《My Secret Boyfriend》81


y/n slipped on her clothes, exiting the hospital wing without saying anything. Madam Pomfrey hadn't even noticed she left.

she kept walking until she heard a loud crash from the Great Hall. she inhaled deep through her nose and out through her mouth.

using her legs she kept walking. the footsteps were getting closer, so she made a quick decision. hide.

hiding behind a corridor the Death Eaters caused more chaos as they ran out of Hogwarts.

y/n caught sight of Draco which made her heart pound in her chest. he looked frightened and on the verge of tears.

she quietly walked behind him, putting her hand over his mouth. "Draco."

Draco panicked until he peeked down at the hands on him. feminine.. y/n.

he whipped around in shock to see her standing there. "h-how are you awake?" he asked.

she brushed his question off.

"i love you too, Draco. we will be together again. fully."


"there's no time to explain, Draco. you have to go. just know how much I love you." she kissed him deeply.

he kissed back, the first time he felt her lips passionately for a long time.

"what about your-"

"sh. i'll be okay. go." she told him, feeling his forehead rest on hers; embracing the closeness.

"i love you, y/n."

"i love you too."

she watched as he turned and ran out of the castle. whatever adrenaline she was on was quickly failing and her entire body began hurting.

she limped as far as she could back to the hospital wing before collapsing.


she woke up sometime in the morning, the bright sun shining on her face. Ron and her entire family (minus Percy and Charlie) were standing over her. "y/n, you're awake!" Molly exclaimed.


"what happened?" y/n asked.

"you don't remember anything?" Arthur asked.

"no... should i?" she questioned.

"Albus is dead." Molly said.


"he was murdered last night. in the castle." Molly explained.

y/n searched her memory for anything that could help them figure out what happened or who it was. unfortunately, nothing came to mind.

"any ideas on who it could've been?"

"none yet. Aurors are looking into it. how are you, y/n?" Fred asked.

"physically and mentally exhausted. my whole body hurts as much as my mind." she said.

"rest is what you need, dear. we're going to be transporting you over to St. Mungo's to be on special watch." Madam Pomfrey said.

y/n nodded.


the Weasleys safely transported y/n into the hospital. she was hooked up to all these things and it felt much stranger.. more eery than being at Hogwarts.

"y/n. we have to talk about your future." Molly and Bill said. Fred and George were in the hallway talking to some girls, Arthur was going over details with the Healers and Mediwizards.

Ginny, Ron, and everyone continued to remain at school for the next two days while the term ended.

"do you want to return to Hogwarts for another year?" Molly asked.

y/n thought for a moment. no Dumbledore.. oh Merlin who's going to be the Headmaster?

"honestly- no. i'd rather continue to recover then work in the joke shop with Fred and George." she told her mum.

Molly and Bill looked at each other.

"okay. you can always come see me back in Gringotts too." Bill insisted. y/n smiled.

"maybe. those goblins are all yours, though."

"also- some exciting news." Bill smiled cheerfully.

"hm?" y/n hummed. Molly looked sick.

"Fleur and i are engaged and to be wedded!"

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