《My Secret Boyfriend》97


the plan was settled.

y/n hid with ron, harry, and hermione with the other gryffindors. neville stood in front, his tall body helping shield the four.

into the great hall, y/n had to restrain herself from looking around. it was so gloomy, not a single hint of happiness.

"that's what happens when snape is headmaster," neville mumbled to y/n. the girl frowned.

snape stood at the front of the great hall, all four houses standing with them. snape cleared his throat as he began talking.

"many of you are surely wondering why i have summoned you here at this hour. it has come to my attention that earlier this evening... harry potter was spotted in hogsmeade."

murmurs and chatter filled the great hall. y/n felt chills run down her spine as snape continued.

y/n looked over at harry, noticing how his hand tightly gripped ginny's. she couldn't help but let her lips curve into a smile.

"now then. if anyone here has knowledge of mr potter's movements this evening... i invite them to step forward now." snape pursed his lips together.

harry spoke up. "i think i can help you out with that."

y/n watched as the brunette stepped out from the crowd. snape's eyes went wide.

"it would have seem that, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you have a bit of a security problem, headmaster," harry continued.

just then, the doors to the great hall opened. the members of the order. y/n felt her heart drop when she made eye contact with fred.

"and i'm afraid it's rather extensive."

y/n stepped out with her twin and hermione. she heard her mother's gasp and she tried to stay grounded.

snape locked eyes with y/n. he narrowed his eyes at her, trying to read her. he released his stare when he couldn't.


"how dare you stand where he stood. tell them how it was that night. tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. tell them!" harry shouted.

snape went for his wand. mcgonagall stepped in front of harry, blocking the spell casted on him. snape and mcgonagall sent curses and spells flying at each other before snape took off out of the window.

"coward! coward! and he didn't even stay to fight!" mcgonagall shouted. y/n grinned, turning around and running to her family.

"y/n!" molly and arthur shrieked.

"merlin's beard, y/n. you look like rubbish," fred joked, tears pricked in his eyes as he grabbed his sister and hugged her tightly.

"and you don't? try being locked into a dungeon with death eaters for months," y/n retorted, hugging george.

"we'll have our reunion later." george told his sister as she nodded.

the great hall went silent once more. the room went black, the only lighting came from the suddenly lit torches.

a girl screamed as y/n grabbed out to fred and george. y/n felt chills run down her spine once more when the eery voice of voldemort spoke.

"i know that many of you will want to fight. some of you may even think this is wise. but this is folly. i wish you no harm. i have great respect for the students of hogwarts. i was once one myself after all. i ask for but one thing and if granted no magical blood shall be spilt...

give me harry potter. do this and none shall be harmed. give me harry potter and i shall leave hogwarts untouched. give me harry potter and you will be rewarded."

the hall lit up again. it was dead silent until a shrieking sound came from the slytherins.


"but he's there! potter's there! someone grab him!" pansy parkinson screeched.

"pansy, shut your filthy mouth," y/n spoke up angrily.

the doors to the great hall opened. "students out of bed! students in the corridors!" filch sang.

"they're supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot!" mcgonagall snapped.

"oh. sorry, mum," filch frowned.

fred and george gave y/n a weird look but she just shrugged in response. filch moved to leave but mcgonagall spoke out.

"wait! as it turns out, mr filch, your arrival is most opportune. if you would like, i'd like to you to lead miss parkinson and the rest of slytherin house from the hall."

"right away," filch nodded.

"er... exactly where is it i'd be leadin' em to, mum?" filch asked.

"the dungeons should do."

the great hall erupted into cheers as the slytherins snickered. nonetheless, they turned and followed filch. y/n locked eyes with blaise before he left.

y/n turned to where mcgonagall and harry were having a conversation. harry turned, exiting with ron and hermione.

neville grabbed onto y/n as the houses followed mcgonagall. "we need to secure the school."

y/n nodded at neville, watching as he went back up to mcgonagall with ginny and seamus. "y/n! c'mon," george called out.

y/n turned on her heels and followed her older brothers. as she continued their footsteps, she had two things on her mind.

protecting hogwarts and her family, and that she might to see draco again tonight.

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