《My Secret Boyfriend》82


when Draco looked in the mirror he hated what he saw. who he had become. he thought he looked like- like a monster.

it had been weeks without a word from y/n. he had no clue who she was with- who she was dealing with, or how she was doing.

he missed her greatly, but he knew they couldn't speak.

the Malfoy Manor had been given up to Voldemort and the Death Eaters as the main meeting place. he was on close watch at all times.


y/n laid in her hospital bed as Fred and George sat next to her. they were catching her up on all the family drama and how Molly was freaking out about the wedding that was quickly coming up.

"i can't wait until you get released. we get to have you back at the shop.. get to have you back in general." George smiled at his younger sister as he handed her the weekly supply of chocolates they brought.

y/n grinned weakly at her brother. "i don't know how much help i'll be considering even the Healers have no clue on when this is going to heal. but i don't want to be kept in a hospital for who knows... my last days."

"don't say that, y/n. seriously. we're all going to make it out of this- war i guess you can call it." Fred told her.

y/n looked at him. "whatever you say, Freddie."

"mum already has your room set up. says she'll let you get your own instead of sharing with Ginny. Bill has been a great help around the house." George broke the awkwardness.

"how has mum been with Fleur?" y/n asked.

"she's warming up to the idea of her being with Bill," Fred said.


"good, good. Fleur has always been nice to me." y/n said.


y/n felt as her body began moving. her eyes snapped open, and not a single thought in her mind.

except one.

she moved swiftly into the corridors, almost like her body knew what to do without direction.

she finally reached her destination.

the handsome man with white-blond hair was standing there, guilt in his eyes. they told a tragic story in their own way.

she leaned forward and kissed him.

y/n jolted awake which caused her scars to ache at her. every night that boy with blond hair came and visited her in her dreams.

she didn't know who he was- or what he was. only that they had some sort of connection, and he needed help.

she refused to tell her family about her dreams- well, can you call them dreams? more like visions- until she knew who he was.

the room was dark, the only light coming from under the door into the hallway of the hospital. white curtains barely let the moon shine through, and y/n was damn lucky to not have to share a room with anyone.

she pulled the covers further up her body and sunk back into the bed. staring up at the ceiling she let her thoughts wander.

one more day in here...

who the hell is he?

why does he keep showing up?

we're obviously connected...

he seems so dangerous yet- safe..

she groaned and closed her eyes, hoping to allow herself to see him again.

but she didn't.

she woke up, the sun shining brightly on her. it was her last day in the hospital and she was ecstatic to finally be home.

the Mediwizards and Healers came in to check on her. it was a daily routine that she had gotten quite used to.


get bandages changed, eat, someone comes to visit, eat, be bored, have some more tests done on her, eat again, sleep.

"G?" she asked one of the Healers. she was head of taking care of y/n and the two had gotten a little close.

"hm?" the blonde lady asked. she was extremely pretty and reminded y/n of a veela.

"i've been seeing this- this boy in my dreams. every night, it's the same thing. do you have any clue of what that is?" y/n asked.

G looked at y/n.

"does he seem familiar? like you have a connection with him?"

y/n nodded.

"perhaps, that boy, is indeed a real boy. and you probably experienced what plays in your dreams, but when you were possessed by you-know-who and then were in a coma, the Dark Lord probably made it so you didn't remember him after."

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