《My Secret Boyfriend》94


suddenly, the goblin sniffed something and smiled. y/n looked over in time to see Harry's wand quickly slipping back into the Invisibility Cloak.

genius. she thought.

"if you will follow me." Bogrod said. the goblin next to him blinked in suspicion and confusion.

Hermione let out a sigh as she tilted her head up. the four of them followed Bogrod through Gringotts. y/n felt a shiver run down her spine as the temperature was freezing.

Griphook jumped down from Harry's back, leading them to the cart. "c'mon." he grumbled.

"how long before they come after us?" Harry asked as the cart ascended through the caverns of Gringotts.

"time will tell." Griphook said.

"what's that? up ahead." Ron pointed.

a giant waterfall was spilling right onto the track. "i should've known." Griphook mumbled as he furiously tried to get the cart to stop.

"Griphook! what is that?!" y/n repeated her twin. she was not prepared to get wet.

water splashed over them as the cart stopped. irritated, y/n was about to say something when suddenly the cart dropped.

they were free-falling, the ground getting closer and closer. y/n closed her eyes, preparing for death, when she heard Hermione yell something.

they gently hit the ground. y/n groaned, accepting Harry's hand to stand up.

"well done. hey, you look like... you." Harry observed Hermione.

indeed, Hermione was no longer Bellatrix.

"the Thief's Downfall. washes away all enchantments. can be deadly." Griphook finally informed.

y/n slipped her hands into her dress pockets. "you don't say? well... is there any other way to get out of here?" she asked.

"no." Griphook replied shortly.

"what the devil are you all doing down here!" Bogrod said out of nowhere. his spell must have worn off.


"we need him!" Griphook said.

"is this your doing, Griphook? you have no rights here anymore. when you gave up your keys, you-"

"Imperio!" Ron interrupted. Bogrod went back to smiling.

"well done." Griphook complimented.

they began their way into a cave. an unsettling, heart dropping roar came from the other end.

"no. it's not possible-" Ron began but stopped. a giant-

"bloody hell. that's a Welsh Green." Ron informed. a giant dragon was chained up, guarding the vaults.

"it looks like it's been down here forever." Hermione said.

Griphook grabbed a small instrument.

"go on." Griphook said.

"what- what does that thing do?" y/n asked.

"it's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise." Ron told her.

"that's barbaric!" y/n gasped. Hermione nodded in agreement as they looked over the scars on the dragon.

"we'll only have a few seconds. in other words- there will be no do-overs. understood?" Griphook asked. everyone nodded.

Bogrod began clanking around the instrument with the help of Griphook. the four teenagers ran to the other side.

they were met with Bellatrix's vault. Griphook grabbed Bogrod's hand, watching as all the locks came undone.

Harry pushed inside. "Lumos."

his wand tip lit up. y/n, Hermione, and Ron followed suit. "what exactly are we looking for?" y/n asked.

no one answered causing y/n to huff.

"is it here, Harry? can you feel it?" Ron asked.

y/n looked around the giant vault. jewels, coins, artifacts, anything expensive filled the shelves, floor, tables, etc.

y/n's eyes landed on something in the corner. the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

"no wonder Bellatrix thought it was real." y/n mumbled under her breath.

y/n jumps slightly when things start clanging together. "it's hot!" Hermione yelled.


a small cup began multiplying, so much where the ground began to fade. "they've added Gemino and Flagrante Curses! everything you touch will burn and multiply!" Griphook said.

"hello? grab the bloody thing!" y/n snapped at Harry as he stood in shock.

Harry pointed to another small cup towards the ceiling. "it's up there."

"how're we going to reach it?" Hermione asked.

"grab me the sword." Harry said. y/n picked it up, tossing it to the brunette.

Harry began climbing as the objects kept multiplying. y/n gulped, her legs were hard to move as cups surrounded her. plus the weight of her dress, she was stuck.

the sword tip gently picked up the Horcrux before it fell past Harry. "Harry! behind you!" y/n yelled.

Harry jumped down. Griphook grabbed the cup. "we have a deal, Griphook." Harry told the goblin as he stood outside the door.

"the cup for the sword!" Griphook yelled. Harry threw it to him as Griphook did the same.

"i said i'd get you in. i never said anything about getting you out." Griphook smirked, grabbing Bogrod's hand and leaving.

cups surrounded them. y/n sucked in a breath, pushing her way through. the cups continued to fall out the door until y/n's feet connected with the stone pavement.

moving out of the way, Ron, Harry, and Hermione fell behind her. Griphook was shaking the instrument, leaving them behind.

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