《My Secret Boyfriend》87


y/n woke up next morning in the cellar, her headache barely better as she sat up. one of the house elves was limping towards her with food, their hands shaking horribly.

"you poor thing. what have they done to you?" y/n asked as she took the food from the elves' mangled fingers.

"L-Leepy must not say anything bad about his masters!" the house elf, Leepy, said.

"that's okay. you don't have to." y/n reassured the small creature.

Leepy had a careful glow in his big eyes.

"Leepy likes miss.."


"miss y/n." Leept finished.

"Leepy! come here!" someone shouted from up the steps.

"sorry miss y/n!" Leepy cried out before he disappeared.

y/n ate the sloppy food in front of her. she was certain the house elves made it and tried to appreciate her eggs more.

minutes later more footsteps were heard before black shoes appeared on the steps. the face of Severus Snape appeared.

"ah, hello, miss y/n." he said, unlocking the cellar.

"Professor." y/n replied back.

Snape eyed her carefully, almost as if he was examining her. "i know how to make your scars heal faster."

y/n perked up. "you do?"

"yes. who do you think produced the spell?" he seemed annoyed as he pulled out his wand.

"why would you make a spell like that?" y/n asked as Snape stepped closer to her.

when he didn't answer she huffed. instead he began murmuring something and surely, the scars started to close.

"no more blood, no more hurting. it will be sore for a few days, but you'll be fine. although, they will remain visible." Snape told her.

"thank you." she mumbled.

Snape walked out with his long cloak following. Draco came running down the stairs after.


"how are you?" he asked, observing her.

"strange. it doesn't hurt as much anymore." she explained.

"good, good. i'm glad..."

awkward silence fell. y/n didn't know what to say and neither did Draco.


a week later the Death Eaters allowed her to stay in a spare bedroom that was on close watch at all times.

y/n was currently in the shower and realized how much bigger it was than at the Burrow. she missed home so much and wondered what her family was up to, if they were searching for her..

a knock on the door startled her as she hid behind the shower curtain. "yes?" she called out.

"dinner." someone grunted from outside.

y/n quickly hopped out of the shower and changed into the outfit laid on the bed. the Death Eaters told her she had to eat with them now.

the sleek black dress flowed from her body as she walked with Selwyn, a trusted Death Eater. all eyes were on her as they approached the dining room.

"welcome, y/n. welcome." Voldemort grinned, pointing to the open seat next to Draco.

y/n awkwardly walked over, her heart pounding in her chest as Draco pushed the chair out for her. she sat down and scooted in.

"so as you may know, the attack in the cafe against Harry Potter did not succeed." Voldemort said.

y/n gulped. if Harry was attacked, then surely Ron and Hermione were with him. she felt Draco comfortingly grab her hand under the table.

Draco tensed as he felt a ring on her middle finger. he slightly looked down to see it was the ring he gave her.

y/n was extremely uncomfortable at dinner as the Death Eaters and Voldemort chatted away with their plans.

after all, Harry was one of her best friends. even after the whole Sectumsempra scandal.

"y/n." Voldemort said suddenly.

she flinched slightly at the sudden intrusion.

"now tell me, dear, what is the Order planning?" Voldemort wickedly grinned.

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