《My Secret Boyfriend》75


water was covering the entire bathroom floor. y/n's black shoes splashed the liquid up as she walked quietly.

spells were being casted around and grunts.

Draco was standing by the sinks, his face flushed as he looked panicked. Harry was nowhere to be found.

"Draco," she began but got cut off.


"Sectumsempra!" Harry yelled.

all y/n saw was a bright light coming towards her before she fell to the floor. it felt as though her insides were being ripped open, an agonizing pain.

"y/n!" both boys shouted, dropping down. her blood was flowing into the water, staining the floor.

she was gasping for breath and gripped onto Draco. "p-ple-please." she choked out. her throat felt like it was on fire.

"Potter! she- she-" Draco couldn't even comprehend a full sentence. y/n was bleeding out quickly on the floor, the life in her eyes slowly fading.

"y/n- y/n- i'm so sorry." Harry stuttered out.

"get someone! quick!" Draco demanded. Harry tried to lean towards y/n but Draco sat straighter defensively.

"do not fucking touch her!" he barked.

Professor Snape came in, his black cloak swaying behind him as he looked in shock at the scene.

"help- please." Draco begged, tears running down his cheeks.

"back up." Snape said, pulling out his wand. Draco never let go of y/n's hand as Snape began muttering something he couldn't make out.

"what the-" someone else had come wandering into the bathroom. "y/n!" Ron shrieked.

the blood seeped back into her body but it didn't stop the pain. her eyelids were heavy as everything went black.


faint voices were heard. she didn't feel like opening her eyes, but the bright sun was shining right on her.

"it's bloody perfect, huh? one twin leaves the hospital, the other enters." she heard Ron.


"will you shut up?" she heard Draco snap.

"you shut up-"

"why don't you both shut up." those voices she didn't recognize immediately. she searched her mind for who sound like that when it clicked.

"Fred? George?" she barely whispered out, peeking her eyes open.

the entire Weasley family (except Charlie and Percy) was there. Draco was sitting right next to her though, holding her hand tightly.

"oh, y/n. hunny, are you okay?" Molly asked, smothering her daughter's face with kisses.

"yes, mum!" y/n said, pulling back from the wet smooches. everyone laughed.

"little sis can't even go one year without the hospital." Fred smirked. "look who's talking. didn't you and Georgie wound up in here every week?" y/n said back.

George smiled at y/n.

"Charlie says he hopes you feel better soon and that he loves you." Arthur said.

"thank you. you guys didn't need to come out here."

"nonsense. we're just happy you're safe." Bill said.

y/n weakly smiled up at her family. "we should probably give the love birds a moment." Ginny said, nodding her head to a quiet Draco.

the Weasleys awkwardly headed out.

"i hope they weren't-"

"it was fine. your mother was actually quite kind. i think you scared some sense into her." Draco joked causing y/n to laugh.

"bout time." she grinned.

"what happened to Harry?" she asked, feeling his thumb gently rubbing against her hand.

"i think Snape punished him. Merlin, y/n, you scared the hell out of me." Draco sighed.

"you scared the hell out of me! you- you tried to use an unforgivable curse on me!" she pursed her lips together.

Draco flushed in embarrassment.

"i'm sorry. i was just- panicking. i thought you were Potter."

"even if i was, that doesn't excuse it, Draco."

"are you really taking his side?" Draco asked in shock.

"no! i'm just saying it's wrong to want to use an unforgivable curse." she rolled her eyes.

"i'm sorry. you're right." he sighed.

"i always am." she grinned teasingly. Draco smirked.

"maybe." he kissed her.

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