《The Tales of love- I》6.1:"Misunderstood"


in his home country after spending his 10 years or more away from his own home. He didn't leave the country without a reason neither he came back without one.

He reached his home which since that day was quiet and not at all home. He had left his home long back and visited only on some occasions. He had no idea how that unfaithful day came but he knows who was the reason behind it.


He had come back to have everything that she loves either by force or any mean possible. He had heard (only) how she had manipulated and destroyed his peaceful house. He had only heard that woman if not right can turn things to dust she actually did turn someone to dust.

His bhabhi (Brother's wife) Surah.

He walked inside the house with his bag all he saw was emptiness and coldness surrounding the wall that used to be brighter. His fist clench as the thought of that horrible day came back he wished he was here to handle everything.

"Beta (son), you are here?". His mother - Daliya said

"I want to meet her. Call her here". He said walking away

The next day, Ayesha was enough business with her struggling life that she heard he was here and wanted to meet them. She looked at Neil who was doing his homework and they had a lunch plan. She had promised Neil for an outing and she knows how much he values their time together.

She sighs.

"What is it, Khala (aunt)?". He asked sweetly looking at her concerned

She never understands how an 8 years old was so clever she wished he would do normal things which she used to but he was different. He does activities just different ones. She allowed him everything not wanting him to be deprived of a childhood.

"Meri Jaan (my life), your grandparents called us to meet today and your chachu (uncle) is here". She said softly smiling at his cute frown

She straightened the frown with her hand caressing his chubby cheeks, "We have to leave in an hour. I am sorry I can't take you out today".

"It's ok, Khala. We will go some other time". He said grinning sweetly

"Jee, Khala ki Jaan (Aunt's life)". She said and he erupted into a fist of a giggle, "You like it when I call you that, don't you?".

"Yes, I like it". He said grinning at her

She smiled patting her head, "I am very proud of you, Meri Jaan (my life). We will go to meet them and come back soon".

He prepared himself for the day he had been waiting for to look at the woman behind all the problems that ruined his house and took it's happiness even his brother child with him.

"Where is Bhai (brother)?". He asked his parents

They looked at one another not sure what to say and just shake the question off which he found weird. He hadn't seen his brother since he was here. His sister - Zahra and her three children greeted him. The twins Mustafa, Yusuf and youngest daughter Sadaf who was a shy little girl.

He heard the bell ringing and everyone remained silent as the servant brought the guests in. His eyes first looked at her petite figure he had seen years ago. She was still the same girl but with more of a mature look. Then, his eyes cast down at her hand in a child's hand who was looking around curiously.

He was an exact copy of Surah.


His heart clenched and anger filled his eyes this time when he looked in Ayesha's eyes the anger reflect which she averted her eyes not wanting to be subjected to it.

They said their greeting sitting on the couch and Neil took a seat beside his Khala.

"Neil, how are you?". Amir asked finally gathering the courage to look in his eyes

Neil beautiful eyes connected to Amir and he frowned a little, "I am good. What about you?".

"You know about me, right?". Amir asked

He nodded merely, "You are my chachu".

Amir smiled genuinely, "Yes, I am. I am here to meet you. Have you been living well?".

"Jee (yes)". Neil said

"He is not even studying in the best school like we all did, Amir". Zahra said rolling her eyes

Her heart clench.

Sure, she wasn't that well off but she had provided him with the best facilities she could.

"Why is that?". Amir asked that was more of accuse towards Ayesha

Ayesha gulped, "He doesn't need the best school to be a good human being. Where he is studying now teaches him how to be one".

"How can you judge that the best school won't brighten his future and make him a good person?". Amir accused

"Aren't you judging already?. I have seen enough example of people going to the best school being nothing but a bad human being". She replied

Amir glared at her turning his attention back to Neil who looked confused, "Is your school teaching you well?. Are your teacher good?".

Neil nodded a little upset because he doesn't like how they were speaking to his khala.

"Yes, they are the best and sweetest teacher. They sometimes give me candy for performing excellently and helps me whenever I need it". Neil explained

Amir nodded dejected, "Is your Khala taking good care of you?. Does she hurt you?. Or not fulfil your wishes?. Did she hurt you?".

