《The Deadly Trick》Part 4


The fall brought Bill back from the past to his seat. He looked around at the fellow audience, but none of them betrayed any sign that something has taken place out of the ordinary. The show seemed to have moved along quite a bit. Whatever spell Henry Dane had cast was working. People were taking in every moment of the show like a sponge. But the spell put upon Bill's mind was a different beast. Bill contemplated what had happened, what had caused him to slip into such a rotten memory on a day when everything was going so fine. While his thoughts led him deeper and deeper, Bill suddenly pulled himself out. He was wasting the valuable ticket he had been given. Now, pushing all his anxiety driven thoughts aside, Bill tried to concentrate on what seems to be the finale of the show.

"I am kind of sad this show is coming to an end", Henry said, now in a rather scary vampire outfit, which was not out of place in the stage that was now a nightmare, "You all have been such incredible audience and gracious hosts for this inaugural show on my tour, it made my homecoming worth it." People cheered loudly. "Unfortunately all good things must come to pass, and I am definitely sad that we do have to end this show", he said, his voice surprisingly genuine. The audience groaned and immediately started a chant for "ONE MORE TRICK".

"Well, then how about we end this show on a high with a brand new trick of mine?", Henry asked to loud rousing applause. "Well not really though", he said in a conspiratorial tone, "This is actually a trick I learned from a tribe very deep in the amazons. This is real voodoo, ladies and gentlemen. I nearly lost my hand to learn it. Even I really don't know how the trick works, only that it does. I am going to call on dark magic, so anyone really pious can heed this warning and escape. This trick needs one more person. I am going to need someone from the audience."


Several hands raised, some even jumping up and down their seats to get the magician's attention. "Settle down guys!", Henry smiled, "I know, we are all excited but listen. This trick while not dangerous could be jarring. After all, I would need you to die once." The entire audience, this time with the entire backstage crew stood shell-shocked.

"Not to worry, I will bring you back", Henry tried to reassure the audience, "I tested this several times on a few willing participants and it yielded results every time. So, any volunteers?"

"Don't worry people, it is definitely not painful. Everyone who came back told me it was even real fun", Henry spoke to the reluctant audience. "Okay, how about this, the participant will get a backstage pass to every single show on this tour. All expenses paid. How about that? Sounds good? It's definitely a hundred percent safe. A magician never lies!"

A few hands slowly go up. "Money!", Bill remembered, "My cash!" and jumped on to his feet to check his pockets. He pulled out the bills, reassured but now, he found everyone's eyes on him. "Yes!", Henry exclaimed, "an enthusiastic volunteer. This is what I am looking for. Please make the way to the stage, gentleman. What a braveheart!"

Confused, Bill followed Henry's directive amidst a rather grim applause and extremely curious looks. As he reached the stage, a hearty hand reached out to him and grabbed him up to the stage. "A real pleasure to meet you", Henry shook Bill's hand, his eyes shining with mirth. Remembering the setup to this act, Bill now began to feel the dread and stepped back. But the bear like grip of Henry warded off his efforts to leave. The pressure that seemed to emanate from the audience also pushed him towards the rather frightening apparatus for this magic.


"I didn't think we would meet like this again. I mean, what are the odds? Aren't you glad that you came for the show, now you get to travel the whole world! Are you ready for this?", Henry greeted Bill warmly, turning off the microphone.

"I dunno", Bill replied blankly, freezing with fear.

"It will be alright", Henry explained, "Now let's introduce you to the audience shall we?"

H - "What's your name?"

B - "Bill"

H - "So, what do you do, Bill?"

B - "Uhhh..... I am an insurance salesman"

H - "Mmmm... tough job. How are feeling right now, standing on the stage?"

B - "Ummm... scared? terrified?"

H - "Be excited man! Okay then, any last words?"

Henry laughed to a shocked audience. "I am really sorry. Terrible joke. Promise I wouldn't do it again." Some in the audience joined in with tepid laughter. "But anything you want to say to audience, Bill?", Henry asked.

"Tell my children I miss them", Bill said abruptly.

"Dude! Don't worry! You will see them again. It was just a joke", said Henry, feeling bad.

Henry lead Bill towards a rather abominable box, large enough to fit an adult comfortably. "Well, this is how the trick is going to go. Sign your name onto your hand here and then you will enter this box I received from the elders of the Niverr Kaar tribe. I will then slide swords through you. Then a few from the audience will come here to check your pulse. Once your death is confirmed, I will perform the sacred ceremony to bring the dead back to life and then you can regale the tale of the afterlife to this wonderful audience that were the most gracious host for us and our inaugural show. Capisce?", Henry explained. Bill just nodded.

Opening up the box and showing that it was completely and that there were no hidden tricks with the help of a supportive spectator, Henry allowed Bill to step in the box of death and made sure he was comfortable, Henry turned to close the door.

Bill looked to Henry in hopes of a few comforting words. Instead the usually smiling eyes of Henry turned violent, making Bill's legs into jelly. With a voice full of hatred, Henry asked, "Charles Wardle? Charlie?" Whatever fear he had regarding the trick paled in comparision to the horror that he faced now.

"Who?", he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"I thought so", Henry replied, smugly as he closed the doors.

The blades slid in absolute silence.

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