《My Secret Boyfriend》71


y/n got dressed with Hermione as they walked down to the common room together. Ron was sitting with Harry, and y/n could slightly make out the gold lettering dangling from Ron's neck.

My Sweetheart

"wow." y/n had to try not to laugh as Hermione looked distraught.

"can we just go to breakfast, please?" she mumbled.

"yeah, 'Mione."

the girls walked to the Great Hall conversing about the winter holidays. "what did Malfoy get you this year?"

"oh, uh, we have matching necklaces now." y/n smiled, feeling her face heat up as she showed the brunette the diamonds.

"is that real?" Hermione gasped.

"yep." y/n laughed, sitting at the Gryffindor table.

she had immediately noticed that Draco wasn't with the other Slytherins. "what are you looking at?" Hermione asked.

"more like what am i not looking at. Draco's not at breakfast- he's normally always here."

"i'm sure he just woke up late." Hermione shrugged it off, taking a bite of toast.

"maybe." y/n shrugged, but couldn't help the feeling in her stomach.


they weaved their way through all their classes. still, no sign of Draco. y/n was starting to freak out. surely, Hogwarts wasn't that big... right?

"what's gotten your knickers in a twist?" Ron asked.

"shut up, Ronald. i'm not in the bloody mood for your nonsense." she snapped.

"bloody hell." Ron rolled his eyes.

"stop saying bloody so much."

"you just said it!"



"what?" Harry had now joined them.

y/n let out a groan before stomping out of the common room. she knows it wasn't Ron's fault and that he was just trying to help- but would she ever admit that to him? probably not.

"Blaise, have you seen Draco?" she asked the tall boy.


"i saw him earlier but he didn't say much. he seemed.. unsettled." Blaise told her.

"any idea where he can be?" she questioned.

"no clue. sorry, y/n."

y/n sighed. "thank you, Blaise. at least i know he's alive." she joked.

"yeah." Blaise chuckled.

she continued to wander the halls. she had unknowingly made it to the seventh floor when she noticed the Room of Requirement. the door was peaked open and it looked dark.

y/n cautiously stepped into the room, objects piling up so high it almost touched the ceiling. she nervously continued in further, picking at her finger nails to help soothe the anxious feeling in her chest.

"Draco?" she whispered out.

a loud crash came from the next isle over. she jumped back, clutching to grab her wand. it sounded like something knocked over glass.

"hello?" she called, holding her wand out, ready to attack if necessary.

suddenly, someone came from behind her and put a hand over her mouth. she was about to start screaming when the person whispered, "shhh, it's just me, darling. it's Draco."

her chest was rising and falling in panic as she pushed away from him. he looked paler than normal, almost sick-like.

"what the fuck are you doing here? you scared the shit out of me!" she scolded, running her hands through her hair as she tried to control her breathing.

"sorry- i- what are you doing here?"

"i was looking for you! you shit-arse!"

"what did you just call me?" he tried to stifle his laughter.

"shit-arse! that's what you are!" she couldn't help but start laughing as Draco's eyes crinkled as he let out giggles.

"that's.. i don't even know what to say to that. but seriously, y/n, you shouldn't be in here."


"you shouldn't either. why are you in here?"

Draco sucked in a deep breath.

"i can't tell you."

"oh wow. can't say i'm surprised." she rolled her eyes.

"just.. please leave. it's not safe for you."

"are- are you doing things for you-know-who?" she questioned.



"please leave." he begged.

"no. tell me what you have to do."


"no, Draco. tell me right now." she snapped.

"fine!" he rolled his eyes, leading her over to the Vanishing Cabinet.

"what's this?"

"shut up and i'll tell you."

"don't tell me to shut up."

Draco pursed his lips together trying to hold back his remarks. "this forms a passage to Borgin and Burkes. i've been mending it."

"but why?"

"for that i refuse to say."

y/n rolled her eyes. "fine."

"just... promise me you're going to be okay." she whispered.

Draco couldn't help the guilty feeling in his gut. "i promise." he whispered back, pressing a kiss her temple gently.

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