《The Tales of love- I》3.2:"Hidden truths"


Jamil's uncle said he couldn't doubt his own wife. That night, he came home a little early to find his son and Hania in the lounge reading some surah. She was reciting it beautifully and her voice was so soft and stable. He looked at his own son who was mesmerized like him in looking at the shine on her face, the soft smile and her voice calling their heart.

He thought momentarily that it's been ages (before his marriage with Ayesha) he used to pray and even lead the prayer for his mother. That was indeed a good time and to find his mother smiling at him was beautiful. He frowned when he couldn't remember the last time he had been with his mother when was it exactly?.

He heard his son reciting the same surah and he was shocked that a 6 old could actually learn the surah.

"You came so early?". His wife- Ayesha said smiling at him

He nodded looking back at the duo who was busy in their own world. Hamza jumped in Hania arms and she winces in clear intense pain but bites her lips hiding it.

"What happened?". His son asked moving back worried

"Arey (oh), nothing". Hania said patting his cheeks

"Why are you wasting his time in this?. He has school homework to do". Ayesha said angrily glaring at Hania

Hania who wasn't aware of the two presence startled and even wince more from the sudden movement but didn't dare look at them.

"I have done my work". Hamza said standing in front of Haina in protection

Even Khizar noticed her wincing and how his son was standing in front of her like he will shield her away from the hurt. Even when he was just a 6-year-old kid. Why would he do that?.

"Hamza, I didn't speak to you is this the way you speak to your Ammi (mother)?. Is this what you are teaching him to be a rebel?". Ayesha yelled angrily

Hamza stayed unfazed in front of Haina not wanting Ayesha to hurt his mother (by heart-Hania) by her hands. He knows something happened when he came back and saw his mother (Hania) on the floor and no one was there. He was crying asking to wake up that her son was here but she didn't for a long time but when she did she was crying badly.

Hamza feels Hania wrapping a hand around his small body pulling him away from Ayesha not wanting Ayesha to hit him.

"Mere piyare bache (my sweet child), I told you to respect the elder come on apologising to you Ammi (mother)". Hania said softly patting his cheeks

Hamza shakes his head but then he looked at her mother (Hania) pleading eyes and he did what she asked.

"Mere shehzada bacha (my prince, child), very good". She patted his head lovingly

Hamza wrapped his arms around her small hurt body (she wince again) and cried in her neck silently not liking that she was always hurt and he had heard her every night crying alone and quietly in the washroom.

Hania feel suffocated in his presence and almost ran away with Hamza to the kitchen. Ayesha holds her husband hand complaining and bad-mouthing Hania.

Khizar didn't hear a word Ayesha was saying and his mind played the scene that happened in front of him. His heart was saying something else and his mind was saying something else.

"She is from a small village the people there have no manner and no education at all. She came from dirt and now she is teaching my son the same things. She is just a useless person we are feeding for free". Ayesha said loudly


Hania sat in the dinner table feeding her son (Hamza) food and her hand stopped and her heart breaks hearing her words. She feels the pain when Khizar didn't even say a word while she called her so many things and her hand remained in mid-air and tears dripping down her face as she closed her mouth tightly not to make a sound.

Hamza looked at his mother (Hania) breaking hearing Ayesha words. He knows Ayesha said something bad about her that she was crying. He did what his mother (Hania) taught him he prayed with all his heart to end his mother (Hania) suffering and to make her happy.

Hamza holds her hand jumping in her lap hugging her tightly as she cried in his tiny shoulder quietly. They heard a loud throat clearing and she panicked placing Hamza back and standing far away from her seat. She wasn't allowed to sit on the polish expensive seats it was because her body pained that she did today.

"I am sorry". She said hurriedly closing her eyes

"Don't hurt, Ammi (mother)". Hamza said standing in front of her

Hamza watched as his father was standing at the entrance and his mother (Hania) was scared of him. As his father took steps towards Hania she was shaking by now and Hamza had to protect her. He had seen his Ayesha hurt her and his father never saving her he had suspicions that he might hurt her too.

Khizar eyes widen as he saw his own son accusing eyes looking at him with anger. He could tell that Hamza was asking him too many questions that he had no idea about neither he had the answer to. The need to protect Hania in Hamza was clearly too strong and he could feel it. Khizar used to be same with his mother too when people used to say bad about her after his father died. He used to be protective over her too just like Hamza. His son.

