《My Secret Boyfriend》78


y/n had been in the hospital wing for months now. she could tell her physical health wasn't improving much, even though Madam Pomfrey tried to tell her she was doing okay.

the sun barely came out anymore during the day. the constantly gloominess seemed to affect everyone in the castle.

y/n was softly eating her lunch when the large oak door swung open. she looked over, expecting to see Draco, but only to be met with Harry.

"y/n." he said. he seemed out of breath.

"yes?" she asked. this was the first time she'd seen him in months.

"i need you to tell me if you know anything about Draco working with Voldemort." Harry told her. y/n felt her stomach drop.

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"please, y/n- you have to know something."

"i know that the reason i'm wound in here is because of you. no cards, no gifts, not even a bloody visit! this is the first time i've seen you in forever and you come in here demanding an answer? not even a 'hi, how are you?' or 'i'm sorry.' so if that's all you came in here for, get going." she snapped.

"hi, how are you? i'm sorry." Harry said.

"get out." she said through gritted teeth.

the gash in her chest was aching horribly. her skin was hot and an intense anger washed over her.

"y/n-" Harry began to speak.

"Potter! you have some nerve coming in here."

the two didn't even notice Draco had come in with Ron. Ron looked a bit flushed, his ears red and his lips in a scowl.

Draco looked worse than Ron. his hands were balled up in fists and he looked ready to kill Harry.

"what? i can't come in here and say hi?" Harry asked.


"look at her, mate! you done pissed her off!" Ron said, pointing to his twin who was laying in pain.

y/n felt like she was melting into the sheets. her skin was so hot. "shit, she's bleeding." Draco panicked, grabbing y/n's hand. the blood was seeping into the white blanket.

"come on, Harry. now isn't the time." Ron said, grabbing the brunette's shoulder.

"i'm sorry, y/n." Harry said more seriously, a frown on his face.

she could faintly hear Harry ask Ron, "when did you and Malfoy become besties?"

Madam Pomfrey came racing over. "oh Merlin's Beard..." she whispered, grabbing ice cold rags and laying them across y/n's body.

"b-burns." y/n gasped.

Draco looked at the matron in horror. "what's going on?"

"i-i have no clue." Madam Pomfrey said, grabbing bandages and rags to try to clean the blood.

she hurried over to her desk, scribbled something down, then sent an owl off. moments later Dumbledore came walking in and straight over to the three.

"how are you feeling, y/n?" Dumbledore asked.

"p-p-ain. b-b-burning." she panted out. her skin was red and irritated, everything was sweating. blood was seeped into the comforter and sheets beneath her.

"have you asked Horace about a potion?" Dumbledore mumbled to Madam Pomfrey. she quickly made way back to her desk and sent out another owl.

"m-m-make it stop! make it stop!" y/n started screaming causing everyone to flinch.

y/n's skin felt like it was going to burst at any moment. like thousands of fingers were clawing at her, threatening to rip it apart.

Slughorn came racing in with two potions in his hands. he looked at y/n, his face dropping.

"Dumbledore... can i speak with you and Poppy outside?" he whispered. the three adults walked out.

Draco was in absolute panic mode. no one was helping his girlfriend and she was in so much pain. suddenly, y/n felt her eyes roll back in her head.

Draco watched as the redhead turned to look at him, her pupils resembling a snake's eyes and were glowing red.

"time's almost up, Draco." she smirked at him wickedly. Draco felt tears fill his eyes. her voice wasn't her voice. instead it was demonic and-


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