《My Secret Boyfriend》88


"i beg your pardon?" y/n asked.

"what has the Order been planning?" Voldemort repeated, leaning back in his chair. his posture was still as straight as ever, though.

y/n smirked knowingly. "oh, this is the reason you wanted me? not to reunite me with my boyfriend- no- but to rat out my family?"

the Death Eaters let out murmurs.

Draco squeezed her hand tightly under the table, almost as if he was asking, "what the hell are you doing?"

Voldemort shifted awkwardly in his seat. he planned this would have gone more smoothly.

"unfortunately for you, i don't have any information to give out. so if you can just let me back to my fam-" y/n had begun to get up but stopped when two Death Eaters stepped behind her.

"you do realize who you're talking to, right, Miss Weasley?" Voldemort asked. he was angry and in disbelief.

"i understand perfectly fine, Voldemort. do you realize who you're talking to?" y/n retorted back.

on the inside, her chest was hurting from the anxiety weighing it down. her stomach was in knots, but Draco couldn't be any more stunned- and proud.

"how dare you speak his name!" Bellatrix scolded suddenly.

Voldemort waved Bellatrix off.

"you show great bravery, y/n. but unfortunately for you, if you don't know information then there's no reason for you to be living." Voldemort was now smiling wickedly.

y/n felt her stomach drop.

"no!" Draco spoke up.

everyone looked at the sudden outburst the teen had made. Lucius and Narcissa looked extremely uncomfortable as they stared at their son.

"there will be no murdering." Draco swallowed, his adams apple moving in his throat.

"because you care for the girl? she's lucky she's still breathing as of right now. i have never let anyone talk to me the way she has." Voldemort said back.


Peter Pettigrew came running in. Voldemort looked visibly more irritated. everyone watched as Peter whispered something to the Dark Lord. y/n looked at Draco.


later that night y/n was planning an escape route. since she was in the hospital, she never got to take her Apparition test. a knock on her door startled her slightly. everyone should be asleep.

"Miss y/n?" a quiet voice asked, peeking its head in.

"Leepy!" y/n exclaimed happily, rushing him inside the door. she knew Death Eaters roamed every part of the property.

"Leepy has come to rescue Miss y/n!" Leepy said. y/n beamed.

"how are we going to get out of here, Leepy?"

"oh, miss, Leepy cannot come with you. Leepy is bound here to the Manor until master gives Leepy clothes!" Leepy explained.

"Leepy... do you know a Dobby?" y/n asked.

"oh.. we do not speak of Dobby! he is a shameful elf!" Leepy shook his head.

"is that what you think? or is that what your masters want you to think?" she asked. Leepy thought for a moment.

"Leepy thinks Dobby is very admirable. i wish too, to be set free one day." Leepy daydreamed.

y/n felt sad for the elf. poor creature; and she was damn well sure no one here would give Leepy clothes.

"i promise you i will help you be freed, Leepy." y/n said.

Leepy's black eyes lit up.

"you will?" he asked.

"of course. everyone deserves to be free." y/n told him.

"thank you, miss y/n! but right now.. i need to set you free!" Leepy said.

another shake of the door handle startled them both as Leepy hid behind y/n's legs. a blond head of hair appeared.



"i need to get you out of here. i don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"Draco." y/n said firmly. he looked panicked and distracted.

"come with me."

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