Ayesha eyes brimmed with tears but she gulped down her emotions. She already knew to come here only meant insulting herself but she did because for her nephew. She hadn't met these people since Neil was born but she had to come.

Neil looked angrily at Amir not liking his words. His Khala had done enough for him when no one was there. He remembers when he saw sick and she stayed up all night comforting him, providing to his needs sometimes leaving her own. He had never seen her neglect him for a second. That had made him be more responsible than his own age.

Neil turned towards his Khala and he clearly saw the tears in her eyes not liking this any further. He crawled into her lap hugging her.

"I don't want to answer these questions, Khala. I don't like them. Can we leave?". He mumbles softly patting her back for comfort

Ayesha sighs smiling at the little boy who was better than anyone else she had in her life. She had vowed to protect him no matter what. She held her emotions together not wanting to upset him.

"Meri Jaan (my life), they are your family. It's ok". She comforted him

"I heard you had a talent show what did you do in it?". Shafiq asked sensing the tension

Amir didn't like how Neil reacted to the questions he wanted to find her weakness. Anything she had done wrong.

Neil turned from his Khala chest looking at the older man smiling, "Yes, I did a sand art".

"Isn't that forbidden?. Why wouldn't you allow him to do something like that?". Amir accused Ayesha


Ayesha sighs knowing the accusation are never-ending, "Islam doesn't forbid art but to draw the face of a person as any such power is only for Allah. He didn't draw anything like that and I have informed him what is forbidden already".

Everyone stayed quiet.

"Does he play?". Sadaf asked standing in front of them shyly

Ayesha looked at her smiling at the blush on her cheeks then looked down at Neil who was looking at her with his big beautiful eyes, "Do you, Neil?".

Neil nodded and Ayesha asked him to answer Sadaf instead so he turned his head towards the cute little girl.

"Yes, I do. Do you have any games?. I know a lot of games come on I will teach you". Neil said grinning at her

Neil walked outside following with all the kids while he remained talking non-stop just like he always does. Ayesha smiled looking at his retrieving figure.

"Why is she here?". She heard her father (Mahmood) asked

Her heart stopped.

"Amir wanted to meet her and Neil". Shafiq said

She saw her parents sitting in front of her not even sparing her a glance. As much as, she wanted to not let that affect her she couldn't help the pain in her heart.

What did she do so wrong?.

She wasn't even sure and she couldn't make sense in all these years. She had called her mother - Safa at times when she herself felt weak to which she only heard bad words or that she was a failure.

She sighs.

"I don't want to see her face". Her father said angrily, "She had disgraced us enough".

She stands from her seat, "I will be outside with Neil".

She walked outside and Amir stayed there a little confused. He had clearly seen her eyes which were filled with longing and hurt but he wasn't sure why her parents didn't support her. It could be what he did to her sister but was that it?.

He walked outside while others talk mostly of how bad of a character that single woman had. The only one, who was discussing was his sister and her parents.

He sighs.

He looked in front of him Neil running around Ayesha who was smiling at him. Just as he was about to fall she hold him back and safely placed him back on the ground while he ran away smiling.

She walked towards the bench thinking of how awful this house feels. It was the reason of destruction in her sister and her life. She wondered how people could stoop this low to do so much to a single soul.

"Must be amazing to steal the son of this family. What were you thinking to have your bank account full?". Amir said standing beside her

"If I was that didn't really work out for me". She said hurt visible in her words

She looked at Neil thinking how her goodness was turned on her.

"Well, maybe now you are thinking of stealing even bigger there is no reason for you to take him away from his family". Amir said

"I don't see my account being full ever neither I need the money you people have to cover your dirty deeds". Ayesha said frustrated

"What-". Amir started but his sister cut him off asking them to come in for lunch

Ayesha sighs walking inside with Neil's hand in her. She saw her parents throwing her disgusting glancing but she ignored them. She wasn't going to eat in this place anyway.

"Here eat this". Amir said forwarding a sweet to Neil who seems upset with him

"No, I don't want to eat it". Neil said shaking his head

"Come on, eat it". Amir insisted

Ayesha's eyes widen as she looked at the sweet, "No, don't eat, Neil".

Amir narrowed his eyes at her words forwarding the sweet near his mouth but before he can put it in she pushed his hand causing the sweet to land on the ground.

