《My Secret Boyfriend》72


her body felt hot... almost too hot. the only thing keeping her cool was the ice cube trailing down her stomach. she felt her back arch as teasing fingertips followed after the ice's trail, lightly savoring the cool feeling.

"feel nice, love?" he asked, continuing his way with the cube.

"so.. cold."

"i bet it feels great on your hot skin then." he said.

she squirmed around as the cold liquid made it's ascent closer and closer to the area where she needed him most.

"i think i should help this one." he smirked slightly, his silver eyes had a wicked look in them.

she bucked her hips up as his tongue came in contact with her clit, pushing the freezing substance against her heat.

"fuck." she swore, letting out a gasp.

she heard him chuckle as he continued. she had been so turned on that it was almost over as soon as it started. just as she was about to cum-

"y/n!" Hermione jolted y/n awake.

she jumped up, immediately noticing her body covered in cold sweat.

"what?" she asked panicked.

"are you okay? you were squirming around in your sleep." Hermione said. she looked worried.

"yeah- uh- sorry. i'm alright. what time is it?"

"just a few moments before breakfast." Hermione said.

"what day?"


"Hermione, what day-"


"thank you. i'll meet you down at breakfast."

y/n let out a sigh. something was throbbing in between her legs, and she needed Draco's attention.

she hurriedly got dressed trying to distract herself from the wetness pooled on her panties. making her way to the Great Hall she sat next to Hermione who began talking immediately. taking a bite of toast she searched silently for Draco.


he was sitting with Blaise and a few other Slytherin boys. his face was in a scowl as he sat there observing everyone.

"which is why i think-"

"Hermione, i gotta go. but we'll catch up later, yeah?" y/n cut off the brunette's rant and rushed over to the table on the far side of the room.

"darling." Draco sat up straighter, his hand coming to rest on her lower back as she sat down next to him.

"hi, love. um." y/n gave a small smile to the boys before moving closer to the blond. the tip of her nose was being tickled against the blond strands.

"can we meet in the loo in a few minutes?" she whispered quietly. her thighs were rubbing together trying to create friction.

Draco had turned his body, his eyes falling down to what she was doing. it clicked in his head.

"why? you being a horny slut?" he whispered back. she was surprised how no one had heard them, but considering the hall was noisy it was understandable.

"please, Draco-"

"fine. i'll meet you there in five." he smirked.

she got up, feeling his eyes on her bum as she speed walked up to the destination. y/n made sure the loo was clear before Draco arrived.

and sure enough, five minutes later the blond came wandering in. he looked so sexy, a tight black turtleneck clinging to his upper body.

he placed a locking and silencing charm on the room before stalking over. "y/n..."

"yes?" she hummed, feeling his cold fingers lift her chin to make her look at him.

"how wet are you, dear?"

she felt her knees buckle slightly at the sudden question. "so wet." she mumbled.

Draco narrowed his eyes slightly at her, hungrily placing his lips on her own. his hand then slid down to her neck, cutting off her airway slightly.


butterflies erupted in her stomach as the throbbing began to become worse. "please, Draco. i need you so bad."

"fuckin' whore. wake up horny, baby? dreaming 'bout me?" he asked, unbuttoning her jeans and sliding them down her legs.

"actually- yes." she gasped, falling slightly as he blew cool air onto her heat.

her panties were drenched with her arousal as her thighs were all sticky. "tell me about it." he demanded, hooking his fingers in the waistband and pulling down her panties.

"fuck-" she moaned, tangling her fingers in his blond hair as he lifted her leg onto his shoulder and began licking her clit.

"it was hot, Draco. so warm. but you- shit- you were there. with ice cubes. dragging them down my hot skin. then- bloody hell.. that's good." she threw her head back against the stone wall as Draco entered his fingers into her pussy.

"then you ate me out and i woke up before my orgasm." she panted, looking down to see Draco smirking up at her.

"we gotta try that when we have our own place." he said, swirling his tongue on her clit.

"please." she moaned, her orgasm around the corner.

"you gonna cum, baby? you gonna be a good girl for me?" he asked, fingering her faster as he stared at her.

"fuck.. yes. shit." y/n swore, intense pleasure coming over her as she came.

"that's my girl." he smiled, licking the juices off his fingers.

"thank you, Draco." she panted.

"no problem. now get on your knees."

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