《My Secret Boyfriend》91


a week later, Leepy was bringing down the prisoner's food as y/n ate guiltily with Draco at the table.

she swallowed her roast chicken as it was a tension-filled silence. all the Death Eaters had joined them now, strange since they always opted to leave the love birds be.

as the sun came down y/n was walking down a corridor with Draco when they heard from the next room over, "more prisoners have come. Bellatrix ordered to get Draco."

Draco tensed up as they turned into the room. "I heard my name?"

Narcissa burst through the door, Leepy by her side shyly.

"both of you. come with me." Narcissa said.

y/n anxiously walked with Narcissa and Draco, her black and red dress flowed behind her as the pace quickened. Narcissa led them to an open room.

y/n felt her stomach drop out of her body when she saw Ron and Hermione held in a grip by the Snatchers. Ron's eyes widened as he and Hermione stood in shock.

"my friends here say they've got Harry Potter. seeing as he's an old-school chum of yours, i thought you could confirm the thought for us." Bellatrix stated.

y/n looked to where Lucius was grabbing Draco by the neck, forcing him to look at Harry... who had a Stinging Jinx on him.

she swallowed thickly, patting Leepy's head. the elf had hidden behind her legs.

"i... can't be too sure," Draco said quietly.

Lucius whispered to Draco and forced him to look closer.

Bellatrix grabbed Draco's hand. "don't be shy, sweetheart. get up nice and close. do we need y/n to come look too?" Bellatrix asked.

Draco shook his head quickly.

"what's wrong with his face?" Draco asked.

"what is wrong with his face?" Bellatrix asked.


"he came to us like that. something he picked up in the forest, i reckon." Scabior stated.

"or ran into a Stinging Jinx..." Bellatrix whispered.

Bellatrix turned to Ron and Hermione. y/n's heartbeat was quickening by the second to the point where her knees were buckling.

"are you okay, miss y/n?" Leepy asked.

"was it you, dearie? give me her wand. we'll see what her last spell was."

Narcissa tapped Draco on the shoulder. the blond boy immediately returned to y/n, who looked ill.

"you alright?" he asked, taking her into his arms.

y/n shook her head. "i'm having a bloody anxiety attack." her throat was tight as Draco lead her to a chair.

"what is that?" she heard Bellatrix asked. y/n looked over to see the sword of Godric Gryffindor.

"where'd you get that from?"

y/n couldn't focus on the rest of the situation. Leepy had snapped his fingers and his tiny hands gave her a glass of water.

she closed her eyes momentarily only to snap them back open to the sound of a whip. Bellatrix had Scabior on the floor and Greyback in a chokehold with a whip.

"go!" she ordered.

"Cissy. put the boys in the cellar. i want to have a little conversation with this one, girl to girl!" Bellatrix shrieked. y/n stared at Hermione's fearful face, her eyes begging for help.

Wormtail came back up after the cellar door slammed shut.

"Leepy, please go tell Ron and Harry i'll find a way out of this, okay, please," she whispered into the elf's ear.

Leepy snapped his fingers and disappeared. Draco looked at y/n in worry. Griphook returned from the cellar with Wormtail. moments later Wormtail walked back down the stairs.

y/n could hear Hermione's painful-agonizing screams. she looked towards Draco, remembering the first time she, herself had met Bellatrix and she wanted "girl time."


Bellatrix was screaming at Griphook. y/n's head was spinning.

Hermione was lying on the floor, the word Mudblood carved into her forearm. Bellatrix turned her dagger towards Hermione when suddenly, "Expelliarmus!"

"Stupify!" Harry shot at Lucius. Draco and Narcissa were dueling Ron and Harry. y/n went to reach for her wand when Bellatrix grabbed her.

"stop or she dies!" she was holding y/n in a tight hold, a dagger pressed firmly to her neck.

"drop your wands!" Bellatrix ordered.

"don't think i didn't notice you two were related. stupid red hair might as well be twins."

"i said drop your wands!" Bella repeated.

Ron and Harry dropped them. "grab them, Draco."

"well, well, well. look what we have here. it's Harry Potter. all bright, shiny, and new again. just in time for the Dark Lord." Bellatrix smirked.

"call him," Bella told Draco. Draco swallowed thickly. y/n noticed how Leepy grabbed something on the floor. his eyes lit up. y/n realized Narcissa dropped her ring in the battle so that means that- Leepy was free.

when Draco hesitated, Lucius stepped forward. he rolled up his sleeve, hovering over his Dark Mark.

in the silent room, squeaking was heard. the chandelier on the top fell. Bellatrix let go of y/n as she ran towards Ron. he embraced her tightly.

Lucius ran to pull his wand but Harry stopped him with the Stupify spell. Draco looked at y/n in hurt eyes, but yet there was a glimmer of understanding in there.

Dobby and Leepy were standing behind them. "stupid elf, you coulda killed me!" Bellatrix yelled.

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or- or seriously injure." Dobby said.

Narcissa whipped her wand but Leepy snapped, the wand coming into his grip.

"how dare you take a witches' wand! how dare you defy your masters!" Bellatrix scolded.

"Narcissa has given Leepy a ring! Leepy is free! and Leepy is going to help miss y/n escape with her friends!" Leepy declared. y/n spared Draco one last glance as she grabbed onto Leepy's hand.

the world began spinning. y/n closed her eyes until they reopened. sand hit her feet, the sound of waves coming through.

water soaked the bottom of her dress, her hair already fell from the bun it was in. Ron and Hermione were holding each other tightly.

she rushed towards Dobby. "Dobby- where- where's Leepy?" she asked hurriedly.

Dobby pointed to where Leepy was standing, his knees bent as Bellatrix's dagger was impaled in his abdomen.

"no-no!" y/n shouted. she sprinted over to the elf, catching him into his arms as he fell. his big black eyes didn't have their usual glow.

"Leepy, please. you're gonna be okay," she whispered.

"Hermione! you have to have something- please." y/n felt the first tear run down her face. Hermione and Ron didn't make any effort to move and y/n knew it was already too late.

"t-thank you, m-miss y/n. Leepy is happy to be your friend." Leepy took one last breath before his body went limp.

"Leepy... please..." y/n sobbed.

i love leepy :/

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