《My Secret Boyfriend》85


y/n stared at herself in the mirror. biting her lip she picked up the fabric of her dress, sighing as the scars on her chest and arms were visible.

"wow, y/n. you look great." George complimented as he knocked on the door. his ear and head was bandaged up.

"i don't feel great." she murmured.

"y/n." Fred stepped into the room.

"you look fantastic. those scars of yours, they're symbols of how far you've come. how far you're going to go. and you're absolutely beautiful, any lunatic would be able to recognize that." Fred told her.

y/n nodded, smiling at her brothers who were looking at her proudly. "thank you."

they gave her a small hug and exited the room. she slipped on her shoes, looking at herself one more time.

"gorgeous." Molly complimented as y/n came slowly down the stairs.

"thanks, mum."

"i'm very proud of you, y/n." Molly said one more time, her eyes beaming at her daughter.

y/n grinned. "thank you, mum."

Molly exited the kitchen and went back out to help the boys decorate. y/n stared at the clock with all their faces, names, and locations. Charlie was on traveling.

"zip me up?" y/n heard Ginny say.

startled, she quickly hid behind the fireplace. Harry stood behind her, awkwardly zipping her up. Ginny turned around and the two kissed.

George grabbed y/n and the two walked over to the sink, grabbing their tea. y/n let out a small cough with a smirk as the couple pulled away.

"morning." George winked.

y/n and George started giggling as Harry and Ginny blushed madly. "dorks."


Fleur walked down the isle and y/n awed at how beautiful she looked. Bill had tears in his eyes as Charlie grinned.


Ginny, y/n, and Gabrielle had been Fleur's bridesmaids. Charlie was Bill's best man while the boys stood up there with him.

the officiator married them and the happy couple kissed. Gabrielle hung onto y/n as she cried happy tears.

and it would be a lie for y/n to say she didn't cry a little.


y/n was sitting down at a table with all her brothers, noticing how close Ginny and Harry were sitting.

Fred and George kept whispering to each other. "what are you two morons up to?" y/n asked.

"oh, nothing, sweet sister." Fred grinned.

"mum's upset Percy didn't come." Charlie spoke up.

"she has such high hopes for him, and he never meets it. she needs to give up on it." Ron said.

"Ronald. Percy will eventually come around." Hermione scolded.

"i don't know, Hermione. it's been, what, two- three years?" y/n reasoned.

"yeah. if he would've come back, he would've done it by now." George said.


y/n laughed as she danced with George and Fred. they were doing weird dance moves to make her laugh.

Fleur and Bill were dancing happily. the entire room was filled with joy and laughs and talking.

until a giant white orb flew into the middle of the dance floor.

"The Ministry has fallen. the Minister of Magic is dead. they are coming..."

suddenly, Death Eaters came swarming into the wedding. people began screaming as the twins sandwiched y/n in between them.

"Ron! Ron!" she heard Hermione scream.

Fred was holding onto y/n as she held onto George. they pulled their wands with Arthur as Harry began shouting for Ginny.

but Remus told Harry to go, and the three of them vanished. and when the twins looked down, y/n was gone too.


y/n woke up in intense pain and realized she wasn't laying in her bed.

"this is her? the Weasley girl?" she heard a voice. masculine.. and like snake?

"yes, sir." she recognized the feminine voice.

"go get Draco."

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