《My Secret Boyfriend》80


Draco had been awaiting the arrival of the Headmaster all day. y/n was still in her coma; it now being a week, and Draco was ready.

the entire school was gloomy. the corridors were silent, even when students filled the hallways.

Draco didn't focus in any of his classes. his mind was constantly thinking of all the outcomes of tonight.

it was nearing eight pm and a constant pounding in his chest mixed with the ringing in his ears. he made his way through the eerily empty corridor to the hospital wing.

a third year that was just leaving stared at him, her arm wrapped in a bandage as Draco entered.

y/n lay peacefully in the third bed on the left, her mouth slightly open as Madam Pomfrey slipped in some liquid.

"the term ends in a few days. she'll be sent off to St. Mungos if she doesn't wake up." Madam Pomfrey explained to the blond.

Draco was struggling to swallow the lump in his throat, but gave Madam Pomfrey a nod. she walked off.

Draco leaned over y/n, letting his fingers tangle in her hair. "my love.." he whispered, letting the tips of his fingers gently trace along her skin.

"we may not be seeing each other for awhile.. but i will never stop loving you, or thinking about you. i love you with all my heart, y/n. and i'm sorry about what i have to do, but we both knew this was coming. wake up for me during the break, okay? please."

Draco's lip was now trembling as he pressed a long kiss to her forehead.

"til we see each other again." he whispered, letting his eyes memorize every feature of her face.

he left the wing without another word. making his way across the school, his black shoes clicked against the stone; the only noise echoing.


he reached his destination. the Astronomy Tower stood tall in front of him, the dark grey sky clouding around it.

he let out a shaky breath, lifting his foot and stepping onto the stairs. he clutched the railing tighter with every couple flights.

when he finally made it to the top everything began to sink in. his adrenaline was pumping as he gripped tightly onto his wand. he heard two voices. he slowly walked towards the main floor, his wand held out in front of him.

"good evening, Draco. what brings you out on this nice Spring evening? or is it Summer?" Dumbledore smiled at him.

"who else is here? i heard you talking." Draco asked.

"i often talk aloud to myself. i find it extraordinarily useful. that which sounds sane at a whisper can seem utterly mad when said for all the world to hear. haven't been whispering to yourself, have you, Draco?"

Draco felt chills run down his spine as he stared at the Headmaster. his heartbeat was pounding against his chest.

"you are not an assassin, Draco." Dumbledore said.

"how do you know i am? i've done things that would shock you!" Draco told him.

"like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she would, in turn, bear a cursed necklace to me? like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? forgive me, Draco, but these attempts are so feeble i cannot help but question if your heart has really been in them. i'm curious. when Voldemort gave you this task, when he asked you to kill me, was it in a whisper?"

"he trusts me! i was chosen!" Draco lifted up his sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark.

"then i shall make it easy for you." Dumbledore drew his wand.


"Expelliarmus!" Draco yelled.

"well done, Draco. but i warn you. killing is not nearly as easy." Dumbledore enlightened.

Draco looked up to the clouds that began to circle. "you're not alone. are you? there are others. how?"

"the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement."

"that cabinet has been broken for years."

"i've been mending it."

"ingenious. let me guess. it has a sister. a twin."

"in Borgin and Burkes. they form-"

"a passage, yes. very good."

Dumbledore looked at Draco with soft eyes.

"i once knew a boy years ago who made all the wrong choices. let me help you, Draco." Dumbledore said.

"i don't want your help! don't you understand? i have to do this! i have to kill you!" Draco's eyes were filled with tears as his lip trembled.

"or he's gonna kill her."

Dumbledore stared at Draco.


Draco nodded.

"ah. you know, i always thought you two would end up together. the forbidden love affair always happens. tell me, Draco, what happened in the hospital that day."

"he- he- he possessed her body. she told me, 'time's almost up, Draco.' it was his eyes. his voice. he put her through so much pain- put her in a coma just to warn me. i think Potter might have triggered something."

"say that again louder, Draco."

footsteps were heard. Draco looked over to see his aunt, Greyback, and other Death Eaters.

"well now, look at what we have here. Dumbledore. wandless and alone. cornered in his own castle. well done, Draco." Bellatrix smiled wickedly.

"good evening, Bellatrix. i think introductions are in order." Dumbledore said.

"love to, Albus, but i'm afraid we're on a bit of a tight schedule." Bellatrix informed.

she stood right behind Draco now. Draco had goosebumps on his skin as his aunt whispered in his ear, "do it."

Draco lifted his wand, a voice entering his head. don't do it, Draco. you're so much better than this.

"he doesn't have the stomach. like his father. let me finish him. in my own way." Greyback snarled.

"no! the Dark Lord was clear. the boy's to do it. go on, Draco, now!" Bellatrix said.

Draco's hand was shaking as he lifted his wand once more. please, Draco. please.

"no." Snape said suddenly.

the blond jumped slightly as Snape came into view. "Severus.." Dumbledore trailed off.

"well, look who's here. Hogwarts's own Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. come to see the slaughter?" Bellatrix smirked.

"Severus.. please.." Dumbledore begged- or pleaded?

"i gave my word. i made a vow." Snape said. he lifted his arm. "Avada Kedavra!"

a green light blinded them all as Dumbledore was struck. Draco watched in horror as his Headmaster fell back and off the tower.

Bellatrix raised her wand to the sky, happily jumping around. her and the other Death Eaters exited.

Snape grabbed Draco by the scruff.

"you can no longer stay here." Snape told him.

Draco was in shock of everything that happened. Dumbledore was dead.


y/n felt as her eyes snapped open.

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