《My Secret Boyfriend》90


after the news that Harry Potter had escaped the grasp of the Ministry and disappeared, it was tense in the Malfoy Manor.

Voldemort had gotten angrier and the Death Eaters got either more scared or more excited.

months had passed now. it had to have been some time in March as the snow began to fade and flowers began to bloom.

y/n and Draco had gotten a lot closer. they finally began acting like a real couple, despite the dark situation in the house and outside.

she moved her stuff into his room. a giant king sized bed with silk green sheets with velvet drapes over the windows.

his black marbled flooring felt cold on the pads of y/n's feet as she walked quietly to the loo connected to his room. it was around one in the morning, all she had on was a tee shirt.

she stared at herself in the mirror. dark circles under her eyes, the way every mark sat on her face, the way her hair was in a messy bun.

collecting some cold tap water in her hands she splashed it against her face. when she opened her eyes again she jumped seeing Draco leaning against the door.

his pale torso was exposed, his Dark Mark showing as he wore black sweat pants.

"up again?" he asked, walking over to her. his arms wrapped around her waist as they stared at themselves in the mirror.

"can't sleep." she murmured.

"you never do." he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, his body heat instantly warming her up.

"i miss my family, Draco." she whispered.

"i know you do."

"i just wanna see my brothers. and mum n dad. and Ginny." she frowned.

"i'm sorry, y/n." Draco whispered back. growing up as an only child he never knew what it was like to miss a sibling.


"i don't even know if they're still alive, Draco."

Draco stayed quiet. he didn't know what to say- what to do. there was nothing he could do.

"sorry." she mumbled.


"dumping that on you. i know it's not your fault." she whispered.

"thank you for opening up to me and expressing your feelings." he told her.

she pressed a kiss to his soft lips.

"let's get to bed, yeah?" he asked.

she nodded in response and followed him to the bed. she laid on the side closest to the window while he slept on the side closest to the door.

the sun shined through the next morning.

y/n's (e/c) eyes fluttered as a crash came from inside the room.

her and Draco jumped suddenly.

"Leepy? what are you doing in here?" she asked.

Leepy looked distraught.

"they've brought more!"


"the bad people!" Leepy explained.

Leepy disappeared once more. they were aware of the Death Eaters bringing in more prisoners and keeping them hostage in the dungeon.

the couple immediately dressed. y/n had a new wardrobe of mostly black dresses with flats (or heels depending on your height/preference.)

walking down to breakfast they bypassed the Death Eaters and snuck down to the dungeon. y/n recognized the hums.

"Luna?" y/n asked in shock.

"why, hello, y/n." Luna smiled dreamily.

Ollivander, Griphook, and Luna stood there.

"Merlin's Beard- how did you get here?" y/n asked.

"that's a bit of a stupid question, isn't it?" Griphook said.

"i believe there's no such things as stupid questions. every question has an answer. the obvious part makes it no less valuable to learn." Luna replied.

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