《My Secret Boyfriend》84


"what do you mean, 'who's Draco'?" Fred asked in shock.

y/n stared at her brothers weirdly. "that's what i mean- who is he?"

Fred and George stared at each other in disbelief.

"why don't you remember him?"

"remember who? why is no one telling me who this boy is?" y/n was starting to become frustrated.

"y/n, what really happened to you?" George asked, sitting on the bed with her.

"all i can remember is i got struck by a Sectumsempra spell, wounded up in the hospital for months, then Dumbledore died. i don't remember who this Draco person is or anything in between." she explained.

"you were in a coma for a week, then woke up the morning after Dumbledore died. Harry told us he tried to visit you in the hospital wing but your cuts began oozing blood and your body temperature was rising rapidly, then you passed out cold." George told her.

"c'mon, y/n. you have to remember something." Fred said.

she thought hard for a moment. "i-i remember my body hurting so much it was unbearable. i closed my eyes and- it felt like it wasn't me anymore. in my dreams, i remember seeing a boy with blond hair the night Dumbledore died. that's all, though." she said. her head hurt.

Fred and George looked frightened as they stood up and raced out the door without another word. "wait- who's Draco?!" she called out.


over the next few weeks the Death Eater crimes ran up. the house was always tense and the Order was still trying to find ways to take down Voldemort without Albus.

y/n was lying down on the couch as the others made up a plan to go get Harry from the Dursleys.

"Gin, you stay here with y/n and i. you'll be safer here than out there." Molly told her daughters.


Ginny opened her mouth to protest but Molly glared.

"yes, mum." she mumbled.

"alright, stay safe." Molly told everyone.

they all shuffled out of the Burrow as Molly began nervously making dinner. Ginny sat across from y/n as they both opened books.

an hour and a half later a loud bang came from outside. Ginny and Molly practically sprang up and ran out.

y/n heard talking outside as more shuffling was coming from the yard. she heard Hagrid's booming voice and knew that Harry had made it back safe- but where were her siblings?

a shriek of fright startled the redhead as she slightly sat up. Remus and Harry came in carrying a limp George.

"what happened to him?" y/n asked, her heart beating rapidly.

"he got struck, lost an ear." Remus explained as Molly started petting George's hair.

suddenly, Remus grabbed onto Harry's shirt and threw him against the fireplace. y/n jumped as Ginny demanded to know what he was doing.

"who did that to him?" y/n asked Remus as he let go of Harry.

"Snape. he'll be fine, Molly. but that's Dark Magic. the damage is done." Remus told Molly.

Arthur, Fred, Kingsley, Bill, and Fleur came running in. Fred was now back to himself as he squatted down next to George.

"how do you feel, Georgie?" Fred asked.

"saint-like." George smiled.

y/n furrowed her brows.

"come again?" Fred asked.

"saint-like. you see, i'm holy. Holey, Fred, get it?" George smirked as y/n grinned.

"the whole wide world of ear-related humor and you go with, 'i'm holy.' that's pathetic." Fred cracked a smile.

"reckon i'm still better looking than you." George joked.

Bill stepped forward. "Mad-Eye's dead."

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