《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter-5 She's cute


Vikram's POV

I'm very busy nowadays, I spent my day fully working in the construction site and my nights were busy working in my laptop and planning about the interior works. I always have an attitude of finishing everything perfectly and I am also a workaholic, my mom was always worried about me and I rarely got time to visit her bit never miss to talk with her cause I love her and my dad more than anything in this world,

one day my dad called me,

"How are you? are you doing well vikram?", He asked me.

"Yes dad I am doing good but still there are lot of work dad and how is mom", I asked him.

"She's fine and but she is so worried about you", he said.

"Ok dad I will come home this weekend to see you and mom", I said.

"Vikram......I called you because there's something I need to talk with you can I?" He asked me.

"Sure dad I am free now", I said and I am eager to know what he's going to say.

"Vikram, mom and I made a decision about your marriage you're going to marry my friend kishore's daughter", he said.

It's very unexpected and right I am not in the mind set to marry anyone, I thought.

"But dad I can't Marry now I am still having many work and I am very busy dad please".

"Please Vikram don't hesitate this you're already 31 and when will you going to marry, this is the right time and kishore's daughter is a good match for you, your mother also wanted this so accept this", he said.


"No. Don't say anything, We are going to see her tomorrow and I will send the photo of her".


"Hmm then I saw you in the newspaper vikram, I am so proud of you and make us even more happy by accepting this, ok", he said.

I don't know what to say because I owing a biggest debt to my parents they are my everything and they saved me from....... they're not my parents but more than that.

"Ok dad I will do as your wish", I said.

"Thank you Vikram I am so happy now your mom will be in the cloud nine if I say this. Ok Vikram I will call you later", he said.

"Ok dad take care bye", I said and ended the call.

After that I turned on my laptop and started to work.

Then I opened my mail box there's new message from my dad, I clicked, it was a girl's photo she looked beautiful and gorgeous, she's smiling by showing her cute dimples I keep looking at her for sometime and I can't take my eyes out of her. Then I shifted my thoughts and started to do my work..

I didn't see that girl's photo after that, five days passed, I was busy working in my office at the construction site, I have to finish my entire work for the next two days because of the engagement. My mom called me several times and asked me to arrive before Tuesday so that's why I am doing all these things.

After finishing my work, I reached my apartment at 8.00pm and packed my things and Started to drive to the airport.

It was 9.00 pm flight and after 1hour I reached Coimbatore, Raghav was waiting for me in front of the airport, he came in his and he dropped me in my home.

When I went inside my mom was surprised and hugged me and dad smiled and welcomed me, that night she prepared a very nice dinner its was more than 6 months I have eaten in my home. Then I was very tired and went to my room to sleep.


I woke up at 8.00am it was a good sleep after a long time, after taking bath and finishing my breakfast Raghav came Home we both are planned to buy some new shirts and pants so we decided to go for a shopping.

Raghav is not just a brother he's a best friend to me. He's always supportive and encouraging person he's four years younger than me but we're very close and he is helping in our family business. Thank God he's there to fulfill my duties in our business.

We both went in my Audi car which I bought after my third successful project, at initial stages I struggled a lot in getting contracts but now I am in a good position and making a lot of money.

We entered into the cloth shop there's no crowd I went near the elevator when it was about to close I stopped it and saw a girl, she.... she was the girl that I am going to get engaged tomorrow, but she doesn't know me, I was surprised to see her then Raghav asked me to get in I was wondering whether she know me or not by her looks I can say that she doesn't know me.

I was just keep looking at her and she was uncomfortable with my staring but I can't help I keep looking at her she was beautiful and very simple. Then after we reached third floor she went out immediately I want to ask her name but it will make more complications that I have to explain that we're the two people going to get engaged tomorrow, so I didn't talk with her.

After buying my engagement dress Raghav and I went to the parking lot, I was standing beside the car hoping to see her again, I don't know why but I want to see her again.

After 5 minutes she came out she's with another girl they went to the two-wheeler parking I was just standing and looking at them but they having some problem in starting their bike then suddenly she turned over and looked at me with a shocking face.

When I was looking at them, Raghav came near me and asked why I am looking at her. I said," she's the one that I am going to get engaged tomorrow". He looked at her and then he looked at me.

"Vikram go and talk with her, its a best chance", he said with a smile on his face.

"No not now", I said then they started their bike, but before leaving she turned over and looked at me angrily.

I can't help but I smiled, she was so cute like a little baby when she was angry but I don't know whats going to happen when she see me tomorrow...

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