《You Are My One True Love || l.s.》#19


Italics - Louis Tomlinson

"Theory in what?"

"Okay shoot."

"Well, I don't have work today so I decided to binge watch some shows. Tell e your theory."

"Really Harry? Really? Stop laughing now."

"Well when I saw you, yeah, I just didn't before."

"Yeah, I was."


"I am planning to."


Louis opened his mouth to reply but stopped when he realized what Harry had actually said.

When they had met suddenly at the park three nights ago, it was awkward after the hug. they sat down in silence as they watched the stars but they were in peace and none of them wanted to break it. They only talked when Harry dropped Louis off at his house even though he declined. It was sweet.

Harry wanted to meet again but Louis didn't know if he was ready to face him again. And now that he saw Harry and realized his feelings had just grown, Louis felt more nervous with even the thought of meeting him.



Louis could feel the grin on Harry's face when he said that. Harry was outside the house right now? Louis disconnected the call and ran towards the door and opened it only to find Harry grinning at him. Louis' eyes went adorably wide which made Harry's smile grow. He was cute.

"W-What are you doing here?" Louis asked, nervousness building up inside him.

Harry pouted disgustingly cutely,

Louis blinked and then slowly made way for him to enter. He didn't believe yet that the Harry Styles was inside his house right now.

, Harry winked as he happily walked past him.

Louis felt his cheek flare up at the mention of his spongebob pyjamas and then closed the door, following Harry into the house. He didn't want to think about what was going to happen now.

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