《My Secret Boyfriend》86



y/n knew that name. Fred and George had told her that name.

she peeked her eyes open to see feet surrounding her. loud footsteps came down the stairway and into the room she was in.

"y/n?" the boy asked.

she turned her head slightly, a ringing in her ears. it was him... the blond boy in her dreams

"D-Draco?" she mumbled.

all eyes were on her. the blond boy- Draco- squat down next to her.

"i kept seeing you in my dreams. a-and i have to know.. who are you?" she asked.

Draco's expression fell as his eyes filled with sadness. "you don't remember me?" his voice cracked.

"should i?"

"why doesn't she remember me? what'd you do to her?" Draco turned to ask Voldemort and- holy fuck that's a giant snake next to him.

"relax, child. her memory will return... some day." the man smirked.

a lady with dark curly hair, Bellatrix, cackled and the Death Eaters shuffled out. Draco had stayed behind, his parents watching next to the gate.

"y/n, these are my parents. Lucius and-"

"Narcissa, dear. pleasure to meet you." the woman with cool hair shook her hand.

"we've met before, y/n." Lucius spoke firmly.

"indeed we have. Ministry of Magic, correct?" y/n asked.

Draco looked confused.

"how does she remember you but not me?"

Lucius and Narcissa looked uncomfortable. "we'll be upstairs."

y/n turned to Draco.

"i've dreamed about you so many nights, and i knew we were connected. please, tell me who you are." she begged.

Draco sat across from her.

"i'm your boyfriend, y/n. we started seeing each other year four but didn't get together until year five."

Draco continued to tell her every single memory and every single thought up until he had to leave.


"i thought about you every minute of the day. i was so worried about you, y/n. and- and i don't know why you can't remember this, but i missed you so much." Draco said.

y/n sucked in a breath. "it's.. weird. i saw the night Albus died in my dreams, but it would never get passed the part where i kissed you. i still remember everything except who you were and your relationship to me. but... now i know."

"i'm so sorry." he said.

she hadn't noticed the way their hands had found their way back to the other; fingers tightly interlaced.

"i never stopped loving you, y/n."

"Draco, where am i?" she asked. she knew deep in her heart that her and Draco had the connection he said, but she also knew it would take her a bit to collect the feelings.

"in the dungeon of my house. it might take a few days.. maybe weeks.. but i'm sure i can move you up to a bedroom."

"why am i here?"

"i-i don't know. i don't know why they brought you here, and i hoped they never would. but.. unfortunately i cannot say i don't love being around you again, darling. how are your scars?"

"they still hurt from time to time. it's hard to move." she explained.

"Draco!" the voice of Bellatrix called from up the stairs.

Draco looked panicked. "yes?" he called back.

"dinner's ready." Bellatrix came smirking down the stairs.

Draco swallowed the lump in his throat.

"i wanna have some.. girl talk.. with y/n." Bellatrix smiled wickedly at y/n.

y/n felt chills run down her body.

"Bellatrix.. please.." Draco silently begged.

"oh stupid boy, i'm not going to hurt her! not unless she acts out.." Bellatrix trailed off.


"go, go."

Draco nervously walked back up the stairs.

"y/n Weasley. the girlfriend of my nephew.. the daughter of the blood traitors."

"don't call them that." y/n spoke up.

Bellatrix smirked. "you don't like me talking about mummy and daddy, do you?"

"i don't like you calling them something they're not." y/n spat.

Bellatrix eyed y/n as she circled around her.

"hm.. you know, i never knew what Draco saw in you." Bellatrix insulted.

y/n's blood was boiling.

"you know, i get why Voldemort doesn't see anything in you." y/n snapped.

Bellatrix looked ready to kill her.

"listen here, girl-" Bellatrix was stomping towards her before someone else ran down the stairs.

"now, now, Bellatrix. play nicely." Lucius scolded.

Bellatrix had rage in her eyes but y/n couldn't help but feel a little satisfied with her words.

Narcissa was standing outside the gate. Bellatrix shrugged out of Lucius' grip and stomped upstairs.

Lucius followed.

"i like you, y/n." Narcissa grinned.

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