《My Secret Boyfriend》69


(y/n) helped Ginny decorate the Burrow for Christmas.

"the tinsel sorta looks strange there, huh?"the older ginger asked as they stood side by side, looking where the silver was hanging from the ceiling.

"it looks out of place." Ginny answered.

Ron and Harry were cutting up vegetables in the kitchen while Fred and George were taunting them about using magic.

"okay. i'll go grab another sticky thing." (y/n) said, making her way to the kitchen.

"hey!" she ducked when Ron threw a knife at the twins.

"Ronald! if i ever see you throw a knife

again-" Molly began shouting.

(y/n) grabbed a piece of what she needed and quickly headed back to where Ginny was. "mum is going ballistic again." she muttered causing Ginny to giggle.

"i don't want Phlegm to stay with us." Ginny said.

"Fleur, Ginny. her name is Fleur. she's not that bad, honestly. you just gotta ignore her and stop being so damn rude to her. you and mum can take a note of kindness." (y/n) rolled her eyes.

"not you talking about kindness. don't act like the entire Hogwarts castle doesn't know about you trying to fight Pansy." Ginny smirked.

"shut up, you." (y/n) laughed.

the sisters quickly finished up the house while gossiping. it was finally time for dinner when (y/n) sat with Fred and George.

"we miss you at the shop, little sister!" Fred said. "yeah, the customers miss you too. these two lunatics constantly ask where you are." George rolled his eyes.

(y/n) smirked. "is business booming still, or do you need some eye candy back?" she teased.

the three began conversing deeply into more product ideas. Fleur was feeding turkey to Bill, Molly and Ginny were glowering at her.

after supper George and Bill did the dishes. "alright, get cleaned up for bed. all of you. shoo." Molly said.


(y/n) snuck around to where Remus was sitting. "uh, Lupin?" she asked quietly. he jumped a bit.

"(y/n), hi. how are you?" he asked her.

"i'm okay. uh, do you know why Tonks isn't here?" she asked.

"no idea. sorry." Lupin frowned.

"it's okay. thank you, Merry Christmas." she smiled softly at him, turning to go up to her bedroom.

she laid down in bed, staring out at the stars as Ginny was nowhere to be found. she assumed she was taking a shower.

minutes later, the window began changing color from clear to orange. sitting up, the room began feeling hot.

she slipped on her slippers, grabbing her robe to see Ron was running down the stairs too. "everyone out! come on!" Fred was yelling.

"what's going on?" she asked, her chest pounding as anxiety filled her.

"someone set the bloody house on fire!" Fred said, grabbing onto the last two in the house and threw them outside.

George caught (y/n) as she looked around for Ginny and Harry. "where are the others?" she questioned.

"dunno. they took off. idiots." George said.

Death Eaters continued destroying the house bit by bit, finally flying off.

(y/n) looked up at her house, her lip quivering as it all was in flames.

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