He couldn't bear looking at his own son eyes and casting one last glance at the shaking woman (Hania) he walked away with a heavy heart.

The next day, he announced he will be staying home and even had Hamza take a day off while his wife had a field day screaming at him for being irresponsible and leaving his business.

He had to stay and he saw how happy both Jamil and his wife were. He didn't find Hania most of the time and when he asked Jamil's wife she said she was cleaning the rooms and arranging stuff which she told him was her daily duties. He wasn't sure why she needs to work when they have so many servants.

"She works because she has nothing else to do in this house. I saw all the important work and she just sees these minor work which I had asked her not to". Ayesha replied when he asked her the reason obviously after a fight that he was doubting her and caring for a Hania

He found first time a full feast breakfast on the table he knows his wife (Ayesha) didn't cook and Hania did because his son who was having breakfast with him bragging about how good her food always is which he agreed with. Also, his son told him how she told him having family meals is a blessing and how he was happy to have one today.

His wife (Ayesha) however wanted a meal in the room and she did alone after throwing a tantrum that he wasn't spending his time with her. He wanted to figure this mystery that Jamil uncle had put him in so he could live peacefully.


Ayesha did come out when he was playing a video game with his son who was telling him about Hania a lot actually which he didn't know. They sat there and he saw Hamza tense as soon as Ayesha came and he didn't even speak after her arrival.

"Beta (son), come on". He heard Hania sweet voice speak from behind

He turned around quickly wanting to look at her since he didn't from the morning and his son ran from his arm towards her but Ayesha holds his hand stopping his movement.

"Why do you want to take him away when he is enjoying with us?. Why are you so jealous of him having a good time with us?". Ayesha yelled angrily

"No, no, it's not that it's prayer time and he-". Hania said hurriedly

"So?. He is just a small kid he doesn't have to pray are you bragging about being religious here?". Ayesha yelled angrily

He saw Hania flinch at her words but didn't say anything back.

"Leave me. You are hurting me". Hamza cried

Ayesha tightened her hold and Khizar was about to speak when he saw Hania moving so quick towards Hamza pulling him away from Ayesha and shielding him behind her even when she was shaking too.

"Please, don't hurt him, he is just a small kid". Hania pleaded

"Oh, now you will tell me what I should do". Ayesha said angrily standing in front of Hania who cowered back, "Now, you are showing my husband that I am a bad mother".

He never thought that Ayesha could ever raise a hand on another person but she did. She slapped Hania so hard that she fell down instantly hitting the table on her forehead in the process.

"Ammi (mother)". Hamza cried holding her injured head to his small chest

"What did you just call her?". Ayesha growled angrily

Hania instantly hides Hamza behind her but Ayesha pushed her away again holding Hamza tightly.

"Tell me". Ayesha ordered angrily

"I called her Ammi". Hamza said angrily pushing her hand away looking at her hurt mother (Hania) crying

Hamza pushed Ayesha away moving to his mother (Hania) and hugging her tightly.

"Ammi (mother), I am so sorry I am here". Hamza said crying

"Beta (son), go apologise to your mother it's not nice". Hania said still crying

"Did you see this?. She had turned our son against us. Now, he is speaking against us and she even took my rights to be called Ammi (mother)". Ayesha cried fake tears

Khizar remained in his place too shocked. He saw Ayesha moving to hit his son and he hold her hand to stop her. Ayesha looked at him shocked and then walked away angrily.

He looked at his crying son in Hania arms (who was also crying) trying to calm him down.

"Arey beta (oh, son), dekho kuch nahi howa (see, nothing happened). ". Hania said smiling

Obviously a broken smile.

"Beta (son)". Khizar spoke for the first time

Hamza looked at him angrily, "Don't call me that. You are bad like her (Ayesha). You didn't save Ammi (mother) you never saved her. She always hit-".

"Hamza". Hania said putting a hand on his mouth

She pushed Hamza away in fear that Khizar might hurt him for being bad like she was always hit when she was young was any mistake.

