《Tippy's Notebook》The Entire Cast 2


Damon Calderon - Richard Deiss

William Evans - Gino Pasqualini

Mekhi - Earth Vangwithayakul

Peter Heil - unknown


Kalem - Joshua Bertell

Lincoln Wolf - Francis Cadieux

Haden Heil - undecided - two options below - I think I like first more

Nikola Amelorenia - Vito Basso

Apollos Amelorenia - Kevin Stranart

Josephine Calderon aka Josey - Mercelina Sowa

Aias - can't find imagine I'm satisfied with so this is what I'm happiest with

Malcolm - Alejandro Harris

Okay that's it, I hope this was useful for those of you who requested this, took wayyyyyyyyyyyy longer than I expected it to. Send me any options for the undecided characters and I'll have a look.

Some of these characters were posted on my insta over the months (Peter, Apollos, Jayson), there's even a photo of Julian and Levi being cute there - tippy446_ if you want to see

Until next time,

Byeeeeeeeeeeeee Humanssssssssssssss

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