face like a crybaby.

But Riya started to laugh and laughed continuously "I know this is going to be like this and why are so innocent pumpkin", she said teasingly.

And then I keep on thinking that and felt how awkward it was and I didn't study anything and Riya was sleeping peacefully. I know she's always like this and ruining my mood.

Then I slept beside riya in my bed and thinking about on what he will think about this sudden phone call.

The next morning Riya was busy in watching TV and I was feeling something and I tried my best to study for my exam because only two days are there.

It was Friday morning I went to my college it's the last day I went to my exam hall and I did my best level after 3 hours I finished my exam and I was relieved, it's over I thought to myself then Nithya and Shana came we went to canteen to eat something. I told them about the engagement they were so happy and congratulated me and I asked both of them to come and attend my wedding. They agreed and asked me to not forget about them after marriage and always wanted to keep in touch with them. I felt like crying because they're my best friend's and always there with me and so helpful how I can live without seeing their faces but I know God will always provide unexpected things and change our entire life in one day. But still life is more beautiful and I am happy now but There's a saying that "If a person is happy in one part they will suffer in the next part" till now I am happy but I don't know what's gonna happen in future,

I sincerely praying God that no one should get hurt beside me and to give me courage to stand up on every obstacle that knock me down. God please help me.

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