《My Secret Boyfriend》77


Ginny came into the hospital wing bright and early. y/n had still been half asleep when Ginny sat down next to the white bed.

"y/n." Ginny snapped her fingers to wake up her older sister.

"hm?" y/n hummed in response.

"i have something to tell you." Ginny was grinning from ear to ear, a permanent blush on her face.

"what is it?" y/n rubbed her eyes.

"we kissed." Ginny said.

"who?" y/n asked, her eyebrows scrunched.

"Harry and i!" Ginny rolled her eyes.

"oh... oh! how was it?" y/n smirked.

"magical. except, Dean was standing right there." Ginny exclaimed.

"how did that go?" she asked.

"we ended up breaking up. can't say i entirely miss it, though. these past weeks have been rough." Ginny leaned back in the chair.

"well i'm sorry. but, at least that means Harry likes you. i could always see how he would look at you." y/n said.

she didn't need to know that he looked at me the same way before her. y/n thought.

"i'm really happy, y/n." Ginny sighed in content.

"i'm glad, Ginny. you finally get your prince charming." y/n grinned.

"about damn time, too. anyways, i'll bring you some break-" Ginny didn't get to finish her sentence as Draco came walking in with a plate of food.

"never mind. later, y/n. Draco." Ginny gave the blond a nod as she left.

"for you." Draco told y/n, placing down the plate. eggs, toast, fresh fruit.

"thank you, darling." y/n pecked his lips as she sat up slightly.

"feelin' any better?" Draco asked, sitting in the chair.

"still hurting. what's that?" she pointed to the box sticking out of Draco's pocket.

"your ring. i had Ginny retrieve it for me so i can bring it to you." he said, pulling it out.


"thank you." y/n smiled tiredly, watching as he slipped the silver on her finger.

"beautiful. just like you." Draco complimented.

"wanna know what's hot? this look." y/n smirked, grabbing onto his Slytherin tie and pulling him down to her.

"can't wait til we get to smash again." Draco whispered in her ear. she felt the chills run down her spine.

y/n began to speak but the door opened once more. long blonde hair, pink spectrespecs, Ravenclaw uniform.

Luna Lovegood came walking, books tightly in her pale hands. "lovely morning, isn't it, y/n?"

"i guess. what's up, Luna?" y/n asked, feeling Draco play with the tips of her hair.

"i realized i had not come to check in on you since your tragic accident. Neville had told me how you were feeling but it never dawned on me to come in." Luna spoke dreamily.

"you and Neville are friends?" y/n smiled a bit. Neville had told her all about his crush on Luna.

"sort of. well, if you're feeling alright, i should be getting to class. best wishes, y/n." Luna skipped off and out the door.

"she's strange." Draco muttered.

"yes, but that's why i love her."

"whatever you say, love. i have to get to class, unfortunately. see you later." Draco pressed a kiss to her forehead before walking out.

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