《My Secret Boyfriend》76


y/n was still recovering in the hospital wing. Draco, Ron, Ginny, and sometimes Hermione visited her every chance they could.

"look! look what this one does!" Neville beamed. he was sitting next to her bed as y/n weakly ate an apple.

he tickled the base of the plant, blue ooze shooting out of it. y/n quickly ducked under the covers to not get hit which irritated one of her scars. she hissed.

"d-did i hurt you? i'm sorry-" Neville went on.

"no, no, no. i'm okay, Neville. just sore." she reassured him. Neville bit his lip but nodded nervously.

"well i mean, you did almost die." Neville tried joking which caused the redhead to smile.

"weird, huh?" she laughed.

she hadn't seen Harry since the incident. she didn't blame him- but was still shocked that he would throw a spell he didn't know the consequences of.

but she knew he had gotten lots of detention. Draco had told her that Snape got to pick his punishment, which rather pleased the blond.

Fred and George came in once a week to bring gifts from Molly and Charlie. she missed being back at the joke shop. what had surprised her the most was that Percy sent a get well soon letter.

Draco and Hermione had given her all the notes from her classes and even helped with her homework. well- mostly Draco. Ron had tried but y/n couldn't read his handwriting and there wasn't any useful information, and Hermione would only if it was necessary.

Quidditch had also continued. it was around six when Ginny came bursting in happily, her face flushed as her eyes sparkled. other Gryffindors followed.

"we won! we won, y/n!" Ginny grinned, still in her Quidditch uniform.

"congrats!" y/n moved to sit up but Draco grabbed to help.


"thank you." she murmured, happy as her sister jumped around with Ron.

"it was quite the game, y/n. wish you were there to see." Ron smiled.

"i do too."

"there's going to be a party tonight." Hermione said.

"you have to bring me a butterbeer if there is any." y/n told her.

Hermione gave her a small smile. "deal."

"how're you doin, y/n?" Seamus asked.

"i'm okay." she said, feeling Draco grip onto her hand tighter. he let his thumb trace over the back of her hand.

"alright. well, we gotta go set up. see ya, y/n." Seamus said, grabbing some other boys who were staring at the ginger. she immediately slumped back into her bed in embarrassment. Draco gave them a glare.

it was now just Ginny, Ron, and Hermione in the room with the couple. "anything from Harry?" y/n asked.

"no. he's been really distant. i hid the Half Blood Prince book from him."

"Half Blood Prince book?" Draco spoke up in confusion.

Ginny's mouth was slightly gaped open as she realized what she had done. Ron pursed his lips as Draco stared at the three gingers.

"well?" he asked.

"in Slughorn's classroom Harry found a book that is property of the Half Blood Prince. no one knows who the Half Blood Prince is, but somehow the book has all the correct potions and spells. that's why Harry is doing so well."

"so he's doing better than Granger because he's a cheater?"

Ron and Ginny shifted uncomfortably.

"yes- and i know it's wrong but-" Hermione spoke but Draco cut her off.

"no. i see how it is."

"Draco.. the book is taken care of. it's gone now."

"y/n, that book is what caused you to be in the hospital!" Draco said in disbelief.


"i don't blame Harry. and you shouldn't either. in fact, if you hadn't tried to curse him first-"

"if you weren't there or had been wearing your ring-"

"i saved your life, moron!" y/n snapped. she had been fuming. Draco snapped shut.

"we're gonna... go." Ron said awkwardly, taking his sister and Hermione out with him. the couple sat in silence as the door shut.

"please, y/n. wear your ring. it's supposed to protect you." Draco whispered.

"i'm sorry. i forgot it in the box that morning." she whispered back.

"it's okay, love. i'm sorry for getting angry." he said.

"you're fine, Draco." she sighed. it felt like her body was on fire.

Madam Pomfrey came walking over with a dish of water and a rag. "it's time to clean the scars." the matron said.

Draco nodded, pressing a kiss to y/n's forehead. "goodnight, love."

"goodnight." y/n said as Draco closed the giant door behind him. she sighed and lifted her clothing so Madam Pomfrey can access her torso.

"do you think the scars are ever gonna go away?" y/n asked.

Madam Pomfrey didn't answer immediately. "to be honest, dear, i don't know. they made fade over time, but they might also stay visible. only time will tell."

y/n pursed her lips as the matron lifted the water soaked rag and cleaned around the cuts. it stung, but y/n tried to distract herself from the pain.

she stared up at the ceiling, letting her mind wander. "almost done." Madam Pomfrey said a few moments later.

the matron placed new bandages on her body and gave y/n her daily potion she needed to drink. "goodnight, dear."

"goodnight." y/n sighed, leaning back into the bed.

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