《My Secret Boyfriend》93


"we're going to do what?" y/n asked.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were going over their plan to sneak into Gringotts as Bellatrix with her wand in order to grab a horcrux.

"are you in?" Harry asked.

"uh... you realize this is risky right?" she asked.

"y/n, what we've been doing the last months have been risky." Ron persuaded.

y/n huffed. "fine."

so that's how y/n stood with Harry and Griphook on the beach, next to Leepy's grave, waiting for Hermione and Ron.

"it won't look suspicious if you show up with Bellatrix, right?" Harry asked.

"considering I'm wearing this big dress, no, i don't think it will be." y/n answered. after washing and drying the dress from the Malfoy Manor, they decided wearing it would be best.

"what do you think?" Ron asked as he came walking up the hill. his hair now brown, wearing all black clothes.

"wouldn't know you if i didn't know you," Harry remarked.

Ron looked at himself in the mirror. "what's the mirror for?" y/n asked.

Harry explained that Sirius gave it to him. a face always looked back.

Bellatrix- well, Hermione, came awkwardly up the hill.

"bloody hell, that's a sight." Ron teased.

"well, how do i look?" Hermione asked. y/n felt shivers run down her spine.

"hideous," Ron said.

"Ronald!" y/n snapped, hitting him over the back of the head.

"Griphook, you can give that to Hermione to hold," Harry told the goblin who was holding the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

Griphook eyed Harry but dropped the sword into Hermione's bag.


y/n felt like she was spinning again. her ears rang until a sudden.



they had landed in Diagon Alley.

as everyone still adjusted, a man walked by. "Madam Lestrange." he nodded towards Hermione.

"good morning." Hermione awkwardly coughed.

y/n rolled her eyes.

"Hermione- i was with that vile woman for months. she doesn't tell people 'good morning', she kills them!" y/n said.

"easy, easy." Ron defended.

"sorry." Hermione frowned.

"no, i'm sorry. their wicked personalities rubbed off on me." y/n said half-heartedly.

"come on, let's get to it," Harry said, throwing the Invisibility Cloak over himself and Griphook.


y/n and Hermione's heels clicked along the marble floor of Gringotts bank as Ron trudged behind them. y/n knew what it was like to be surrounded by Death Eaters, so she had to act like it.

walking with her head up high, she began to wonder why she hadn't been Bellatrix. the entirety of the persona would have been more natural.

they approached the goblin at the front who didn't even glance at them.

"identification," he said.

"i hardly think that will be necessary," Hermione said.

the goblin looked up. "Madam Lestrange! dear me, how may i help you today?" he asked.

"i wish to enter my vault." Hermione stated.

Ron looked at y/n who looked back.

"i see. very well. excuse me, won't you?" the goblin dropped out of the chair.

"i don't like to be kept waiting."

Hermione looked at Ron nervously.

y/n glanced around. she had never really been in Gringotts. mum had always told her to wait outside or go glance around in other shops.

"next." another goblin said.

"he's with me. as difficult as that may be to imagine." Hermione said.

y/n watched as more goblins approached.

shit, their cover had been blown.

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