《My Secret Boyfriend》95


"anyone have any ideas on how to get out of this bloody place?" Hermione asked.

"you're asking us? you're the brilliant one." Ron scoffed.

"i have one. doubt you're gonna like it, though." y/n spoke up. the trio gave her a nod of agreement.

y/n pulled out her wand. "Relashio!"

"that's your idea?" Ron said in shock.

"come on!" Harry cut Ron off.

all four of them jumped forward onto the dragon. y/n griped on for dear-life, trying to steady herself on the pricks coming from the dragon's spine.

"it doesn't realize it's free!" Hermione yelled. she began trying a bunch of spells.

suddenly, Harry and Ron jab their wands into the dragon causing it to roar. it began flapping its massive wings as it flew out of the cave.

the dragon erupted through the floor; dust, glass, and marble flying everywhere. the dragon continued to make it's way outside the bank until the cool breeze hit y/n's face.

"that was brilliant! brilliant!" Ron praised.

y/n grinned, enjoying the once in a lifetime opportunity to ride a dragon. her mind began wandering to Draco... what was he doing?

"we're dropping!" Harry alerted, causing y/n to snap out of her thoughts.

"let's jump!" Ron shouted.

"when?" Hermione asked.

"now!" Harry yelled.

quickly, the four of them let go. y/n plugged her nose as she hit the water, the weight of her dress weighing her down slightly as she kicked up to the surface.

the water was freezing as she gasped for breath. Harry and Ron were already climbing to the shore, Hermione following closely behind.

y/n swam in the cold lake, shivering as the now-even-colder air hit her body. her chin was chattering as Hermione pulled clothes out of her bag.


"here, before you catch a cold!" Hermione tossed her a pair of jeans and a (fav color) sweater.

y/n changed as fast as she could. her wet hair fell from the bun it was in as she looked towards Harry for the next step.

"he knows. you-know-who. he knows we broke into Gringotts. he knows what we took. he knows we're hunting Horcruxes." Harry informed them.

y/n let out a deep breath as Harry continued.

"he's angry. but he's scared too. he's going to make sure the other Horcruxes are safe."

"what happens if he finds out four are gone?" y/n asked.

"i reckon he'll do anything to stop us from finding the rest. there's more; one of them's at Hogwarts." Harry said.

"what?" Hermione, Ron, and y/n all said in disbelief.

"you saw it?" Hermione questioned.

"i saw the castle. and Rowena Ravenclaw. i think it must have something to do with her. we have to go there, now."

"tonight? but we have a plan. we have to figure out what-"

"honestly, Hermione, when have our plans actually worked? we plan, we get there and all hell breaks loose." Harry interrupted her.

"he's right, 'Mione. only, one problem. Snape's Headmaster now. we can't just walk in the front door." y/n said.

"we'll go to Hogsmeade. to Honeydukes. take the secret passage in the cellar."

Harry looked off.

"there's something wrong with him. in the past, i could follow his thoughts. now everything feels disconnected." Harry frowned.

"maybe it's because of the Horcruxes. maybe he's growing weaker. maybe he's dying." Ron thought-out-loud.

"no. it's more like he's wounded. if anything, he feels more dangerous." Harry looked at


she gulped.

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