《My Secret Boyfriend》66


"no, Draco. i never had a crush on Cedric."

(y/n) explained as they sat on a grass hill overlooking the lake.

"are you sure? maybe he fancied you. he always-" Draco angrily began.

"shut your trap. i mean he was attractive." she smirked watching as he rolled his eyes.

"but no. he was just a friend; who so happened to be attractive." she stuck her tongue out teasingly.

"say he's attractive one more time." Draco threatened.

"attract- ah!" she yelped.

Draco grabbed (y/n) and flipped over so he was straddling his partner. his fingers moved quickly as he began tickling her, smirking as giggles came flying out of her mouth.

"s-s-stop!" she laughed, squirming underneath him.

"say you love me." he paused his tickle torture momentarily for her to answer.

"never." she grinned wickedly.

"you're gonna regret that." he laughed, continuing to tickle her.

"Draco!" she breathed out.

"hm?" he hummed.

"i-i l-love you." she giggled.

he stopped tickling her, leaning down to press a kiss to her soft lips.

"i love you." he replied, rolling off her as they began to cloud gaze.

minutes went by as they pointed out different shapes, creatures, etc. his cold hand was on top of hers as they laid closely together.

suddenly, (y/n) stood up.

"dance with me?" she asked, taking out her hand.

"you know i don't-"

"shut up. it doesn't have to be formal dancing, it can be like- like this!" she began moving her body in a silly motion causing butterflies to form in his stomach.

"like that? you look like a dying fish." he teased, standing up and wiping the grass off his trousers.

"you can't do any better, Malfoy. everything is all serious and proper at your home, you most likely don't know how to have fun." she smiled at him, showing him she was just teasing.


"Malfoy Manor and fun don't mix. but don't get me wrong, i did party with the house elves after a good supper." he winked, taking her hands as they began dancing together.

"i would pay a lot to see you busting a move with house elves." she laughed.

Draco twirled (y/n) around, watching as her hair flowed in the wind. "my princess." he smiled, bringing her against him. swaying gently together; she whispered back, "my prince."

"i'm so lucky to have you in my life." he told her.

"i'm so lucky to have you in my life." she repeated him, staring lovingly into his eyes.

they were so lost in their own world they didn't hear footsteps coming from behind them. a gasp escaped someones mouth, causing the couple to quickly look at who it came from.

a third year Ravenclaw was standing there, mouth wide open as their eyes were painted with fear.

"what?" (y/n) asked, looking down. Draco's Dark Mark tattoo was showing.

"fuck." Draco swore, panic filling him. he quickly pulled his sleeve back down.

before (y/n) even realized what she was doing, she grabbed her wand and said, "Obliviate!"

"did you just-" Draco's jaw was dropped as

(y/n) grabbed him and began running back to the castle.

the third year looked around in confusion.

"i cannot believe i just obliviated a third year." she panicked when they were in an empty corridor.

"well i guess the good part is that they won't remember who did it." he tried joking, but noticed how she was freaking out.

he grabbed her face, making her look at him. her pupils were dilated as she began breathing erratically through her nose.

"hey, shhhh. it's okay. i promise you it's okay." he hugged her tightly, noticing how she squeezed him.

"i can't believe i fucking did that." she said, her arms wrapped around his hips.

"to be honest, it was hot." he grinned, feeling better when she cracked a smile.

"stupid third years, am i right?" she joked back, feeling her heart beat slow down.

he pressed a small kiss to her nose.

"i love you."

"i love you too, Draco."

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