《My Secret Boyfriend》68


(y/n) laid with her head in Draco's lap as he played with her bright hair. the uneven strands fell apart in his fingers as he looked out towards the lake. it was the last day of school before Christmas break. (y/n) had decided to head home for the holidays, accepting punishment.

the couple had found peace in the grass patch near the Great Lake. since they first danced and (y/n) obliviated someone, it had become their spot.

"love?" Draco's smooth voice asked. she hummed in response.

"i have to tell you something." he said.

"okay." she kept her eyes closed, embracing the sun onto her skin. she felt safe.

"i uh, i know who told your mum and dad about us." Draco said quietly.

(y/n) sat up immediately.

"who?" she asked, her voice rushed.


Draco let his eyes roam over her face, looking for a reaction. it took a few seconds before

(y/n) jumped up, stomping back towards the castle.

"(y/n)!" he called after her.

"where is Pansy Parkinson?" (y/n) asked a fourth year. they shrugged in response.

"thanks for being useless." she spat, storming inside the doors.

"shit oh shit." Draco mumbled under his breath, running after her as she took off.

"Pansy!" she began shouting.

(y/n) narrowed her eyes when she saw the brunette looking at her nails. Pansy stood in the courtyard with a group of her friends.

"Parkinson! you filthy rat!" (y/n) yelled, causing everyone's heads to turn.

she noticed a little glimmer of fear in Pansy's eyes as the ginger came storming up to her.

without giving it a second thought, she took her hand and slapped Pansy hardly across the cheek.

everyone let out gasps as Pansy's eyes filled with tears. "you little bitch!" she squealed.


"i'm the bitch? you sold me out, you disgusting pug face! stop being a jealous pig and get a life!" (y/n) shouted. she was about to lunge towards Pansy again when she felt hands grab her.

"let me go!" she trashed around, realizing it was Draco. he began dragging her backwards, into a lavatory to calm her down.

"i wanna fucking kill her! Draco let me go!" she said, staring directly into his eyes as he looked at her in amusement.

"calm down, spitfire." he couldn't help but smirk.

"i'm so pissed right now." she told him, pacing around the room.

"you won't have to see her for two weeks, love."

"yes! but it's her fault it's going to be awkward!" she reasoned.

"violence isn't the answer."

"oh that's rich coming from you." she glared at him.

"just breathe with me, okay?" he said, ignoring her comment and taking her into his arms.

(y/n) followed Draco's breathing pattern, noticing the fire burning inside her start to fade away.

"okay, i'm calm now." she said.

"are you sure?" he asked.

"yes." she said, kissing his nose.

he softly undid the latch on the door, exiting out first.

"Pansy!" she yelled, taking off.

"oh bloody hell." said Draco.

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