"I am so sorry. Please, don't hurt him. It was all my fault you can hurt me as much as you want please don't hurt him. He is just a kid, please". She pleaded on her knees with her hand joined together and her eyes closed for any slap or hit she might get

Khizar gasped looking at her and stumble back hearing her words. He couldn't believe both of them will say so much to him. And things he will never do.

She heard him gasp and he knows he will hit her now for sure.

"Please, please, hit me, punch me, hit me with bat or anything even lock me in the basement with no food please don't hurt him". She begged more as tears stream down her face

Even Hamza was crying beside her hearing her words. He knows this all had happened. Even if half of the things he hadn't seen he knows it had happened. He wasn't too small to understands things. He was a smart kid.

"Please, don't hurt Ammi (mother). Please, she is not strong please don't hit her today. Hit me, please, I will not cry and I will not be a bad boy again. Please, hurt me not her. She didn't do anything". Hamza begged sitting in front of her just how she was sitting while begging

Khizar eyes filled with tears as he looked at them both saying words and thinking things he would never do. He saw how badly his son was crying and how even badly he wanted to protect Hania.

His heart-break.

"What are you talking about?". He yelled angrily

Hania immediately pushed Hamza out of the way towards the exit not wanting him to be hurt. She holds the bat behind the couch which Ayesha used to beat her at times and she sat on her knees in front of Khizar handing him the bat.

"Please, hurt me as much as you want I will not cry or speak. Please, Hamza is just a kid, please". She said crying begging him more

He gasped throwing the bat away which had some old stains on it and he knew it wasn't dirt it was blood. He ran away from his house outside to breath a little better. But no matter how much he ran he couldn't feel himself not losing it.

After, about hours, he walked back inside the house which was empty and no sound at all. He walked to his room to find Ayesha sleeping peacefully on king size bed and then he walked to Hania room which was locked. He asked Jamil's wife about the door and she informed that Ayesha had asked Hania to shift her things in his son room and she will live there.

As much as he knows he only brought a small bed for his son room and there was no other coach or stuff as Ayesha said he wouldn't need it. He walked to his son room and the door was slightly opened and he could hear the mumbling of them.

He opened a little more and his heart skipped a beat at the scene in front of him. There was Hania covered in hijab (scarf) praying and his son leading the prayer and what surprised him was that his son was reading it all correct.

The actions and words were too clear and right and the scene was just how he used to be with his own mother.

His heart-clench.

He walked away giving them space towards his mother room he hadn't been in for a long time and he wasn't even sure if she will like him being here.

"Come beta (son)". He heard his mother saying from behind the closed door

He was stunned but he entered inside after he had permission. He didn't even look at her as the guilt was too much for him.

"Aa Jao (come on), I have been waiting for you to come". His mother said softly

He walked near her looking at her now and he saw how much he had missed she had grown so old and wrinkles covered her face and her body was so weak.

"Ammi (mother), Mujhe mauf kar dein (forgive me), please. I am late". He said crying

"Nahi nahi (no, no), you are on time she said you will come for sure and see you are here. I am so happy". His mother said smiling at him

"Who said, Ammi (mother)?". He asked confused

"Hania. She always prayed for this". Her mother replied, "Her prayers are being answered now I have been waiting for it".

"Ammi (mother)?". He said

"She said she will pray harder for all of us and that I will not die until I see the real happiness and laughter following in this house. I feel it the time is near and it's here". She said softly the tears of happiness in her eyes

"Ammi (mother), don't talk like that I want my age to go to you". He said angrily but worried

His mother chuckled, "Arey pagal (oh, stupid) tum Hania Jaise ho (you are like Hania) she always scolds me speaking about death too".

His heart flutters and he smiles.

"Beta (son), I did mistakes in my life which caused your life too. I never should have selected someone like Ayesha for you but you can still correct my wrongdoing. Hania, is an angel in your life and she far too broke already I don't think she can take this any longer. Please, save her and beg her for forgiveness. She is the one who will light this house. Respect her, trust her, protect and love her. She had never been truly loved and cherished show her to love herself. Take her pain and fear away, beta (son), please". His mother pleaded

That was what pushed him. His son and his mother pushing him to see the truth. At times, one can not see the truth because lies are always sweeter than the harsh truth but the truth could never be hidden for long and when someone has a power of Allah with them then all the wrongs had to answer and face the consequences.

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