《My Secret Boyfriend》79


Draco sat in horror as he stared at y/n. tears were rolling down his cheeks as the redhead slumped back against the bed.

the three adults came in seconds after. Madam Pomfrey felt y/n, her face dropping.

"she's completely fine now." she said in shock to Dumbledore and Slughorn.

they all looked at Draco. "Draco, what happened?" Dumbledore asked.

"i-i don't know, professor." Draco let out a little cough before getting up and practically sprinted out of the hospital wing. he didn't stop until he got to Snape's office.

"Snape." he breathed out.

"Malfoy. what's the problem?" Snape asked.

"it's y/n. she- she, the Dark Lord possessed her body for a second." his lip was now trembling and he was trying his hardest to not break down in front of his professor.

Snape's scowl dropped immediately.

"what happened?"

Draco hurriedly explained everything. from the intense body heat, how much blood was everywhere, then how Voldemort talked to him. Snape was in shock.


y/n had been in a coma for six days now. no one knew what had happened except Draco, and the blond was doing horrible.

he was an absolute wreck. he missed y/n, he was fearing for both of their lives, and he was still traumatized from the encounter days ago.

he, Ron, and Ginny still visited everyday in hopes for a sign of y/n waking up. but as it neared closer and closer to the end of the school year, Draco felt like he was stepping on glass every second.

his deadline was drastically coming. in the beginning he felt... proud? proud to represent, proud to be given such a big task; that the Dark Lord trusted him so much.

but now, all he felt was guilt and fear. his anxiety had been so bad. he didn't want to kill anyone, especially not one of the best wizards of all time.


a voice inside him constantly reminded him of what y/n would say. "you're not a killer, Draco."

but a different voice would scream, "he's going to kill you and the ones you love!"


Draco had spent most of his time in the library; the restricted section, and in the Room of Requirement. the Vanishing Cabinet had been practically done. in his free time he sat with y/n, reading away at his books about Dark Magic.

one hand flipped the pages, his other hand was gently in his girlfriend's. the hospital wing was empty, as it had always been, except for Madam Pomfrey.

the mark on his forearm had been irritating him for awhile now. it was terrifying.

it was nearing curfew when the matron walked over to the blond. "time to head out." she told him.

Draco nodded, grabbing his things and pressing a kiss to y/n's forehead. even while scarred up and sleeping she still looked beautiful.

he dragged his feet slower than usual on his way to the Slytherin dungeon. time was moving too quickly and it was making him anxious.

when he arrived he gave the painting the passcode and walked into the portrait hole. a couple of third and seven years were in their own groups.

Draco didn't pay any attention to their stares. he knew how crushed, how tired, how deathly ill he looked.

he set his things down on the floor next to his four poster bed. Blaise and Theo were in the middle of a conversation. Crabbe and Goyle were snoring.

"how's she doing, mate?" Blaise asked.

"still in a coma." Draco changed into pajamas, slipping into the comforters.

"any sign of waking up?" Theo spoke.

"no." Draco sighed.

"that blows. we're sorry." Blaise said.

"nothing you two can do about it. not even the bloody matron knows what to do. says she's never seen something like this before." Draco couldn't help the guilt in his stomach as he stared up at the ceiling.

he didn't want another restless night. he had only gotten on average ten hours of sleep in the past week and a half.

minutes later Blaise and Theo's snoring got mixed into Crabbe and Goyle's.

it was time.

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