Everyone gasp.

"What is wrong with you?". Amir yelled angrily

"She is just jealous you are trying to have a good relationship with Neil". Zahra said fuelling the fire

"He is severely allergic to almond". Ayesha said gritting her teeth as she holds Neil near her in a protective manner

Everyone eyes widen.

"So, you could have been less dramatic and said it earlier". Zahra said shrugging

"We did try you didn't listen". Ayesha argued

"We don't even know how she lost all her manners". His father said

Her heart clench.

Neil holds her hand in his tiny hand not liking how everyone was speaking to her.

"I know right. I always knew she was a two face *itch acting nice. First, she destroyed our house and now she is destroying Neil's life. How did you even found about his allergy you must have made him suffer from an attack while being inconsiderate". Zahra said angrily

"He ate something in his class which had it because of which he was hospitalized". Ayesha said tears brimming in her eyes

"So, his school is so irresponsible that they don't even care for their student". Zahra said rolling her eyes

Neil eyes brimmed with tears looking at his Khala tears and everyone saying means a thing to her. His innocent heart hurts.

"Khala, I don't want to stay here. Let's leave". He insisted holding her hand as he dragged her away

Ayesha nodded, "Yes, we are leaving".

They walked outside towards the car and on the way to their house.

"Neil, meri Jaan (my life), I am sorry about today". Ayesha said sadly

"It wasn't your mistake they are bad". Neil said angrily

"No, they just don't like me". She said as few tears leave her eyes

Neil hugged her tightly as she cries in his arms.

The next week, she was following her usual routine. Taking care of Neil, work and continue. She had been struggling only a few times in start with cash because she was only 20 when she had to take care of an infant. She had to handle her study, job and a child. But, today when she looks at Neil she is content that she took the right decision.

"Meri Jaan (my life), we have dinner at your grandparent's house". Ayesha said sighing

"But, they were mean to you Khala I don't like it". Neil said pouting

She kissed his forehead, "Khala ki Jaan, they are still your family. We will be back soon".

They were back in the same house that was nothing but a source of painful memories.

"I...I am home". She heard the man she hated the most say

She tensed sending Neil away from the table and to the garden. She saw him stumbling on his feet clearly drunk as his eyes meet her.

"Ah, if it isn't the favourite savior sister". He said walking closer to her as she steps back

"Stay away from me". She said glaring at him

Amir looked at his brother (Saad) shocked he hadn't been home in days since he was here. Now, that he noticed he stink bad and looks even worse.

"Why?. You are the one going around saving people from me now you are scared of me?". His brother said smirking

"I am not scared of you. I am disgusted by your presence. I wish I could have saved her earlier from a monster like you. Why is he here?". She asked his parents

His parents looked guilty and didn't even speak anything.

"Come on, don't be a spoilsport a little fun won't hurt anyone". His brother said

Which disgusted even Amir. They heard the door opening and Neil walking inside hugging Ayesha.

"There is nothing outside beside darkness I am bored". Neil whined looking at his Khala with puppy eyes

"He is the one". His brother said raising his eyebrow, "You wanted him safe?".

"Yes, and I have been never been more thankful that I took him away from someone like you". Ayesha said angrily holding Neil behind her

"Who is he, Khala?". Neil asked

Amir looked shocked that the child doesn't recognize his own father then he looked at the hard look in her eyes which had him even more shocked.

"No one". She said glaring then looked at Neil, "We are leaving and I will not be coming back here anymore".

With that, she walked out with Neil beside her. Amir stood there for a moment but then followed her standing in front of her blocking her way. He could see and feel the anger coming out of her and he was beyond shocked that she would be angry she never was. She was never like this.

"Move". She said gritting her teeth

"No, you have to tell me what was that?. What did my brother do?. Why do you have Neil's custody?. Why is everything like this?. Why did you destroy your sister life?". He asked angrily and frustrated

Her eyes narrowed as she asked Neil to sit in the car and she turned towards him, "I hurt my sister?. I loved her because of your brother and me being late I lost her. I cannot say anything so why don't you ask your parents?".

She was gone after that.

Amir couldn't stop her since he was confused so he walked back inside to find his brother passed out and then looked at his own parents.

Did he misunderstood?.

"Why did he do?". He asked stern

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