《My Secret Boyfriend》70


"(y/n)! this is your fault! if you weren't so involved with those Malfoys-" Molly began shouting.

George immediately wrapped his arms around his younger sister, noticing the panic attack she was having.

"mum! this isn't-" Fred began shouting back.

"shhhh it's okay. you're okay." George comforted.

"where are we going to stay?" Ginny asked Arthur.

"Fred? George? Lupin? Bill? i don't know." Arthur sighed, taking Molly and trying to calm her down.

"all our stuff is gone." Ron's expression was wide as his eyes sparkled with the flames.

Bill and Arthur grabbed their wands, water flying out as they tried to resolve the burning. soon, it was just ashes and old walls.


(y/n) arrived at Hogwarts with her heart pounding violently in her chest, a ringing in her ears.

Ron gently gave her a pat on the back as they settled into the common room. "i'm going to go find Draco." she told them.

in the corridors she ran across Hermione. "do you know where Draco is?"

"Merry Christmas to you too... uh, he should be somewhere near the courtyard. heard him boasting about something to Crabbe and Goyle." Hermione answered.

"thanks. Merry Christmas." (y/n) walked off.

when she saw a patch of white-blond hair she began speed walking. Pansy was standing next to him.

"nice face, Parkinson." (y/n) taunted, referring to the black eye and bruised nose she had given her.

"can't say the same to you." Pansy snickered.

(y/n) was about to lurch forward when Draco grabbed her. "nope! not again."

"you know she deserves everything she gets from me." (y/n) said. they were now alone in the small corridor.

"anyways, that's not why i need to talk to you. your aunt and Greyback completely destroyed my home." she lowered her voice, her bottom lip quivering.


Draco felt his heart drop out of his arse. "w-what?" he stuttered.

"don't make me repeat it." she said, a tear slowly slipping down her check.

"love.. oh darling i'm so sorry. i had no idea." he took her into a tight hug, hearing her begin to sob into his shoulder. a feeling of guilt pooled inside of him.

"why? just... why is it always us?" she broke down, clutching onto him. Draco's heart shattered.

"i dunno. where are you guys staying?"

"we stayed in Fred and George's place in Diagon Alley. very cramped." she sniffled. her cheeks were puffy and her eyes were red.

"you still wear this?" he asked, putting the diamonds in between his pale fingers. D.

"course. never have taken it off."

"maybe.. now we can match?" he said, taking out a necklace box.

"Draco..." she said, taking the navy box and opening it up. her own initial was in diamond on a silver chain.

"you really shouldn't have-"

"i'll wear this one, you wear that one. because you're mine, and i'm yours." Draco smiled at her.

(y/n) smiled a bit. "rich arse." she joked, causing him to laugh as he slipped it on.

"Merry Christmas, (y/n)."

"Merry Christmas, Draco." she replied, smiling.

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