《My Secret Boyfriend》67


Draco sat across from Pansy and Blaise in the common room. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting on either side of him, smooshing against him.

"she did what?" Blaise asked in disbelief.

"she fucking obliviated someone- for me!" Draco answered. pride was filling him as he thought about how his girl protected him.

"looks like Weasley finally got some of that Gryffindor courage." Pansy sarcastically replied.

Draco narrowed his eyes at her.

"she's always had courage, Pansy." he defended.

"she didn't when her parents found out about you two." said Pansy.

Draco thought for a moment. "Parkinson, did you have anything to do with her mum and dad finding out?"

the boys looked at Pansy as her face went pale.

"so what if i did? she deserved it!" Pansy exclaimed.

"what the bloody hell did you do?" Draco asked angrily. he felt like his heart was on fire.

"i was in the Prefects bathroom, and Moaning Myrtle had showed up. such a shame, that poor, sad, ugly ghost can't keep a secret. told me all about you two snogging in the lavatory. said she was jealous. so i wrote the filthy blood traitors a note to let them know their precious daughter is a dirty liar." Pansy smirked.

"that's fucked up." Blaise spoke.

"you disgusting pig. your life is so sad you have to try to ruin her's." Draco stormed off.


"white isn't really my color, is it?" (y/n) asked, looking at herself in the mirror. a giant white jacket and black pants.

Neville had asked her to come help him serve drinks and appetizers at Slughorn's Christmas party.

"i think you look beautiful. uh- sorry." Neville blushed.

(y/n) grinned at the taller boy. "thank you, Nev."


they were deep into a conversation as they walked to Slughorn's office; where the party was being held.

"i'm nervous. what if i drop the tray?" Neville panicked.

"you're going to be fine, Neville. just stay by me, okay?" she reassured him. he let out a shaky breath but nodded.

"ah, welcome! thank you for assisting, thirty points to Gryffindor." Slughorn greeted. he instructed the teens on what to do then set them off.

(y/n) walked around with snacks on her metal tray. she gave Neville a smile to show him it's okay, watching as he carefully walked with his drinks.

"(y/n)?" Harry asked.

"oh, hi, Harry!" she grinned.

"what are you doing here?" he asked.

"clearly here to show off my beauty. joking, i'm helping Neville with catering." she told him, watching as Harry laughed.

"very nice. well, have fun." Harry smiled at her, taking Luna to the other side of the room.

"Luna looks pretty, doesn't she?" (y/n) told Neville as he joined her.

"yeah." Neville watched the blonde in awe as she stared up at the ceiling.

(y/n) looked at Neville knowingly.


thirty minutes into the party shuffling was heard. Filch had Draco by the shirt, dragging him inside. (y/n) pushed her way to the front, watching the scene.

"take your hands off of me, you filthy squib!" Draco scolded.

(y/n) now noticed how ill he looked. dark eye bags, his pale skin looked a bit more grey.

"Professor Slughorn, sir! i've just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. he claims to be invited to your party." Filch informed.

"okay, okay. i was gate crashing, happy?" Draco rolled his eyes, looking around the room.

(y/n) and Draco locked eyes. he noticed how concerned she looked.


"i'll escort him out." Snape said.

Draco narrowed his eyes at Snape.

"certainly.. professor." he shrugged free of Filch, walking out with Snape.

(y/n) watched as Harry began following after them. she quickly gave her tray to someone standing next to her and ran after Harry.

she caught him throwing on his Invisibility cloak. "i'm going too." she told him firmly, getting under with him.

they walked over to where Snape and Draco were.

"maybe i did hex that Bell girl, maybe i didn't. what's it to you?" Draco spat.

"i swore to protect you. i gave the Unbreakable Vow-"

"i don't need protection. i was chosen for this, out of all the others, me! i won't fail him." Draco said.

(y/n) felt her heart sinking at his words. a week ago she was holding him in the loo, listening as he cried about the pressure. now, he stood; challenging Snape.

"you're afraid, Draco. you attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. let me assist you-" Snape told him.

"no! i was chosen. this is my moment!" Draco left, and Snape followed behind.

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