《My Secret Boyfriend》83


y/n let her eyes flick the pages of the Charms book she was reading. since her education got cut short, she wanted to practice all she could. it was her last day in the hospital and her family was on the way to come get her.

a knock on the door startled her slightly, but what startled her more was when she didn't see her parents. who she saw was, Neville.

"Neville?" she asked with a small smile. the brunette boy blushed.

"hi, y/n. i was here visiting my um- my parents and the nurse told me it's your last day," he said.

"i'm happy to see you, Neville. i missed you. are you returning for another year?" y/n asked.

"i missed you too. and yeah, gran wants me to try to finish it out. are you not?" Neville questioned.

"no. i don't think it's the best with my- situation." she let out a small cough as she referred to her bandaged body.

Neville bit his lip and nodded. "if it's not weird can i um- never mind."

"you wanna know what it feels like?" she asked him with a smirk. he nodded shyly.

"at first my body felt like- an agonizing pain. it stung, yet felt like my skin was being ripped open. well maybe because it was but that's beside the point. anyways, i started bleeding out on the loo floor. then Snape came out of nowhere and kind of, stopped the bleeding i guess. it still hurts with movement and it aches and stings but it's just something i have to live with now." she told him.

Neville looked guilty. "i'm really sorry that happened, y/n."

"it's okay, Neville," she assured him.

the door opened once more and Bill, Molly, and the twins were standing there. "ready to go?" Bill asked.


y/n nodded, watching as the twins gathered her stuff. "well.. bye, Neville." y/n smiled, hugging the boy the best she could.


she finally arrived home, Fred and George helping her walk as they lead her to her own room. "woah."

"sorry it's so small, dear, we didn't have much to work with-" Molly said.

"no, no. i love it. thank you." y/n stopped her mother as the twins settled her in the bed.

"Ron and Ginny should arrive at any moment. Arthur and Mad-Eye went to go get them." Molly told her.

y/n nodded, watching as Bill brought in her luggage. "feelin' okay, sis?" he asked.

"yes, thank you."

Bill hummed in response. "oh, guess what?" he stopped before walking out.

"hm?" she asked.

"Charlie is coming for the wedding." Bill smiled as y/n's eyes lit up. it'd been a few years since they've seen Charlie.

"yay." she cheered as Fred and George started unpacking her stuff.

"hey be careful with that you arse!" she scolded, feeling her side sting as she accidentally moved.

Fred smirked at her. "whatever you say, y/n. has Draco sent anything?" he asked.

y/n furrowed her brows.

"who's Draco?"

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